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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,889 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Eocene Strike-Slip Faulting and Basin Formation in Washington: ABSTRACT
Samuel Y. Johnson, Gregory T. Fraser, James W. Roberts, Stephen B. Taylor
AAPG Bulletin
... 1984 493 493 68 4. (April) Eocene right-lateral displacements occurred on several fault zones in western and central Washington, including the Straight...
Nature of Fort Chadbourne Fault System and its Relation to Petroleum Potential of Wilberns Formation (Upper Cambrian) of West-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Poorman
AAPG Bulletin
...Nature of Fort Chadbourne Fault System and its Relation to Petroleum Potential of Wilberns Formation (Upper Cambrian) of West-Central Texas: ABSTRACT...
Depositional Models, Intrabasin Tectonics, and Sea Level Changes in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
...) Recurrent movement on Precambrian-age basement-fault systems has influenced the origin, thickness, and distribution of Phanerozoic strata...
Abstract: Fault Mapping and Reservoir Characterization from Amplitude and Dip/Azimuth Extraction in Ship Shoal 274/293 Field, by C. Kulander; #90932 (1998).
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Comparison of Foreland Basin Sequences: Trenton Group in Southern Quebec and Central New York: ABSTRACT
Charlotte Mehrtens, Ronald Parker
AAPG Bulletin
... on the shelf, abrupt facies changes between fault blocks, and associated slump-fold zones. Syndepositional block faults have been described recently from...
Intimate Relationships: Growth Faulting and Diapirism in South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Thomas G. Fails
AAPG Bulletin
... semipiercement salt domes plus 117 nonpiercement domes formed by salt and/or shale diapirs reveals important growth fault variations genetically related...
Structural Characteristics and Evolution of Vicksburg Formation: Javelina and East McCook Fields, Hidalgo County, Texas: ABSTRACT
John O. Hastings, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... beds. Fault drag is commonly observed in dip logs. Antithetic faulting is conspicuously absent. Structural evolution of the Vicksburg was controlled...
Reconstruction of Deformed North Pyrenean Basin: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey A. Johnson
AAPG Bulletin
... France was initiated in middle Cretaceous time along the North Pyrenean fault zone. An understanding of the middle Cretaceous is critical because...
Late Tectonic History of Beaufort Sea-North Pacific Area: ABSTRACT
J. Ross H. McWhae
AAPG Bulletin
...Late Tectonic History of Beaufort Sea-North Pacific Area: ABSTRACT J. Ross H. McWhae 1985 287 287 69 2. (February) The Kaltag fault (and its northern...
Processes of Sedimentation Associated with Fault-Controlled Trough Across a Shelf: ABSTRACT
M. N. Rees
AAPG Bulletin
...Processes of Sedimentation Associated with Fault-Controlled Trough Across a Shelf: ABSTRACT M. N. Rees 1985 300 300 69 2. (February) Western North...
Structural Development and Oil Occurrence on Northeast Flank of Uinta Mountains near Irish Canyon, Northwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Henry W. Roehler
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Sparks Ranch thrust fault, and of lesser dipping older Mesozoic and Paleozoic formations in distant parts of the thrust plate. In most places...
Geologic Interpretation of a Seismic Profile Across Oregon Basin Thrust, West Flank of Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... as that measured on the Casper Arch thrust and about half of that on the Wind River thrust. Actual fault plane dip cannot be accurately determined...
Tectonics and Sedimentation of Middle Proterozoic Belt Basin, and Their Influence on Cretaceous Compression and Tertiary Extension in Western Montana and Northern Idaho: ABSTRACT
Don Winston
AAPG Bulletin
... margin, and coarse conglomerate accumulated along its fault-bounded southern side. The Ravalli Group records extensive alluvial apron/mudflat...
Mapping of Fracture Zones by Helium Emanometry and Possible Relationship of Helium Anomalies to Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Western Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT
Alan A. Roberts, John B. Roen
AAPG Bulletin
... in soil-gas samples was conducted across a previously mapped fault zone and a drilling-defined hydrocarbon reservoir in Greene and Fayette Counties...
Theoretical Aspects of Cap-Rock and Fault Seals for Single- and Two-Phase Hydrocarbon Columns: ABSTRACT
N. L. Watts
AAPG Bulletin
...Theoretical Aspects of Cap-Rock and Fault Seals for Single- and Two-Phase Hydrocarbon Columns: ABSTRACT N. L. Watts 1985 2047 2048 69 11. (November...
Abstract: Kinematic Analysis and Structural geology of the Mosca Creek Area, West Side of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Alamosa County, Colorado, by R. J. Webster; #90925 (1999)
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Abstract: Tear Faults in Anticlinal Folds, Thermopolis Anticline, Wyoming, USA, by C. K. Zahm; #90925 (1999)
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Abstract: Analysis of Structure and Faulting Encountered by Exploration or Development Wells, by R. D. Nurmi; #90920 (1999).
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Abstract: Basement Influence of Ramp Geometry in an Arbuckle Detachment, Sherman Field, Grayson County, Texas, by Christopher P. Saxon and C. Treska; #90914(2000)
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Abstract: Ranger, Fault Block 6: FO-Sand Horizontal Drilling, Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil Field, by K. Lindsey and C. Valdes-Camin; #90911 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Modeling of Low-Angle Normal Fault Inversion: A Case Study in the Inner California Borderland, USA, by Carlos Rivero and John H. Shaw; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Crustal Fragmentation and Neogene Rotations in the East Ventura Basin and San Fernando Valley, Southern California, by S. Levi and R. S. Yeats; #90904 (2001)
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Abstract: Syntectonic Depositional Systems Within the Mt. Enterprise Fault Zone, by Gary C. Lee; #90039 (2005)
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