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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Abstract: The Milton Field, Harris County, Texas, Produced Before Discovery

Phil F. Martyn and Roy F. Beery, Jr.

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... Houston field to the south. Drainage across this fault plane occurred prior to discovery of the field. It is estimated that approximately three and one...


Some Principles of Tectonics in the Permian Basin

John E. Galley

North Texas Geological Society

... well cutting the same fault more than once, because of either a crooked hole or a curved fault plane or both. There may also be instances in which...


Hydrogeologic Aspects of Structural Deformation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin

Paul H. Jones, Raymond H. Wallace, Jr.

New Orleans Geological Society

... to the downthrown block, there is great thickening of correlative section. In plan and profile, faulted masses resemble land slides; fault planes are concave...


Abstract: Fracture Detection and Imaging Using Three-Component Borehole Seismic Data; #91204 (2023)

Ali Aldawood, Ali Alzayer, Ahmed Alawami, Abdulmohsen Alali

Search and

... of the fracture infills, orientation, and size. We lastly applied least-squares migration to both the synthetic and field datasets to localize the fault plane...


Pore Pressure Prediction: Geological Perceptions

S. Shaker

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... this relationship. The structural setting of a prospect and the fault plane lithology juxtaposition playa substantial role in pressure differential...


Interference Patterns from Inclined Shear Fold Systems

E. S. O'Driscoll

CSPG Bulletin

... axis through B, with its vertical axial plane passing through BJ, as shown. The curve RJF represents the fold profile in vertical section. Although...


Fault Seal Analysis: Constraining Fault Seal Risk Using Seismic Velocities, #41789 (2016).

Toby Colson

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... Australia       Motivation – The leaky fault Study area – Rankin Trend Fault architecture of study area Velocity profile Velocity based...


New Data on the Deep Subsurface of the Central Part of West Fergana

P. Yu. Gotfrid, R. U. Kalomazov, V. S. Korobka

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... observed - possibly a fault. See Fig. 2. On profile II-II directly adjacent to the Tuzluk fault is the Vostochno-Madaniyat anticline, the south flank...


Fault growth and linkage: Implications for tectonosedimentary evolution in the Chezhen Basin of Bohai Bay, eastern China

Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, Jia Wei, Leiming Xu, Yanfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhiyong Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

...). In dip-oriented sections, the fault plane has a listric shape both in the west and in northeast-trending segments of main fault, whereas...


Geomorphology of kilometer-scale extensional fault scarps: factors that impact seismic interpretation

Simon A. Stewart, Abby Reeds

AAPG Bulletin

..., the initial fault-plane profile is referred to as “tectonic fault” to distinguish it from the effects of posttectonic processes.Strong Rocks“Strong” here...


Fault-seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, Othman Ali Mahmud

AAPG Special Volumes

... profile of SSF (Figure 10a) means an absence of SSF data, because the area on the fault plane is out of the range of shale smearing.Clay content ratio...


ABSTRACT: Modeling of Shale Smear Parameters, Fault Seal Potential, and Fault Rock Permeability; #90007 (2002)

Sorkhabi, R., Hasegawa, S., Suzuki, K., Takahashi, M., Fujimoto, M., Sakuyama, N., Iwanaga, S.

Search and

...); and (B) Those accounting for individual points on the fault offset plane: Clay Smear Potential (Bouvier et al., 1989; Fulljames et al., 1996; or Smear...


Geometry and Kinematic Evolution of Inversion Structures

Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

... the anticlinal axial plane at a higher dip than the master fault. With continued deformation, the fault moved down the major fault plane...


Thin-skinned Gravity Sliding as a Mechanism for Growth Faulting: Unit 10: Principles

Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway

AAPG Special Volumes

... of strata as they slide over a curved basal slip plane. Note that the antithetic faults are convex upward (unlike the synthetic master fault, which is concave...


Foredeep: Three Seismic Profiles Through The Po Plain

M. Pieri

AAPG Special Volumes

... anticline. There, two wells crossed a thrust plane (most probably a listric reverse fault), with the upper structural unit, which consists...


Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation as Influenced by Growth-Fault Building Mechanism: ABSTRACT

Emenike O. Ukazim, D. A. Fahlquist

AAPG Bulletin

...Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation as Influenced by Growth-Fault Building Mechanism: ABSTRACT Emenike O. Ukazim, D. A. Fahlquist 1982 637 638 66...


Engineering Geology for Design of the Kern River Pipeline at the Wasatch Fault Crossing, Davis County, Utah

Jeffrey R. Keaton

Utah Geological Association

.... Examination of exposures of the fault plane and knowledge of the height of the fault scarp in less disturbed areas lead to a design value of 3 m (10 ft...


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