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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,611 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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3D Seismic Data Conditioning to Enhance Fault Interpretation

Mohammad Nashruddin Solihulhadi, William Amelio Tolioe

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...3D Seismic Data Conditioning to Enhance Fault Interpretation Mohammad Nashruddin Solihulhadi, William Amelio Tolioe © IPA, 2011 - 31st Annual...


Structure of the Muddy Mountains, Nevada

Chester R. Longwell

Utah Geological Association

... there is a sharp division into northern and southern sections, with the east-west Arrowhead fault as the dividing line (Fig. 1). In the northern section only...


Upper Jurassic Norphlet Hydrocarbon Potential Along the Regional Peripheral Fault Trend in Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florinda Panhandle

Ernest A. Mancini , Robert M. Mink , Bennett L. Bearden

GCAGS Transactions

...Upper Jurassic Norphlet Hydrocarbon Potential Along the Regional Peripheral Fault Trend in Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florinda Panhandle Ernest...


Road Log No. S22 - Kremmling to Dillon, via the Blue Rover Road, Colorado 9

John R. Donnell - Editor

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... At 1:00 (7:00), Elk Mountain, capped by Precambrian granite lying above the Williams Range thrust fault; Pierre shale below. At 11:OO ( 5 : 0 0 ) , Red...


Fracture-Controlled Production in Gilbertown Field, Alabama

Jules Braunstein

AAPG Bulletin

..., southwestern Alabama. The major production is from Eutaw (Austin age) sands in traps along the upthrown side of an east-west fault system...


2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: Shale Tectonics, Texas Coastal Area Growth Faults

C. H. Bruce

AAPG Special Volumes

... is not dominant, extensive growth fault systems are developed that extend for several miles subparallel with the coast. The relation of these growth...


ABSTRACT: The Origin and Nature of the Uncompahgre Fault; #90012 (2003)

A. Curtis Huffman Jr, David J. Taylor

Search and

...ABSTRACT: The Origin and Nature of the Uncompahgre Fault; #90012 (2003) A. Curtis Huffman Jr, David J. Taylor AAPG Search and Discovery Article...


Abstract: Using Enhanced HRAM Anomalies to Correlate Faults between 2-D Seismic Lines; #90213 (2015)

Serguei A. Goussev, Lisa A. Griffith, John W. Peirce, and Andreas Cordsen

Search and

... in south-eastern Saskatchewan as part of the IAE Weyburn CO2 Storage and Monitoring Project. Seismic fault picks, interpreted on 2-D seismic sections...


Fault/Fracture Permeability Estimated from Response of a Natural Marine Methane Seep to Underlying Hydrocarbon Production; #40505 (2010)

James R. Boles, Steve Horner, and Grant Garven

Search and

...Fault/Fracture Permeability Estimated from Response of a Natural Marine Methane Seep to Underlying Hydrocarbon Production; #40505 (2010) James R...


A Subsurface 3D Model of Basin Geometry and Fault Architecture at the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect Based On Potential Field Geophysical Data; #120145 (2014)

Paul C. Schwering, Robert E. Karlin, Patricia H. Cashman, Ashton N. McGill, and Wendy M. Calvin

Search and

...A Subsurface 3D Model of Basin Geometry and Fault Architecture at the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect Based On Potential Field Geophysical Data...


Velocity Modeling with Complex Tectonics; Example from the San Joaquin Forearc Basin, California; #41950 (2016)

Lisa Alpert, Josué Rosas

Search and

... side of the San Joaquin basin is a tectonically complex environment with steep dips, unconformities, variable fault geometries, complex basement...


Extensional Structures of the Jabiru Terrace, Vulcan Sub-Basin

E. P. Woods

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... a crossing-fault geometry with a graben overlying a horst, and are similar to seismically-defined "hourglass" structures from the Jabiru Terrace. The symmetry...


The influence of mechanically weak layers in controlling fault kinematics and graben configurations: Examples from analog experiments and the Norwegian continental margin

Roy H. Gabrielsen, Heleen Zalmstra, Dimitrios Sokoutis, Ernst Willingshofer, Jan Inge Faleide, and Hanna Lima Braut

AAPG Bulletin

...The influence of mechanically weak layers in controlling fault kinematics and graben configurations: Examples from analog experiments...


The San Andreas Fault Zone from the Temblor Mountains to Antelope Valley, Southern California

John C. Crowell

Pacific Section SEPM

...The San Andreas Fault Zone from the Temblor Mountains to Antelope Valley, Southern California John C. Crowell --1 VALLEY ---~ LOCATION Bekersfitld...


Salt Dome Growth, Thrust Fault Growth, and Syndeformational Stratigraphy, La Popa Basin, Northern Mexico.

Robert C. Laudon

GCAGS Transactions

...Salt Dome Growth, Thrust Fault Growth, and Syndeformational Stratigraphy, La Popa Basin, Northern Mexico. Robert C. Laudon 1996 Vol. 46 (1996...


Tuscarora Fault, an Acadian(?) Bedding-Plane Fault in Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Kenneth L. Pierce , Richard L. Armstrong

AAPG Bulletin

...Tuscarora Fault, an Acadian(?) Bedding-Plane Fault in Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Kenneth L. Pierce , Richard L...


Tectonics of the Valle Grande of California

Bruce L. Clark

AAPG Bulletin

... is only a part, is a complex fault trough with zones of faulting bounding its western and southern sides. The writer (1) briefly reviews the structural...


Mesozoic and Tertiary Tectonics of Irian Jaya: Evidence for Non-Rotation of Kepala Burung

Lyle F. Henage

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... propagation of the extension faulting effectively terminated against a postulated northwest striking transform fault. The failed portion of the NW...


Structure and Chronology of the Washita Valley Fault, Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen

Randel Tom Cox, Roy B. VanArsdale

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...Structure and Chronology of the Washita Valley Fault, Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen Randel Tom Cox, Roy B. VanArsdale 1989 222 233 The Southern...


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