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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Post-Miocene Compressional Tectonics Along the Central California Margin
James K. Crouch, Steven B. Bachman, John T. Shay
Pacific Section SEPM
... on the San Andreas fault proper; 60 km of right-slip on northwest-trending faults east and west of the San Andreas; and 40 km of northeastsouthwest...
Analog Models of Restraining Stepovers in Strike
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonostratigraphy and structures of the southern Perth Basin
C. M. Thomas, S. K. Martin
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... rifting. Only limited evidence from the seismic data suggests fault-controlled extension continued throughout the Permian. The north-striking Darling...
Multiduplex Structure along the Base of the Lewis Thrust Sheet in the Southern Canadian Rockies
Peter R. Fermor, Raymond A. Price
CSPG Bulletin
.... 35 (1987) No. 2. (June) Imbricate, southwest-facing, sigmoidal thrust fault slices, 25 to 100 m thick, form a layer up to 700 m thick that extends...
Gravity Slide Thrusting and Folded Faults in Western Arbuckle Mountains and Vicinity, Southern Oklahoma
Eric H. Phillips
AAPG Bulletin
... was subject to gravity sliding in the early Paleozoic. The tensional updip segment of the major folded slide fault now coincides with the trace...
Wrench Faulting and Lineaments in the Val Verde Basin*
G. Pat Bolden
West Texas Geological Society
...Wrench Faulting and Lineaments in the Val Verde Basin* G. Pat Bolden 1983 4 5 Vol. 23 (1983) No. 2. (October) The Carta Valley Fault Zone Area...
A Tectonic Model for the Northern Llanos and Southern Barinas-Apure-Basins
James C. Howard, Trudi Webb, Tom Christensen
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
..., she therefore also minimized Interpretation bias. Fault patterns were extracted from the two, regional structure maps by Tom Cnrlstensen, a gaplofy...
Structural Variety on East Front of the Gunnison Plateau, Central Utah
Malcolm P. Weiss
Utah Geological Association
... shearing and bending along its west margin, followed by dropping of the Valley block (or elevation of the Plateau block) along the Gunnison fault...
Regional Structure Section Across the Eastern Santa Barbara Channel, from Eastern Santa Cruz Island to the Carpinteria Area, Santa Ynez Mountains
Tom Redin, John Forman, Marc J. Kamerling
Pacific Section of AAPG
...’s Sockeye field). Structural Features From north to south these major structural features are as follows: The Arroyo Parida fault, one of the few large...
"Horses" and Transverse Faults in the Lewis Thrust Sheet, Elk Range, Kananaskis Valley, Rocky Mountain Front Ranges, Southwestern Alberta
Alan McGugan
CSPG Bulletin
... McGugan 1987 358 361 Vol. 35 (1987) No. 3. (September) A large transverse fault, one of several transverse faults in the northern part of the Lewis Thrust...
The Oldman River Triangle Zone: A Complicated Tectonic Wedge Delineated by New Structural Mapping and Seismic Interpretation
Glen S. Stockmal, Paul A. Mackay, Don C. Lawton, Deborah A. Spratt
CSPG Bulletin
... the principal upper detachment (the Big Coulee Fault). RESUME Les nouvelles cartes structurelles et interpretations sismiques indiquent que la zone triangulaire...
Fault-related Folding in the Deep Waters of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil
Pedro Victor Zalan
AAPG Special Volumes
...Fault-related Folding in the Deep Waters of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil Pedro Victor Zalan 2011 335 355 AAPG Memoir 94: Thrust fault-related...
Fault Systems of Katanga Mega-High of Siberian Craton and Prediction of Oil-Gas Potential of Sedimentary Cover
V. I. Val’chak
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Fault Systems of Katanga Mega-High of Siberian Craton and Prediction of Oil-Gas Potential of Sedimentary Cover V. I. Val’chak 1995 378 386 Vol. 29...
Transfer Zones in the East African Rift System and Their Relevance to Hydrocarbon Exploration in Rifts (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., and S. G. MUNN 1990 1234 1253 74 8. (August) Transfer zones in extensional regions display a wide range of geometries from discrete fault zones...
Abstract: Is The Geosphere Secure? Assessing The Presence Of Deep-Penetrating Faults In The IEA Weyburn CO2 Study Area, SE Saskatchewan; #90213 (2015)
John W. Peirce, Serguei A. Goussev, Zoltan Hajnal, Bhaskar Pandit, Sandor Sule, Jeff Closson, Jason Cosford, and Lynden A. Penner
Search and Discovery.com
... in the subsurface. Methods of investigating fault and fracture distribution have involved surface lineament studies using remote sensing data, a widely...
Paleostress and Slip Recovery from Complex Faults Geometry Using Mechanical Interactions: Application to Fracture Prediction, #40439 (2009)
Frantz Maerten and Laurent Maerten
Search and Discovery.com
...), and the shear traction has the same direction and sense as the resolved far field stress onto the fault plane. However, it has been shown that slip...
Top Seal Bypass Risk along the Southern Flank of the Gippsland Basin, South-eastern Australia, #50750 (2012)
N. Bozkurt Çiftçi, Laurent Langhi, Dariush Nadri, Julian Strand, Louise Goldie-Divko, John Miranda, Peter Tingate
Search and Discovery.com
... containment potential but the formation is locally affected by the Late Oligocene to Holocene tectonic phase with fault reactivation, inversion...
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the North Marine Area, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, Since the Pliocene, #30447 (2016).
Curtis Archie, Nancy Gallai-Ragobar
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Gulf of Paria. Today the major structural elements are, from north to south, the Warm Springs Fault, the North marine syncline, the North Marine...
Influence of Structural Position on Fracturing in the Austin Chalk
David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Ronald N. McGinnis, Alan P. Morris, Kirk D. H. Gulliver
GCAGS Journal
... to significant active drilling in the Eagle Ford Formation and overlying Austin Chalk. These Austin Chalk exposures are within the Balcones Fault System...
William A. Thomas
Alabama Geological Society
... of the small-scale folds is broadly folded. The trace of the Pell City fault curves from a regional southwesterly strike to a southeasterly strike...
Pleistocene and Recent Tilting of Jackson Hole, Teton County, Wyoming
J. D. Love, John de la Montagne
Wyoming Geological Association
... that Pleistocene and Recent movement on the Teton normal fault (pl. I) has been the dominant factor that determined the positions of all streams on the floor...
Balancing Cross-Section and Sandbox Modeling of Satui Fold-Thrust-Belt, Asem-Asem Basin, South Kalimantan
Benyamin Sapiie, Astyka Pamumpuni, Meli Hadiana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for reconstructing structures evolution using balancing cross-section techniques. Structures style developed in the study area can be classified as fault...
Geologic Summary of the Los Angeles Basin
Tom Wright
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Taking the Whittier fault and the offshore Palos Verdes fault as limits, the basin is approximately 25 miles wide and 40 miles long. Barbat (1958) has...
Structural Evolution of the Onshore Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia
A. J. Mory, R. P. Iasky
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Perth Basin, Western Australia. A. Abstract Analysis of fault trends from seismic, and aeromagnetic and gravity images, shows that the onshore northern...
The Kirby Hill Fault Zone
Nat H. MacKevett
Pacific Section of AAPG
...The Kirby Hill Fault Zone Nat H. MacKevett 1992 61 78 The Kirby Hill Fault Zone (KHFZ), which crops out on the Kirby Hill gas field in Section 30...