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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,900 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: The Effect of Cover Strength on Extensional Fault Propagation, by Emma Finch, Rob Gawthorpe, and Stuart Hardy; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: New Insights on the Southern Coyote Creek Fault and Superstition Hills Fault, by Afton Van Zandt and Robert J. Mellors; #90076 (2008)
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Palaeo-Fault Analysis: Defining the Evolution and Impact of Faults Through Time
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ABSTRACT: A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault Damage Zones; #90013 (2003)
Simon D. Harris, Robert J. Knipe, Noelle E. Odling, S. Freeman
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...ABSTRACT: A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault Damage Zones; #90013 (2003) Simon D. Harris, Robert J. Knipe, Noelle E...
Ryan, H. F., R. Sliter, W. R. Normark
Search and Discovery.com
... and Western Geophysical industry MCS data, to compile a revised fault map for the area from offshore San Diego to Dana Point. The major fault zones...
ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Analysis: Integration of Empirical and Deterministic Approaches; #90061 (2006)
Quentin J. Fisher, Rob J. Knipe, and Russell Davies
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...ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Analysis: Integration of Empirical and Deterministic Approaches; #90061 (2006) Quentin J. Fisher, Rob J. Knipe, and Russell...
ABSTRACT: Probing Fault Zone Heterogeneity on the Nojima Fault: Constraints from Zircon Fission-Track Analysis of Borehole and Trench Samples; #90061 (2006)
Takahiro Tagami, Masaki Murakami, and Kenji Nagahara
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Probing Fault Zone Heterogeneity on the Nojima Fault: Constraints from Zircon Fission-Track Analysis of Borehole and Trench Samples; #90061...
ABSTRACT: Fault Sealing Efficiency: Controls of Shale Gouge Ratio and Growth Faulting on Hydrocarbon Column Heights of Selected Fields in the Niger Delta; #90115 (2010)
Nnamdi Kawekwune
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Fault Sealing Efficiency: Controls of Shale Gouge Ratio and Growth Faulting on Hydrocarbon Column Heights of Selected Fields in the Niger...
Abstract: Faults and Hydrocarbons Distribution in the Dongying Sag, East China - Evidence from Structural Interpretation and Multifractal Geometry; #90255 (2017)
Pengfei Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... that faults have fractal characteristics, and that the fractal dimension of the fault distribution can be used to reflect the fault intensity. The fault...
Abstract: Insights Into Polygonal Fault System Termination From Detailed Upper Fault Tip Analysis; #90310 (2017)
James J. King, Joe Cartwright, Bruce Levell
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Insights Into Polygonal Fault System Termination From Detailed Upper Fault Tip Analysis; #90310 (2017) James J. King, Joe Cartwright, Bruce...
Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Fault Seal Techniques, by Stephen J. Dee, Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman, and Peter Bretan; #90052 (2006)
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Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, #42291 (2018).
Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lancon, Yves-Marie Leroy,
Search and Discovery.com
...Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, #42291 (2018). Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lancon, Yves...
The Evolution of Fracturing and Related Permeability Patterns in Numerical-Analytical Models (FRAPtre) of Fault Zone Growth
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Structural Architecture and The Evolution History of Sarbut El Gamal
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North Channel Slope Fault, Santa Barbara Basin, California: A Reevaluation: ABSTRACT
P. J. Fischer, G. W. Simila
AAPG Bulletin
...North Channel Slope Fault, Santa Barbara Basin, California: A Reevaluation: ABSTRACT P. J. Fischer, G. W. Simila 1983 461 461 67 3. (March) Recently...
Abstract: Extensional Faulting and Related Fold Evolution along the Oseberg Ost Fault System, Norwegian North Sea, by de Boer, Jord P.; Gawthorpe, Robert; Jackson, Christopher A.; Sharp, Ian; Whipp, Paul; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonic Characterization of the THUMS-Huntington Beach Fault, Southern California
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Predicting the Hydraulic Behaviour of Carbonate-Hosted Extensional Fault Zones
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Advances in the Understanding of Key Parameters Determining Carbonate Fault Rock Permeability
Search and Discovery.com
Integrating fault kinematics into implicit 3D modelling of fault networks
Lachlan Grose, Laurent Ailleres, Gautier Laurent
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Integrating fault kinematics into implicit 3D modelling of fault networks Lachlan Grose, Laurent Ailleres, Gautier Laurent Integrating fault...
Using Borehole Image Logs to Characterize a Major Fault in the Ventura Avenue Field, #20255 (2014).
Jon Schwalbach, Thomas Hauge, Michael Glascock, Plamen Ganev, Jaron Lucero, Ralph Coldewey
Search and Discovery.com
...Using Borehole Image Logs to Characterize a Major Fault in the Ventura Avenue Field, #20255 (2014). Jon Schwalbach, Thomas Hauge, Michael Glascock...
Unlocking Near-Fault Attic and Updip Play in Latin Field, Rokan Block: A Success Story of Integrated Fault Interpretation and Real Time Drilling Monitoring
Gian Fernanda, Jimmy Antoni, Endo Finaldhi, Rizaq Faidul Hisan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Unlocking Near-Fault Attic and Updip Play in Latin Field, Rokan Block: A Success Story of Integrated Fault Interpretation and Real Time Drilling...
Know Your Faults!: Part I
Rasoul Sorkhabi
GEO ExPro Magazine
... a look at fault geometry RASOUL SORKHABI, PH.D. In 1921, Richard Oldham delivered his presidential address at the annual meeting of the Geological...