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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,900 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Stuart K. Clark

AAPG Bulletin

...Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Stuart K. Clark 1944 1219 1219 28 8. (August) The accompanying sketch...


Post-Variscan pervasive dolomitization of the Devonian Brilon Reef Complex, Germany: an example of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization

Matthias Grobe, Hans G. Machel

CSPG Special Publications

...Post-Variscan pervasive dolomitization of the Devonian Brilon Reef Complex, Germany: an example of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Physical modelling of fault propagation in roll-over structures associated with extensional (growth) faults

John M. Dixon, Simone Garneau, Julia Blackburn

CSPG Special Publications

...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Physical modelling of fault propagation in roll-over structures associated with extensional (growth) faults John M. Dixon, Simone...


Thrust Fault Zones in Ventura Basin, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. W. Sheller , M. N. Bien

AAPG Bulletin

...Thrust Fault Zones in Ventura Basin, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES J. W. Sheller , M. N. Bien 1947 1505 1509 31 8...


Abstract: Late Mesozoic-Early Tertiary Faults of Peninsular Malaysia

Zaiton Harun

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... fault zones; the Bukit Berapit Fault and Bukit Tinggi Fault. The samples were dated by using the KlAr method on the whole rock. Three isotope ages...


Erosional Geometry’s, Fault Control and Hydrocarbon Distribution of the Basal Colorado Sandstone, Cessford Area, Southern Alberta

G. Fong, C. Mclaren, R. G. Walker, B. A. Zaitlin

CSPG Special Publications

...Erosional Geometry’s, Fault Control and Hydrocarbon Distribution of the Basal Colorado Sandstone, Cessford Area, Southern Alberta G. Fong, C. Mclaren...


Mesoscale Deformation Fabrics in a Fault-Propagation Fold, Southern Livingstone Range, Alberta, Preliminary Observations

Michael A. Cooley, John M. Dixon, Raymond A. Price, T. Kurtis Kyser

CSPG Special Publications

...Mesoscale Deformation Fabrics in a Fault-Propagation Fold, Southern Livingstone Range, Alberta, Preliminary Observations Michael A. Cooley, John M...


Fault Patterns in Selected Rocky Mountain Fields: ABSTRACT

D. L. Blackstone

AAPG Bulletin

...Fault Patterns in Selected Rocky Mountain Fields: ABSTRACT D. L. Blackstone 1952 961 961 36 5. (May) The position of individual folds or groups...


Recent California Earthquakes--"Geology": ABSTRACT

Homer J. Steiny, John P. Buwalda

AAPG Bulletin

... fault near the south end of the San Joaquin valley. The southwest half of the fault is beneath San Joaquin valley alluvium and gives little...


Huntington Beach Field--Townlot Extension: ABSTRACT

Robin B. Willis

AAPG Bulletin

... into the mechanics of the Inglewood fault, which in this case is a lateral-slip fault with associated vertical-slip "feather" faults, and a small fold related...


Thornwell Field, Jefferson Davis and Cameron Parishes, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Frank R. Hardin

AAPG Bulletin

... fault pattern. This pattern consists of a large northeast-striking fault that enters the field from the southwest and breaks into a system of smaller...


Chapter 25: Polygonal Fault Systems: A New Type of Fault Structure Revealed by 3-D Seismic Data from the North Sea Basin

Joseph A. Cartwright

AAPG Special Volumes

...Chapter 25: Polygonal Fault Systems: A New Type of Fault Structure Revealed by 3-D Seismic Data from the North Sea Basin Joseph A. Cartwright 1996...


Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults: ABSTRACT

Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... and their effects in the subsurface is a major problem in petroleum exploration, development, and production. The fault-seal problem has been investigated...


Oil and Gas Potential--Paradox Fold and Fault Belt, Colorado and Utah: ABSTRACT

Clarence Harr

AAPG Bulletin

...Oil and Gas Potential--Paradox Fold and Fault Belt, Colorado and Utah: ABSTRACT Clarence Harr 1971 537 537 55 3. (March) (No submitted) End...


Seismicity, Faulting and Tectonics of Inner Continental Borderland Offshore Northern Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Mark R. Legg, Victor Wong O.

AAPG Bulletin

... is crossed by three major wrench fault zones typified by one or more relatively continuous main fault(s), numerous smaller, subparallel, en echelon...


Northern New Guinea Wrench Fault System: A Manifestation of Late Cenozoic Interactions Between Australian and Pacific Plates: ABSTRACT

John D. Pigott, Nancy I. Trumbly

AAPG Bulletin

...Northern New Guinea Wrench Fault System: A Manifestation of Late Cenozoic Interactions Between Australian and Pacific Plates: ABSTRACT John D. Pigott...


Mechanical Properties of Clays in Fault Zones Under High Pressure Conditions: ABSTRACT

C. Y. Wang

AAPG Bulletin

...Mechanical Properties of Clays in Fault Zones Under High Pressure Conditions: ABSTRACT C. Y. Wang 1982 1448 1448 66 9. (September) No . End...


Surface and Subsurface Structural Analysis of a Part of Washita Valley Fault Zone, Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Deanna L. Palladino

AAPG Bulletin

...Surface and Subsurface Structural Analysis of a Part of Washita Valley Fault Zone, Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Deanna L. Palladino 1984 514 514 68 4...


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