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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,900 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: 3-D Upscaling of Fault Damage Zones for Reservoir Modeling, by Simon D. Harris, Atilla Vaszi, and Rob J. Knipe; #90039 (2005)
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ABSTRACT: A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth Fault Family, Offshore Angola; #90013 (2003)
David Dutton, Dustin Lister
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth Fault Family, Offshore...
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon production and subsurface expression of the China segment of the Tepetate Fault Zone, Louisiana; #90021 (2003)
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...ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon production and subsurface expression of the China segment of the Tepetate Fault Zone, Louisiana; #90021 (2003) BYRON MILLER...
ABSTRACT: A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault Damage Zones; #90017 (2003)
Simon D. Harris, N. Odling, A. Z. Vaszi, R. J. Knipe
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...ABSTRACT: A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault Damage Zones; #90017 (2003) Simon D. Harris, N. Odling, A. Z. Vaszi, R. J...
Abstract: Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #90251 (2016)
Graham Yielding
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #90251 (2016) Graham Yielding AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery...
Fault Locking and Alternate Fault Activity in Outcrop and Subsurface, a Transfer Mechanism, Jean-Yves Chatellier, #40368 (2009).
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Abstract: Note on Fault Displacement
P. E. Narvarte
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Note on Fault Displacement P. E. Narvarte 1958 Vol. 8 (1958), The accurate determination of fault displacement is essential to accurate...
Abstract: The Structure, Content, and Growth of Fault Zones Within Sedimentary Sequences and Their Effects on Hydrocarbon Flow
John Walsh
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: The Structure, Content, and Growth of Fault Zones Within Sedimentary Sequences and Their Effects on Hydrocarbon Flow John Walsh 2010 25 27...
The SCEC Community Fault Model Version 5.0: An Updated And Expanded 3D Fault Set For Southern California
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Prediction of Normal-Fault Geometries--A Sensitivity Analysis
Martha Oliver Withjack, Eric T. Peterson
AAPG Bulletin
...Prediction of Normal-Fault Geometries--A Sensitivity Analysis Martha Oliver Withjack, Eric T. Peterson 1993 1860 1873 77 11. (November) Several...
ABSTRACT: The Bonao fault zone, Hispaniola: a re-evaluation
Dominguez, H. and Draper, G.
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...ABSTRACT: The Bonao fault zone, Hispaniola: a re-evaluation Dominguez, H. and Draper, G. 3rd Geological Conference of the Geological Society...
Structural History of Hinge Fault System of the Malay Basin
Liew Kit Kong
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Structural History of Hinge Fault System of the Malay Basin Liew Kit Kong GeoL. Soc. Malay"ia, Bulletin 39, July 1996; pp. 33-50 Structural history...
Is the Washita Valley Fault a Strike-Slip Fault or a Thrust Fault, and Who Cares? [Abstract]
R. P. Wilkinson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...Is the Washita Valley Fault a Strike-Slip Fault or a Thrust Fault, and Who Cares? [Abstract] R. P. Wilkinson 1997 44 44 Vol. 48 (1997) No. 2...
ABSTRACT: Trishear Fault-propagation Folding
Eric A. Erslev
Montana Geological Society
...ABSTRACT: Trishear Fault-propagation Folding Eric A. Erslev 1997 114 114 Previous models of fault-propagation folding used kink-band...
Abstract: Juxtaposition / Seal Diagrams to Facilitate Fault Seal Analysis of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, by R. J. Knipe; #90942 (1997).
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ABSTRACT: Fault Transmissibility in Gas Reservoirs
Randy Partap, Iannie Roopa, Tracy Gunness, Adrian Ramdial, Steve Dee
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...ABSTRACT: Fault Transmissibility in Gas Reservoirs Randy Partap, Iannie Roopa, Tracy Gunness, Adrian Ramdial, Steve Dee THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY...
Abstract: Contemporaneous Normal Faulting and Folding in West White Lake Field, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana
R. O. Steinhoff
GCAGS Transactions
... side of a contemporaneous, down-to-basin fault (fault D) that cuts through the southern portion of the field. This study deals Primarily with fault D...
Abstract: Upper-crustal fault processes in southern New Brunswick
Paul Wilson
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Upper-crustal fault processes in southern New Brunswick Paul Wilson ATLANTIC GEOLOGY 131 Upper-crustal fault processes in southern New...
Abstract: Effect of Hydrodynamics and Fault Zone Heterogeneity from Membrane Seal Capacity, by Julian Strand, Jim Underschultz, Karsten Michael, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding; #90082 (2008)
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Abstract: Sequential Paleogeographic Models of the San Andreas Fault System ~70 to ~2 MA, by K. Burnham; #90088 (2009)
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3D Seismic Analysis of the Structural Evolution of the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight
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Fault Zone Diagenesis: A Key to Understanding Fluid Pathways, by James R. Boles, #90027 (2004)
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Implications of Fault Geometry on Sealing Capacity in Paleozoic Unayzah Reservoirs - South Ghawar
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