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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Structural characterization and rupture hazard assessment of faults in the Midland Basin, west Texas
Elizabeth Horne, Peter Hennings, Katie Smye, Amanda Calle, Dino Huang, Alexandros Savvaidis
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of earthquakes in the region and assess the evolving hazard, we present an evolving regional fault interpretation and fault slip hazard assessment...
Provident City Field
Chris W. Douglas
Houston Geological Society
... Hancock 16,950 ft. NATURE OF "TRAP" A) Top of Wilcox Anticlinal closure, simple closure B) 12,500 ft Sand Upthrown fault closure...
ABSTRACT: Bow Wave Model for Deformation and Foredeep Development since 10 MA, Eastern venezuela and Trinidad
James Pindell and Lorcan Kennan
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...-Caroni Fault. We have detected the Caroni portion of this fault in Northern Basin seismic; the fault continues E-W down the center, not the northern flank...
Mayaro Coast Field Trip Guide
Curtis Archie
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...) E- 0719074 N – 1124693 Normal fault with displacement down to the north Field Guides of the Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago STOP 4...
Holocene Rate of Slip and Tentative Recurrence Interval for Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault in Cajon Pass, Southern California
Ray J. Weldon II, Kerry E. Sieh
Pacific Section of AAPG
...Holocene Rate of Slip and Tentative Recurrence Interval for Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault in Cajon Pass, Southern California Ray J...
Aspects of Early Miocene Extension of the Central Mojave Desert
R. K. Dokka, A. F. Glazner
Pacific Section SEPM
... Desert block of southern California is a wedge-shaped structural province bounded on the north by the Garlock fault, on the southwest by the San...
Structural characteristic comparisons and deformation controlling factors of intra-craton strike-slip faults in the three major basins in central and western China
Yongtao Liu, Xukui Feng, Guizhong Wang, Shuanghe Dai, Yijun Zhou, Haishan Sun, Xu Li, Xiangwen Li, Xiaohui Zhao, Binhua Guo, Yu Zhao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., BGP,CNPC Summary In recent years, oil and gas exploration revealed that intracraton strike-slip fault systems are widely developed in Tarim, Ordos...
Contemporary Stresses in the Timor Sea: Implications for Fault-Trap Integrity
S. D. Mildren, R. R. Hillis, T. Fett, P. H. Robinson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Contemporary Stresses in the Timor Sea: Implications for Fault-Trap Integrity S. D. Mildren, R. R. Hillis, T. Fett, P. H. Robinson Contemporary...
Implications of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake for the Emergence of Marine Terraces Along the Santa Cruz Coast, and for Long Term Evolution of the Santa Cruz Mountains
Robert S. Anderson, Dan L. Orange, Susan Y. Schwartz
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Cruz bend in the San Andreas fault. We use the marine terraces of the Santa Cruz coast to infer a repeat time for the Loma Prieta earthquakes of 700...
Origin of the Faults in Creek and Osage Counties, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
E. L. Ickes
AAPG Bulletin
... area between both the fault belts and the short en echelon faults making up the belts. This suggests that he would be justified in placing other...
Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern Appalachians
Paul W. Durling, François J. Y. Marillier
Atlantic Geology
... inferred from the seismic data along the Belleisle Fault suggested that this fault played a major role in the formation o f the basin, but crustal...
Challenge and Opportunity of Developing Brown Field. Integration Approached of using Multiple Subsurface Data and Information. A Lesson Learned from Mahoni Field, South Asset Kalimantan Operation Chevron Indonesia Company
Mirzal Nur Ardhie, Canh Van Do, Purwanto, Sulistyo, Arfi Imran
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Under certain situation, Mahoni field is economically challenging. Mahoni field consists of multiple fault compartments and reservoirs. It is a complex...
Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St. Lawrence: Reply
P. Durling, F. Marillier
Atlantic Geology
... to the southeast by a fault that offsets pre-Carboniferous basement with the down side to the southeast. We feel that the arguments of S t Peter and Fyffe do...
Structural Analysis of the Onshore Bengkulu Forearc Basin and Its Implication for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration Activity
B. Yulihanto, B. Situmorang, A. Nurdjajadi, B. Sain
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... grabens. The N-S trending Neogene grabens were formed during the Oligo-Miocene and are related to dextral motions along the Sumatra Fault System (Ketaun...
Fluid evolution in strike-slip fault zones of lower Paleozoic tight carbonate reservoir in NW Tarim Basin, China
Yingtao Yao, Lianbo Zeng
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Fluid evolution in strike-slip fault zones of lower Paleozoic tight carbonate reservoir in NW Tarim Basin, China Yingtao Yao, Lianbo Zeng Fluid...
Pleasant Valley Oil Field, Uintah County, Utah
W. Don Quigley
Utah Geological Association
.... The large major fault to the north, Duchesne Fault, is traceable for more than fifteen miles. It runs in an east-west direction and more or less parallels...
Basin-scale fluid-flow models of the McArthur River mineral system: constraints from geochemistry, geophysics and sequence stratigraphy
Peter Schaubs, Heather Sheldon, Teagan Blaikie, Marcus Kunzmann, Susanne Schmid, Sam Spinks
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... origin for the mineralisation, implying low permeability at the top of the Emu Fault which is consistent with stratigraphic and sedimentological...
Abstract: What Experiments Are Teaching Us About Subduction Megathrust Slip
Melodie French
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... a wide range of temperatures and pressure, but is primarily observed near spatial transitions between seismogenic and creeping parts of the fault zone...
Basement-Involved Inversion at the Appalachian Structural Front, Western Newfoundland: An Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data with Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity
Glen S. Stockmal, Art Slingsby, John W. F. Waldron
CSPG Bulletin
... a normal fault. This model hinged on an interpretation of a seismic reflection survey acquired in 1996 in Port au Port Bay. This survey is now...
Abstract: Two-Dimensional Stratigraphic Simulation of the Malay Basin (Poster 11)
Wan Edani Wan Rashid, Mazlan Madon, Ku Rafidah Ku Shafie
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... investigated two cases: one in which there was simple subsidence without faulting, and another with a major fault on the eastern margin (representing...
Abstract: Kajian geologi struktur kawasan Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang (Paper A21) (IN MALAY), Review of the geological structure of the Bukit Tinggi area, Bentong, Pahang
Zainal Abidin Jamaluddin, Mazlan Mohamad Zain, Wan Saifulbahri Mohd, Mohd Badzran Mat Taib, H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... microgranodiorite and volcanic rocks of andesitic to rhyolite composition. Major faults trends in this area include northwest-southeast Bt. Tinggi Fault...
Extended Abstract: Using Cuttings Volatiles to Assess Reservoirs’ Viability for Long Term CO2 Sequestration
Michael P. Smith, Christopher M. Smith, Timothy M. Smith, Patrick S. Gordon
GCAGS Transactions
... in the two thirds of the lateral towards the toe had been lost along a major fault. The CO2 contents in the oil pay zone are normal, but in the oil...
Structure of the Basement Surface of the Oil-Gas Regions of Uzbekistan
N. Ya. Kunin, T. L. Babadzhanov, V. A. Rzayeva, B. V. Rubo, E. R. Sheykh-Zade
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...- Chardzhou step, 10-Uchbash-Karshin flexure-fault zone, 11-Bukhara step. Structures of the Fergana depression: 12-North border, 13-Central graben, 14-South...
Geologic Reconnaisance of Upper Yapacani River, Bolivia
Emile Rod
AAPG Bulletin
... displacements along the postulated Ichilo fault zone. A well developed, left-lateral strike-slip fault, named the Colorado fault, cutting across the Yapacani...
Figures: I. Basics
Greg Zolnai
AAPG Special Volumes
...-anticlockwise, /G.Z./, I-3 Rotation - tilting, /G.Z./, I-4 Fault systems: "Basic" fracture-pattern, /RIEDEL, TCHALENKO/, I-5 Shear ellipsoid (faults...