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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Fault Sealing Efficiency: Controls of Shale Gouge Ratio and Growth Faulting on Hydrocarbon Column Heights of Selected Fields in the Niger Delta; #90115 (2010)
Nnamdi Kawekwune
Search and Discovery.com
... as the ratio of shale content of a rock that has slipped past a particular point on the fault plane to the throw of that fault. This research is aimed...
Abstract: Faults and Hydrocarbons Distribution in the Dongying Sag, East China - Evidence from Structural Interpretation and Multifractal Geometry; #90255 (2017)
Pengfei Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... fault fractal dimensions. Therefore, the combination of structural interpretation and fractal calculation of the fault plane distributions in the study...
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Rosita Gas Fields, Duval County, Texas
Joseph R. Straccia
GCAGS Transactions
... on the seismic profile (Shell Oil Company) of shale or salt uplifts updip from the major fault plane, as was the case at McAllen Ranch (Berg, Marshall...
Richard G. Stearns, Robert C. Milici
Alabama Geological Society
..., and about 2 miles thick over the bedding plane thrust in Cambrian shales. At Sequatchie anticline the fault rises. West of the anticline the fault flattens...
Earthquake Activity In and Around Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Ivan G. Wong, James R. Humphrey, Auriel C. Kollmann, Barbara B. Munden, Douglas D. Wright
Four Corners Geological Society
... special calibration, such values were only used to provide a relative measure of size. Fault plane solutions (equal area projections on the lower hemisphere...
Linked Tectonics of the Northern North Sea Basins
A. D. Gibbs
CSPG Special Publications
... the stratigraphy across the fault, indicates some component of strike-slip as well as dip-slip in the plane of the profile. On line 1, the eastern...
Geomechanical Modeling of Stimulation-Induced Stress Change for Casing Deformation Analysis
Roberto Wagner Alvarado, Scott Wilkins, Stephanie Cook, Robert Holman, Robin Pearson, Abbey Hale, Grant Loxton, Jonathan Woolley, Jennifer Roberts, Wei Zheng, Vincenzo De Gennaro, Doug Jordan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... deformation may result from fault reactivation and bedding-plane slip induced by elevated horizontal stresses near hydraulic fractures. These findings...
Heart Mountain Faulting: Timing and Mechanism
Willis H. Nelson, William G. Pierce
Wyoming Geological Association
... was formed by the faulting. In contrast to our interpretation, Hauge (1982, 1983) concluded that all the volcanic rocks now on the bedding-plane fault have...
Abstract: Multi-layer Tomography in Major Fault System – An Onshore Sultanate of Oman Case Study, by K. Mansoor, O. Hermant, H. Baudon, S. Warzocha, and M. Van De Rijzen, #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Luis M. Banks
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
.... Vertical component of the apparent movement including drag (ij), (Russell, 1955). 6. Apparent movement on fault plane (ac), (Spurr in Lindgren, 1919...
Slippage on the Buena Vista Thrust Fault
Robert D. Nason, Alan K. Cooper, Don Tocher
Pacific Section of AAPG
... the fault were buckled by being shortened and oil wells penetrating the fault plane were bent and offset. Figure 1 shows a map of the affected wells...
Strike Oriented, Swath Seismic and Its Potential Application to Exploration and Development in the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt
William F. Robinson IV
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... seismic survey would record reflection energy from out of the plane of section, on the flank of the structure. Seismic energy is reflected near...
Abstract: Fault-Seal Evaluation in Exploration and Production Environments, by Graham Yielding, Pete Bretan, and Gary Marsden; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Fault History Diagrams: Rapid Analysis of Temporal Variations in Fault Throw and Lithological Juxtaposition
Search and Discovery.com
Deformation of Mesozoic Shales at Hamilton Dome, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
... (1,768 m), and there is no room for a continuous section of Paleozoic rocks on the steep limb. The fault plane must dip northeastward so...
Structural Relationships of the Pryor Mountains
D. L. Blackstone Jr.
Wyoming Geological Association
... that the strike is now N. 60°W, and the dip 45° to 62° W. Within this area the dip of the fault plane, though poorly exposed, must be at least as low...
Elastic Dislocation Modelling and Coulomb Stress Change Investigations, #41679 (2015).
H. Broichhausen, R. Muir, C. Dunlop, E. Macaulay
Search and Discovery.com
... The resulting principal stresses for a vertical strike-slip fault system With a predefined fracture plane orientation for each observation point, shear...
Faulting of an Alternating Sandstones and Shales Turbidite Sequence: Fault Mechanism and Architecture and Their Roles in Fault Seal
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Geometry, Kinematics, and Timing of the Duchesne Fault Zone, Uinta Basin, Northeastern Utah, USA; #11368 (2022)
Riley Brinkerhoff and Douglas A. Sprinkel
Search and Discovery.com
... and the faults on the north side as antithetic. Grabens die out as fault movement is transferred to the adjoining right-stepping grabens in the system. Fault-plane...
Abstract: Kinematic Analysis of Striated Fractures in Titiwangsa Granitoid, Karak Highway (Selangor Side)
H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and other fault markings on a number of fracture planes represent isostatic adjustments through gravity faulting. Fig: 1 FAULT-PLANE MARKINGS tj";:.;j...
Abstract: Experimental and Numerical Models of Basement-Detached Normal Faults, by Q. T. Islam, P. R. Lapointe, and M. O. Withjack; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
New Data on the Structure and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Central Part of the South Emba Region
V. I. Korneyev, V. L. Kripinevich, V. I. Shcherbinin, I. A. Blotskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... profiles; g-zone of contact of seismic horizon Va with fault plane; h-faults in supra-salt sediments; i-recommended exploration wells; j-recommended...
The effects of salt evolution, structural development, and fault propagation on Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oil migration: A two-dimensional fluid-flow study along a megaregional profile in the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
S. Cheree Stover, Shemin Ge, Paul Weimer, Barry C. McBride
AAPG Bulletin
..., 320-335, and 345-360 km in Figure 6C). Oil migration is not restricted to fault-conduit flow in the central and northern segments of the profile...
Study of Faults and Fractures by Multi-scale Data Integration: A Geological Modeling Case in the Dickman Field of Ness County, Kansas State; #20171 (2012)
Jianjun Zeng, Christopher L. Liner, and Johnny Seal
Search and Discovery.com
... (jzeng@mail.uh.edu) Abstract Fault and fracture analysis is an important step to guide the 3D reservoir property gridding for the Dickman Filed...
Investigating the Effect of Varying Fault Geometry and Transmissibility on Recovery: Using a New Workflow for Structural Uncertainty Modeling in a Clastic Reservoir
Signe Ottesen, Chris Townsend, Kjersti Marie verland
AAPG Special Volumes
... the fault plane, the fault transmissibility becomes zero; otherwise, it remains unchanged. In this study, a = 1 and b is set to 3, 5, or 7. The higher...