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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A Graphical Dip Domain Technique For Projecting Large Growth Faults To Depth Using Imaged Hanging-Wall Structure
R. E. Bischke and D. J. Tearpock
GCAGS Transactions
... or to the direction of fault motion. This orientation eliminates out of plane effects. PROJECTING LARGE NORMAL FAULTS TO DEPTH In this section we present a graphical...
Geologic Structure and Tectonics of the Inner Continental Borderland of Northern Baja California: Chapter 9: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
Mark R. Legg , Victor Wong O., Francisco Suarez V.
AAPG Special Volumes
... seismic reflection profiles across the southern part of the study area (see Figure 3 for profile locations). Major fault zones are well exhibited...
An Integrated Approach on Carbonate Reservoir Evaluation by Combining Borehole Image and NMR Logs - A Case Study in Ordovician Carbonate, East China (Poster 2)
Hou Huijun, Yun Huayun
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... formation dips and used for cross-well structure built up. boundary II Fau lt plane Blue Obvious fault planes or minor fau lt planes accompan ied...
Henry L. Berryhill, Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
...', and E-E' (Figures 2-7, 2-8, and 2-9), shelf-edge failure was confined to a single fault plane. Downthrow may have been as much as 100 m (328 ft...
Comparison of Main Geologic Features of Arkoma Basin and Ouachita Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma
L. M. Cline
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... to represent a gliding plane for a major thrust. Thus, he would support Miser's interpretation of this as a fenster fault (1954, Geologic map of Oklahoma...
The Field Geology of the Moab Fault
K.A. Foxford, I.R. Garden, S.C. Guscott, S.D. Burley, J.J.M. Lewis, J.J. Walsh, J. Watterson
Utah Geological Association
..., recently produced as a result of salt dissolution and collapse of the overlying rock sequence. An analysis of the angles between the fault plane...
ABSTRACT: Trishear Fault-propagation Folding
Eric A. Erslev
Montana Geological Society
...ABSTRACT: Trishear Fault-propagation Folding Eric A. Erslev 1997 114 114 Previous models of fault-propagation folding used kink-band...
Seismic and Landsat in a Wrench Faulting System
G. Pat Bolden
West Texas Geological Society
... with these major lineaments are: (1) long straight lineaments, (2) high angle dip on the fault plane, (3) En Echelon nature of faulting, (4) associated...
Geology of Aliso Canyon Field, Los Angeles County, California
Claude E. Leach
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the fault is toward the north, and the shaded area indicates the formation which occurs immediately below the fault plane. Attention is called...
Quantitative Assessment of Induced Seismicity from Hydrocarbon Production and Produced Water Disposal in Azle Area, North Texas
Jaeyoung Park, Rongqiang Chen, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Suvrat Lele, Timothy Tyrrell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on the fault plane. This is the case when pressurized fluid directly interacts with the fault and the effective normal stress decreases. The other...
Using Borehole Images To Characterize A Major Fault In The Ventura Avenue Field
Search and Discovery.com
Automated Fault Plane and Polygon Generation in a Large, Mixed 2D and 3D Seismic Data Set
Search and Discovery.com
Active Folding and Blind Thrust Faulting Induced by Basin Inversion Processes, Inner California Borderlands
Carlos Rivero, John H. Shaw
AAPG Special Volumes
... the seismic profile, lateral correlation of well information, direct fault-plane reflections, and fault-related folds theories. The cross section depicts...
Structural Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Traps Sealed by Basement Normal Block Faults at Stable Flank of Foredeep Basins and at Rift Basins
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... reservoir sandstones are juxtaposed against impervious flysch "basement." Fig. 16. Fault-plane profile along east boundary fault at South Cormorant oil...
Evaluating a 2-D Structural Restoration: Validating Section Balance, #41941 (2016).
Steven Lingrey, Oskar Vidal-Royo
Search and Discovery.com
... with which the unfolding of folds and the juxtapositioning of fault cut-offs can be made, the validity of material balance requires quantitative analysis...
Structure of Turner Valley Gas and Oil Field, Alberta
Theodore A. Link , P. D. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
... and advancing eastward during the same orogenic movement. The data clearly indicate a thrust sheet of great displaceme t which has glided over a fault plane...
Potential New Method for Paleostress Estimation by Combining Three-dimensional Fault Restoration and Fault Slip Inversion Techniques: First Test on the Skua Field, Timor Sea
A. P. Gartrell, M. Lisk
AAPG Special Volumes
.... However, definition of footwall cutoff, hanging-wall cutoff, and fault plane geometries is possible where good-quality three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data...
AAPG Studies in Geology No.53 - Part 1: Structural Interpretation Methods
John H. Shaw, Christopher D. Connors, and John Suppe
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Recognizing thrust and reverse faults Faults are identified in seismic reflection profiles through: Cutoffs and fault plane reflections (criteria 1...
The 14 August 1983 Cimarron, Colorado Earthquake and the Cimarron Fault
Ivan G. Wong, James R. Humphrey
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...-trendingfault plane in good agreement with the geologic observations of the Cimarron fault. Thefault plane solution also displays a north-northeast...
Buried Giant Arc-Type Structure System and Petroleum Exploration in Turpan-kumul Basin, Northwest of China, #10378 (2011)
Yang Zhanlong, Chen Qilin, Huang Yunfeng
Search and Discovery.com
.... The left and right cycles of stress fields in west and east sections result in the formation of arc structure belts in plane. There are three different...
Updated Mapping of Active Surface Traces of the San Cayetano Fault Zone between Fillmore and Piru, Ventura Basin, Southern California; #10757 (2015)
Brian P.E. Olson
Search and Discovery.com
... to the relatively low dip angles and reverse separation of stratigraphic units. Based on geologic mapping and well data, workers indicate the fault plane dips...
Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Stuart K. Clark
AAPG Bulletin
...Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Stuart K. Clark 1944 1219 1219 28 8. (August) The accompanying sketch...
Interpretation of Footwall (Lowside) Fault Traps Sealed by Reverse Faults and Convergent Wrench Faults
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... to hydrocarbon leakage simply because of the lithology of the juxtaposed r cks. For the purposes of our closure descriptions, however, the fault plane...
Abstract: Model for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment
Urban S. Allan
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... on the rock properties of strata juxtaposed by the fault and the structural attitude of the juxtaposed fault blocks. The fault plane section used...
ABSTRACT: Model for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment, by Urban S. Allan; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com