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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Geologic and Engineering Field Study of the Northeast Hitchcock Field, Galveston County, Texas
David L. Egleston Jr. , Anne Verzeletti , Saad Al-Haddad
GCAGS Transactions
... in the field is a series of growth-fault bounded rollover-anticlines. In the field, the Frio consists of three units. The lowest is a wave-dominated...
Note on Vertical Fluid Flow in Sediments: NOTE
P.E. Gretener
CSPG Bulletin
..., S., Austin, J. and Woodhams, R. 1994. Gulf of Mexico growth fault drilled seen as oil, gas migration pathway. Oil & Gas Journal, June 6, v. 92, p. 97-104...
ABSTRACT: Computer Synthesis of Balanced Structural Cross Sections by Forward Modeling, by Peter B. Jones and Helmut Linsser; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
The Sam Fordyce Field, Hidalgo and Starr Counties: ABSTRACT
Eugene L. Earl
AAPG Bulletin
... strike. Closure against a major fault on the updip side of the structure accounts for the oil and gas accumulation. The fault has a maximum throw...
Some Features of the Accumulation of the Frasnian Salt Unit of the North Part of the Pripyat Depression
Yu. N. Vorob’yev, T. V. Koldashenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... are separated by the present position of the Rechitsa fault. The more complete section is to the south, and the stratigraphically restricted section...
Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Trends in Three Regional Devonian Dolomite Conduit Systems, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Presqu’ile Barrier, Rimbey-Meadowbrook Reef Trend, and Southeast Peace River Arch Fault Conduits
Eric Mountjoy, Hairuo Qing, Eva Drivet, Xiomara Marquez, Steve Whittaker, Anthony Williams-Jones
CSPG Special Publications
...-Meadowbrook Reef Trend, and Southeast Peace River Arch Fault Conduits Eric Mountjoy, Hairuo Qing, Eva Drivet, Xiomara Marquez, Steve Whittaker...
Abstract: Fold mechanisms in the shallow crust: an example from the Siluro-Devonian Arisaig Group, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
Jamie Braid
Atlantic Geology
... are indicative of classical complementary fold-fault regimes with evidence of coeval compressional and extensional tectonic features. Outcrop-scale fold...
ABSTRACT: Late Miocene and Pliocene Synorogenic Sedimentation in Northern Livermore Basin, California, by Kathleen A. Isaacson and David W. Andersen; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
The Sam Fordyce Field, Hidalgo and Starr Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Eugene L. Earl, Frederick W. Mueller
AAPG Bulletin
... whose major axis trends northwest-southeast along regional strike. Closure against a major fault on the updip side of the structure accounts for the oil...
ABSTRACT: Structural Transect Across Ventua Basin and Western Transverse Ranges, by Jay S. Namson; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Paleozoic Wrench Faults in Canadian Appalachians: Chapter 55: Late Orogenic Stratigraphy and Structure: Discussion
Richard L. Brown , Herwart Helmstaedt
AAPG Special Volumes
... results which are incompatible with the hypothesis of major strike-slip movements in that region. The Belleisle fault extends southwestward...
Paleozoic Wrench Faults in Canadian Appalachians: Chapter 55: Late Orogenic Stratigraphy and Structure: Reply to Brown and Helmstaedt
Gregory W. Webb
AAPG Special Volumes
... to the Highland Boundary fault: Geol. Mag., v. 101, no. 3, p. 228-248. Webb, G. W., 1963, Occurrence and exploration significance of strike-slip faults...
ABSTRACT: Blackburn Field, Eureka County, Nevada: A Case History, by Cheryl Scott and Alan K. Chamberlain; #91040 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The role of Anaximander Seamounts in an active transform fault zone in the eastern Mediterranean: processing and interpretation of EMED2010 seismic reflection profiles 6-10
Mark E. R. Colbourne
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The role of Anaximander Seamounts in an active transform fault zone in the eastern Mediterranean: processing and interpretation of EMED2010...
Abstract: Pontchartrain: Frangenic Lake
Robert W. Sabate, Kathleen S. Waltenmuth
GCAGS Transactions
... northern shoreline coincides with a well-documented fault system that extends at least from Baton Rouge to the Lake's eastern boundary. This system, known...
Chapter 8: Insight on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Subsurface Interpretation
Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart
AAPG Special Volumes
... stratigraphy can provide crucial constraints on viable structural styles, for example, where faults are likely to cut across stratigraphy vs. where fault...
ABSTRACT: Structural Styles and Stratigraphy of Terra Nova Oil Field, Grand Banks, by J. D. Dwyer and H. J. Welsink; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Hydrocarbon Flux Variations in Natural and Anthropogenic Seeps
Victor T. Jones III and Stephen G. Burtell
AAPG Special Volumes
..., California, as part of an earthquake prediction program. The hot spring is on a splay of the San Andreas fault and releases 40 mL/min of free gases...
AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 15: Deformation Mechanisms in Porous Sandstones: Implications for Development of Fault Seal and Migration Paths in the Reconcavo Basin, Brazil
Luciano P. Magnavita
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 15: Deformation Mechanisms in Porous Sandstones: Implications for Development of Fault Seal and Migration Paths...
ABSTRACT: Construction of Cross Sections and Maps from Dipmeter Data, by Arnaud Etchecopar; #91032 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Geology of Tecolote Tunnel: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Trefzger
AAPG Bulletin
... by the Santa Ynez fault; (2) a much broken, moderately sheared and deformed, homoclinal sequence which is bounded on the south by the Santa Ynez fault...
Thrust Faults of Ventura Basin: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Herron
AAPG Bulletin
.... In several places a north-dipping fault overrides a south-dipping fault, indicating that there were probably two periods of faulting. The displacement...
ABSTRACT: Carpinteria Offshore Oil Field: Structure and Stratigraphy Relationship to Production and Reservoir Quality, by Gary A. Younse; #91035 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Possibilities in Yuma Area, Arizona, by Daniel J. Brennan; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com