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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of a Deltaic-to-Estuarine Clinoform (Battfjellet Formation, Norway) Influenced by Syn-Sedimentary Faulting; #90013 (2003)

Atle Folkestad, Trine Gjessen

Search and

... by a fault and shows a change in thickness and facies architecture across the fault plane due to syn-sedimentary fault activity. Eight vertical profiles...



Brandon Rasaka

Search and

... an earthquake with the ground-surface trace of the fault that generated it. We project each nodal plane (NP) from the hypocenter to the ground surface...


Zone of Impingement Between the Western Thrust Belt and the Foreland Province in the MAdison and Gallatin Ranges, Southwestern Montana

John J. Tonnsen

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Precambrian rocks into contact with the upper Cretaceous formations. Actual displacement may be greater. The fault plane appears to have a dip of about...


Abstract: Upper-crustal fault processes in southern New Brunswick

Paul Wilson

Atlantic Geology

... and Boss Point formations. The thrust plane is occupied by a thin gouge zone. Bedding-parallel gouge zones to the west of the thrust fault show...


On Illogical Interpretation of Geological Structures in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province: Reply

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... (2005) Figure 8, no fewer than 5 boreholes that intersect the Willow Creek Thrust plane are projected along fault strike into the cross section...


Deep Subsurface of the Bavly-Baltayev Zone

P. A. Blokhin, I. A. Mushin, L. B. Shevchenko

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the angles in the diffraction indicate approximately the plane of the fault. According to these data the fault plane dips at 75°. This ancient depression...


Production-induced fault compartmentalization at Elk Hills field, California

Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Nathaniel E. Reish, Peter F. Cowell

AAPG Bulletin

.... FW = footwall; HW = hanging wall. The lower graph is the displacement profile for the two reservoirs analyzed for this section of the fault. A common...


Paleostress analysis from image logs using pinnate joints as slip indicators

Alfred Lacazette

AAPG Bulletin

...) lies in a plane that contains the slip vector and is perpendicular to the fault. This is true regardless of whether the feature is a new fault...


Electrical Survey of Structural Conditions in Salt Flat Field, Caldwell County, Texas

Helmer Hedstrom

AAPG Bulletin

... the soft and yielding Tertiary beds. The fault plane, also, may change from the steep west dip that is characteristic in the Cretaceous beds, to a very...


Three-Dimensional Seismic Method: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

Oz Yilmaz

AAPG Special Volumes

... that a 2-D section contains signal from all directions, including out-of-plane of the profile, 2-D migration normally assumes that all of the signal...


Leading Edge Architecture of the Papuan Fold Belt

R. H. LaRue

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... and the effects that.varying structural elements have on the shortening profile. Fault bend folding, where ramp geometry dictates overlying fold charac­ teristics...


Identification of Wrench Faults Using Subsurface Structural Data: Criteria and Pitfalls: Discussion (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... a fault (my characteristic feature no. 8) could result from reversal of dip-slip on an existing fault plane (e.g., in structural inversion) does not negate...


Subseismic Fault Identification Using the Fault Likelihood Attribute: Application to Geosteering in the DJ Basin

Ron Harris, Kyle Bracken, Bill Miller, Steve Angelovich, Thomas O'Toole

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... smoothing of the structure-oriented semblance along all potential fault plane orientations such that coherent features offset by an actual fault...


Geometry and Development of Relay Ramps in Normal Fault Systems

D. C. P. Peacock , D. J. Sanderson

AAPG Bulletin

... of a bedding plane are measured along the traces of the faults. The hanging wall and footwall cutoffs along a fault can be determined either directly from...


Unraveling the Geometry and Origin of a Northeast-Southwest Striking Linked Fault Array at Marshall Mesa, Western Denver Basin: a (Possible) Solution through Integrated Digital Mapping; #10755 (2015)

Bruce Trudgill

Search and

... section (based on the seismic profile and field data) illustrates the northern terminus of the Golden fault system with surface faults interpreted...



Charles W. Copeland

Alabama Geological Society

... displacement at the surface of more than 150 ft (40 m). The fault plane can be observed on the west side of a county road in the NEt NWtSWt sec. 4...


ABSTRACT: Crestal Fault Patterns Above Turtle Structures in the Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: The Influence of Trap Timing; #90013 (2003)

Michael R. Hudec, Martin P. A. Jackson

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Crestal Fault Patterns Above Turtle Structures in the Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: The Influence of Trap Timing; #90013 (2003) Michael R...


Strike-Slip Fault of Continental Importance in Bolivia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Emile Rod

AAPG Bulletin

... Ichilo fault zone in Bolivia. End_Page 107------------------------------ some fault-plane solutions from seismic data might be available as additional...


ABSTRACT: Probing Fault Zone Heterogeneity on the Nojima Fault: Constraints from Zircon Fission-Track Analysis of Borehole and Trench Samples; #90061 (2006)

Takahiro Tagami, Masaki Murakami, and Kenji Nagahara

Search and

... the fault plane in the UG-500, and ~31-38 Ma within ~25 m from the fault in the GSJ-750. On the basis of one-dimensional heat conduction modeling...


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