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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Introducing Automation in the Interpretation of 3D Seismic Data, by X. Ji and Y. Luo, #90188 (2014)
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Significance of Fault Seal from Exploration to Field Development – Geomechanical Perspective
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Structural Development of the Main Graben Border Fault, Danish Central Graben, North Sea, by O. Graversen; #90986 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Fault Analysis and Fault Seal, by Tim Needham, Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman; #91020 (1995).
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Displacement Geometry in the Volume Containing a Single Normal Fault
Jim A. M. Barnett , John Mortimer , John H. Rippon , John J. Walsh , Juan Watterson
AAPG Bulletin
... are plotted on a projection of the fault surface before contouring. The projection can be onto a vertical plane parallel to the mean fault strike...
Eastern Boulder-Weld fault zone, Colorado: A gravity slide with pop-up structures
Richard H. Groshong, Jr., Ken Kittleson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., the best projection direction is parallel to the fault plane (Groshong, 2006), not necessarily perpendicular to the section line. Therefore the projection...
2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: Shale Tectonics, Texas Coastal Area Growth Faults
C. H. Bruce
AAPG Special Volumes
... are indicated to die out or merge into bedding plane faults near a depth of 4 secs. A second crossing of fault system 3 is shown on a seismic line...
On the stability of stress inversions from earthquake mechanisms and choosing the fault plane
Adam M. Baig, Sepideh Karimi, Aaron Booterbaugh
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...On the stability of stress inversions from earthquake mechanisms and choosing the fault plane Adam M. Baig, Sepideh Karimi, Aaron Booterbaugh...
ABSTRACT: Fault Reactivation and Structural Inversion Physical Models Analyzed with X-Ray Scanner and Seismic Examples, by J. Letouzey, B. Colletta, F. Benard, W. Sassi, P. Bale; #91003 (1990).
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New Dip-Logging Method
F. G. Boucher , A. B. Hildebrandt , H. B. Hagen
AAPG Bulletin
... such results it is concluded that the profile method of measuring the dip of subsurface formations is sound and of considerable value in the study...
A Study of Strike-Slip Movement Along the Washita Valley Fault Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Darryl Wayne Carter
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... to locate a unique linear feature which trends across the fault plane at some angle, and has been truncated by movement along the fault. This method...
Integrated Geophysical Studies Over an Active Growth Fault in Northwest Houston, Texas
Mustafa Saribudak and Bob Van Nieuwenhuise
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... the presence of the fault (Figure 3). Many fractures adjacent to and across the bridge may be related to the fault. A GPR survey profile near...
Third and Fourth Dimensions in Exploration
John Daly
AAPG Bulletin
... of reflection points and the fault plane appears on the profile at the right, or east of the intersection of the fault plane with the line of section, thus...
Evaluating Hydrocarbon Migration Paths Using Fault Displacement Distributions, #41234 (2013)
Pablo Giampaoli,
Search and Discovery.com
... Vertical migration paths through the fault plane are needed to connect the deep seated source rock with the shallow reservoir levels above. 0,8...
Quantitative Geometry of Thrust and Fold Belt Structures
Peter B. Jones
AAPG Special Volumes
... is progressively transferred from fault A to fault B in successive profiles along strike. In Profile 1, thrust A moves to create a ramp anticline. Along...
Halokinetic rotating faults, salt intrusions, and seismic pitfalls in the petroleum exploration of divergent margins
Carlos L. Varela, Webster U. Mohriak
AAPG Bulletin
... affecting the Albian sequence (eastern side of the diapir) might be indicative of salt intrusion along the fault plane. The asymmetry of the structure...
The Kimbell Ranch 32-1: Implications of a deep wildcat drilled near the Meers Fault in the Slick Hills of southwest Oklahoma, USA.
Andrew Cullen
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... map on the fault plane of the Mountain View Fault indicates the MVF is more than 32,000ft below the KR 32-1 surface location (Figure 4). Projection...
Resistivity Imaging and Natural Potential Applications to the Antioch Fault Zone in the Onion Creek / Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Buda, Texas
Mustafa Saribudak, Brian Hunt, Brian Smith
GCAGS Transactions
... on the downthrown side. In addition, the Del Rio Formation appears to be deformed and folded along the fault plane. This deformation could account...
Relationship of the Structural Stages of the Yuzhnyy Alamyshik Anticline
K. A. Grudkin, L. P. Polkanova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... without assuming a large disjunctive fault. Furthermore, in more recent times in connection with drilling near the cuesta-like projections on the eastern...
Mechanical stratigraphy and layer-bound normal faulting in the Upper-Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Wattenberg Field, Colorado
Kyle A. Bracken
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...° in the Carlile and Greenhorn formations. The fault dip refraction produces a contractional step or bend in the fault plane associated with the lower dip...
Geomorphic Evidence for Youngest Dated Faults in North-Central Arizona
Richard F. Holm
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., but recognizable fault scarps on the displaced fan surface; scarps on faults with small throws cannot be shown on the scale of the profiles. Profile A-A' (Fig. 4...
Development of Synthetic Layer Dip Adjacent to Normal Faults
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Darrell W. Sims, Deborah J. Waiting, Shutaro Hasegawa
AAPG Special Volumes
... but form a monoclinal fold over the fault and exhibit layer-parallel extension and interbed uplimb shear and bedding plane slip to accommodate...
Crossing conjugate normal faults in field exposures and seismic data
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis
AAPG Bulletin
... because of the structural plunge and lateral nonuniformity of the structural architecture. The bottom left of Figure 7 illustrates a fault plane view...
Velocity Anomalies and Out-of-Plane Reflections in Barnicarndy 1, Canning Basin
Y. Zhan
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...-of-plane, seismic interpretation, sonic, tectonic movement, vertical seismic profile, VSP, Barnicarndy Graben, Western Australia. Received 14 January...