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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Evolution of large normal faults: Evidence from seismic reflection data
Chris K. Morley
AAPG Bulletin
... be seen in data from East Africa. Early fault linkage patterns for boundary faults can follow three possible paths. Fault linkage and propagation occur...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Structural Evolution of Northern South Marsh Island, Northern Gulf of Mexico: Analysis of a Hybrid Roho-Stepped Counter-Regional Salt System, and Kinematic Evolution of Normal Fault Growth and Linkage Patterns
O'Connor, Sean M., and Weimer, Paul
GCAGS Transactions
... Counter-Regional Salt System, and Kinematic Evolution of Normal Fault Growth and Linkage Patterns O'Connor, Sean M., and Weimer, Paul 2004...
Structural Geology of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks Near the Nacimiento Fault, Northwest of Lake Nacimiento, California
Victor M. Seiders
Pacific Section SEPM
...Structural Geology of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks Near the Nacimiento Fault, Northwest of Lake Nacimiento, California Victor M. Seiders...
Amount of Displacement along the Bok Bak Fault: Estimation by Using the Lithofacies Equivalence
Ibrahim Abdullah, Ahmad Jantan, Basir Jasin, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Uyop Said
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Amount of Displacement along the Bok Bak Fault: Estimation by Using the Lithofacies Equivalence Ibrahim Abdullah, Ahmad Jantan, Basir Jasin, Abd...
Curvature of Low-Angle Faults at Las Mercedes, Venezuela: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
M. Kamen-Kaye
AAPG Bulletin
... angle. Compilation showed that the typical Las Mercedes fault varied in angle almost constantly with depth. The typical fault plane could therefore...
Strike-Slip Faults of Northern Venezuela
Emile Rod
AAPG Bulletin
... faults. From west to east this right-lateral fracture system consists of the following big faults: the Ocoa fault in the northern Maracaibo area...
Louis C. Sass
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... faults. This is because, in a monoclinal region, a basinward-dipping strike fault has a trough area on the downdip side which migrating oil by-passes...
Engineering Geology for Design of the Kern River Pipeline at the Wasatch Fault Crossing, Davis County, Utah
Jeffrey R. Keaton
Utah Geological Association
...Engineering Geology for Design of the Kern River Pipeline at the Wasatch Fault Crossing, Davis County, Utah Jeffrey R. Keaton 1995 345 348...
Strike-Slip Fault Geometry and Its Significance for Petroleum Play in Tarakan Basin: A Perspective from Onshore Simenggaris Area
Isnianto Saputra, Tulus Wibisono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Strike-Slip Fault Geometry and Its Significance for Petroleum Play in Tarakan Basin: A Perspective from Onshore Simenggaris Area Isnianto Saputra...
Depiction of Faults on Stratigraphic Isopach Maps: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
William H. Hintze
AAPG Bulletin
... at a fault trace, but continue across it in a distinctive fashion which is quite different from that of structure contours. Where faults cross...
Kinematics and Growth of Supra-Salt Systems: A Field and Subsurface Analysis, Paradox Basin, #30515 (2017).
Elizabeth Horne, Bruce Trudgill
Search and Discovery.com
... to observe how salt-influenced fault geometries evolved spatially and temporally. The Paradox Basin in southeastern Utah is an example...
3D Strike-Slip Fault Model in Kendeng Zone Using Data Combination of Structural Geological Mapping and Analogue Sandbox Modeling: A Case Study of The Kedungjati Fault, Grobogan District, Central Java Province
Ryando Perdana, Muhamad Haikal, Wahju Krisna Hidajat, Fahrudin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...3D Strike-Slip Fault Model in Kendeng Zone Using Data Combination of Structural Geological Mapping and Analogue Sandbox Modeling: A Case Study...
Oeloe Aer Fault Zone, Sumatra: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Wyatt Durham
AAPG Bulletin
...Oeloe Aer Fault Zone, Sumatra: GEOLOGICAL NOTES J. Wyatt Durham 1940 359 362 24 2. (February) While engaged in geologic investigations in Sumatra...
The Adventures of Drilling and Conducting Experiments Through a Major Fault Zone in Eugene Island 330, Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, by L. B. Billeaud, R. N. Anderson, P. Flemings, and S. Losh; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Fault-seal analysis using a stochastic multifault approach
William R. James, Lee H. Fairchild, Gretchen P. Nakayama, Susan J. Hippler, Peter J. Vrolijk
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault-seal analysis using a stochastic multifault approach William R. James, Lee H. Fairchild, Gretchen P. Nakayama, Susan J. Hippler, Peter J...
Recent Work on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Plateau Fault, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories
Karen M. Fallas
Search and Discovery.com
...Recent Work on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Plateau Fault, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories Karen M. Fallas Recent Work...
Recent Work on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Plateau Fault, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories
Karen M. Fallas
Search and Discovery.com
...Recent Work on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Plateau Fault, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories Karen M. Fallas Recent Work...
Russell Fault: Early Strike-Slip Fault of California Coast Ranges
Robert S. Yeats, Jeannette A. Calhoun, Barbara B. Nevins, Hans F. Schwing, Herbert M. Spitz
AAPG Bulletin
...Russell Fault: Early Strike-Slip Fault of California Coast Ranges Robert S. Yeats, Jeannette A. Calhoun, Barbara B. Nevins, Hans F. Schwing, Herbert...
Distribution and Origin of Fault-Line Scarps of Southwest Louisiana, USA
Paul V. Heinrich
GCAGS Transactions
...Distribution and Origin of Fault-Line Scarps of Southwest Louisiana, USA Paul V. Heinrich 2005 284 293 Vol. 55 (2005) Compilation of fault-line...
The Role of Fault Interaction and Linkage in Controlling Synrift Stratigraphic Sequences: Late Jurassic, Statfjord East Area, Northern North Sea
Nancye H. Dawers and John R. Underhill
AAPG Bulletin
...The Role of Fault Interaction and Linkage in Controlling Synrift Stratigraphic Sequences: Late Jurassic, Statfjord East Area, Northern North Sea...
W. Edward Osborne
Alabama Geological Society
...THE HOGPEN BRANCH FAULT IN THE CAHABA SYNCLINORIUM W. Edward Osborne ©Alabama Geological Society 2010 - Geology of the Cahaba coalfield. (1999...
Wrench and Inversion Structures in the Timor Sea Region
Andrew Nelson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... in abutting fault plane geometries. It may also occur because of a change in the magnitude of the regional or local horizontal stress vector perpendicular...
III. Evidence of Faulting
Robert E. Sheriff
AAPG Special Volumes
...) Diffractions associated with fault terminations. (3) Changes in actual dip associated with the fault; sometimes flattening, sometimes steepening. Depending...
Structural Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Traps Sealed by Basement Normal Block Faults at Stable Flank of Foredeep Basins and at Rift Basins
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... of the reservoir. Fault seal upward along the faults is most likely where a thick section of impervious strata above the reservoir is in contact...
Stone Canyon Observatory
Robert Nason, Don Tocher
Pacific Section SEPM
... is on the San Andreas fault 30 km south of Hollister, next to State Highway 25. It is an all-purpose observatory measuring those geophysical phenomena which...