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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 70,019 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Aeromagnetics of Southern Alberta within Areas of Hydrocarbon Accumulation

G.E. Leblanc,, W.A Morris

CSPG Bulletin

.... Cultural editing of HRAM data - comparison of techniques: Journal of Exploration Geophysics (in press). Hilton, J., Lishman, J. P. and Chapman, J. S. 1986...


Hybrid Velocity Model Building: 3D Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) Orthorhombic Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) Depth Imaging of a Complex Geological Structure, Western Berau - Papua, Indonesia

Purbo Santoso, Yayat Supriatna, Tepy Septyana, Leo Tjahjadi, Yonghe Guo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... developments of FWI technology in exploration geophysics have crystallized around the building of Vp (compressional-wave velocity) model from low...


Understanding the Tectonic Framework of Unconventional Reservoirs in the Paraná Basin Using the Magnetotelluric Method

P. P. de Lugao, S. B. A. Rolim, B. F. Kriegshäuser

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Method, in Nabighian, E., ed., Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics: Society of Exploration Geophysics, 641–711. Zalán, P. V., S. Wolff...


Abstract: A Framework of Sparse Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Its Applications; #90187 (2014)

X. Sun, S. Z. Sun, X. Zhou, J. Tian , J. Han, H. Yang, and C. Sun

Search and

... of Geology and Geophysics, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) [email protected] S. Z. Sun*, Lab for Integration of Geology and Geophysics, China...


Clastic Facies Reservoir Characterization in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework through Production Decline Curve Analysis: Example„Frio Formation, South Texas; #41482 (2014)

John D. Pigott, Bryant W. Bradley

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... and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma; 2 Chevron North America Exploration & Production, Chevron, 1500 Louisiana St., Houston, Texas 64th...


Geothermal regime and hydrocarbon kitchen evolution of the offshore Bohai Bay Basin, North China

Yinhui Zuo, Nansheng Qiu, Yuan Zhang, Cuicui Li, Jianping Li, Yonghua Guo, Xiongqi Pang

AAPG Bulletin

... thermal subsidence since the Neogene. Thermal and tectonic subsidence histories of this area are of great significance to petroleum exploration...


Structural and stratigraphic control on the migration of a contaminant plume at the P Reactor area, Savannah River site, South Carolina

Antonio E. Cameron Gonzalez, Camelia C. Knapp, Michael G. Waddell, Adrian D. Addison, John M. Shafer

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

...., Near-surface geophysics: Part 1: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p. 439471.Palmer, C. M., 1992, Principles of contaminant...


Petroleum Developments in Africa in 1952

Hollis D. Hedberg

AAPG Bulletin

... with active exploration going on in Algeria, Angola, Cameroun, Ethiopia, French Equatorial Africa French West Africa, Kenya, Madagascar, French Morocco...


Deep compressed learning for 3D seismic inversion

Maayan Gelboim, Amir Adler, Yen Sun, Mauricio Araya-Polo

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... purposes, such as: seismology studies, geohazard estimation, hydrocarbon exploration and CO2 sequestration. When used for CO2 sequestration...


Late Cainozoic Origin for the Bintuni Basin and Adjacent Lengguru Fold Belt, Irian Jaya

C. J. Pigram, G. P. Robinson, Sahat Lumban Tobing

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and QURESHI, M.K., 1977 – Reef exploration in the Bintuni Basin and Bomberai Trough – Irian Jaya. Indonesian Petroleum Association Proc. p 43-66. DOUTCH...


Geology and Petroleum Prospects of Offshore New Ireland Basin in Northern Papua New Guinea

N.F. Exon, D.L. Tiffin

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... thickness, but complex normal faulting and low-quality seismic data mean that it is comparatively poorly known. There are no petroleum exploration wells...


Unsupervised seismic facies classification applied to a presalt carbonate reservoir, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil

Danilo Jotta Ariza Ferreira, Wagner Moreira Lupinacci, Igor de Andrade Neves, João Paulo Rodrigues Zambrini, André Luiz Ferrari, Luiz Antonio Pierantoni Gamboa, and Maria Olho Azul

AAPG Bulletin

...) from available well logs. Seismic patterns associated with the lithologies helped identify new exploration targets. Barnes, A. E., and K. J. Laughlin...


Basement Structure Offshore Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: New Insights from Aeromagnetic and 3D Seismic Interpretation; #42580 (2023)

Eze Okoro, Jibrin Babangida, Mosto Onuoha

Search and

... in exploration. Geophysics 70, pp. 33-61 (2005). Okoro E. M., Onuoha K. M. and Oha A. I., Aeromagnetic Interpretation of Basement Structure...


Mapping Thin Sand Reservoirs in Eastern India

U. K. Guru, M. Krishnamurty, V. C. Ramalah, E. W. Wiltse, Robin Westerman

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... data. de Montmollin, V. (1988) “Shaker tests on downhole seismic tools” Geophysics, v. 53 no. 9 pp 1160–1168. Esmersoy, (1990) “Inversion of P...


Marine Seismic Sources: Part IV

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

GEO ExPro Magazine

... exploration. Broad-band noise, up to 15 kHz or more, although small in amplitude, is detectable at relatively close range. Sperm whale clicks...


Spectral Induced Polarization: A New Way for Hydrocarbon Prospect Prediction

Feisal Dirgantara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., and increased exploration depth rather than the conventional method. However, equipment is heavy and field operations are relatively slow, particularly...


Lyons Sandstone Oil PRoduction on the Northern Denver Basin, Colorado

Lee Nering

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...” Sandstone. After nine years of exploration (Northwood, 1962), the California Oil Company discovered commercial Lyons oil at Black Hollow field, T. 7-8 N...


Big Questions and Challenges in Geoscience

Rasoul Sorkhabi

GEO ExPro Magazine

... of the petroleum industry. Historically, the petroleum industry has funded numerous research studies and hired a large number of geology, geophysics...


Impact of sequence stratigraphy on static and dynamic reservoir models: examples from the Precipice-Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland

Andrew D. La Croix, Vahab Honari, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jim Underschultz, Andrew Garnett

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...; Ziolkowski et al., 2014; Wainman et al., The Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) Sydney, NSW, Australia; February 18-21, 2018...


Recent advances on the inversion of deep directional borehole resistivity measurements

Vladimir Puzyrev, David Pardo, Víctor Calo, Carlos Torres-Verdín

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... locations along the well trajectory. AEGC 2019: From Data to Discovery – Perth, Australia Copyright © 2022 Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia...


Porosity Prediction Using Multiattribute Transforms and Probabilistic Neural Networks Analysis from Limestone Formation in BSJ Gas Field, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Ikawati Basri, Sabrianto Aswad, Suryana, Ikhsan Novryan Priatama

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...: Society of Exploration Geophysics. p. 220–235 Hamilton, W, 1979, Tectonics of the Indonesian region, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1078, p...


Application of Traveltime Tomography and Kirchhoff Migration Methods to Improve the Seismic Cross-Section Resolution on 2D Land Seismic Data

Harmita Lestari, Nur Ayu Anas, Muh. Resky Ariansyah, Sabrianto Aswad, Heri Winarto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Data Processing, Investigation in Geophysics vol.1, Tusla, Oklahoma, Society of Exploration Geophysics Post-process Shearer, M. (2009...


Developments in Upper Gulf Coast of Texas in 1947

Paul H. Clark

AAPG Bulletin

... for sealed bids on certain submerged land in the Gulf of Mexico led developments for the year and opened a vast new area for exploration and drilling...


Seismic Modeling of Reservoir Heterogeneity Scales: An Application on Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

Search and

... Geophysics edited by Robert E. Sheriff, p234-250, Soceity of Exploration Geophysicists. Goff, J.A., and Jordan, T.H., 1988, Stochastic modeling...


A Study of Volcanic Rocks Identification by Seismic Methods in Subei Basin, Jiangsu Province, China, #10352 (2011)

Guoping Zuo, Guozhang Fan

Search and

...) Abstract In recent years, volcanic rocks exploration has enjoyed growing popularity globally and scores remarkable achievements. The reserves...


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