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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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2-D Resistivity Imaging Investigation of Long Point, Katy-Hockley, Tomball and Pearland Faults, Houston, Texas

Mustafa Saribudak

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and Khan, 2008). LPF-1 and LPF-2 abbrevations indicate Long Point fault locations. The fault plane dips about 70-degrees from the horizontal...


Analysis of Scale Exaggeration on Seismic Profiles (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... or is oriented at some angle to the dip direction, and whether it displays data not in the plane of the profile (sideswipe). However, little attention has been...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 11: Structural Trap and Fault-seal Analysis, Offshore Myanmar: A Case Study

Davies, R. K., L. An, D. A. Medwedeff, D. Yarwood

AAPG Special Volumes

... and dip of the fault and a vertical plane parallel to the average fault strike (Figure 7). The vertical plane is gridded and three independent fault...


Washita Valley Fault System — A New Look at an Old Fault

W. G. Brown

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... a unique line, such as the zero sand line, intersects a plane such as the Washita Valley fault plane, the result is a point which pierces that plane...


Evaluating Structurally Complex Reservoirs: Part 6. Geological Methods

J. R. Hossack, D. B. McGuinness

AAPG Special Volumes

... and used to sketch the structure in profile. Dip Isogons Dip isogons, or contours of equal dip in the plane of the section (Figure 3) (Ramsay, 1967...


Geologic Interpretation of Seismic Profiles, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, Part II: West Flank

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...) and seismic data along the line of profile in both the western hanging wall and eastern footwall block of the thrust indicates that the fault dips west and has...


Structural Trend Analysis by Axial Surface Mapping: Discussion

Donald S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... their exhibited seismic profile (Figure 3A), the structural relationship between the Oak Ridge and Pitas Point fault blocks can not be examined. Therefore, new...


Effect of Faulting on Fluid Flow in Porous Sandstones: Geometry and Spatial Distribution

Marco Antonellini, Atilla Aydin

AAPG Bulletin

... deformation bands are present farther than 23 m from the slip plane. At profile A2A2^prime the fault has a normal offset of approximately 18 m...


A Transform Continental Margin Rich in Hydrocarbons, Gulf of California

Peter Lonsdale

AAPG Bulletin

... at the spreading-center intersection appears on 3.5-kHz profiles (Figure 2, profile 3) as a simple fault scarp that--in less than 3 km (2 mi)--plunges from...


To Boldly Go Where No Interpreter Has Gone Before

Sven Philit, Fabien Pauget, Sebastien Lacaze, Caroline Guion

GEO ExPro Magazine

..., is getting a step closer. 56 GEOExPro March 2019 Eliis SVEN PHILIT, FABIEN PAUGET, SEBASTIEN LACAZE, Eliis; CAROLINE GUION; Eliis Inc. Fault Plane...


Displacement … Length Linkage Model Applied to Footwalls Traps: Examples from the Eastern Llanos Basin of Colombia, #10568 (2014)

Oscar Lopez-Gamundi, Diana P. Carrascal, Andrea Pablos

Search and

... within the Villeta Formation and Ubaque (Figure 1). Displacement (D) was measured as offset of a marker horizon measured along the dip of the fault plane...


Fault Segmentation and Linkage: Examples from the Hurricane Fault, Southwestern U.S.A.

Wanda J. Taylor, Meg E. Stewart, Richard L. Orndorff

Pacific Section of AAPG

... the map plane; note that fault slip magnitude changes at or near fault ends and locations of segment linkage. In the case of overlapping faults the amount...


Oil-Gas Prospects of the Cis-Ural Downwarp

N. I. Klyuchnikov, Yu. V. Kazantsev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... In well 3 at a depth of 4130 m beneath rocks of Tournaisian age the drill encountered Vizean limestones and dolomites. The fault plane dips...


Magnetics and Geology of Yoast Field, Bastrop County, Texas

D. M. Collingwood

AAPG Bulletin

.... The writer concludes that the high magnetic anomaly is due to an igneous neck in a major fault plane, up which the igneous rock came as a volcanic...


Extension, Displacement, and Block Rotation in the Larger Gullfaks Area, Northern North Sea: Determined from Map View Restoration

Delphine Rouby , Haakon Fossen , Peter R. Cobbold

AAPG Bulletin

... part of the Gullfaks fault block is characterized by relatively few faults. Faulting is Fig. 2. (a) East-west depth profile through the northern part...


Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #41821 (2016)

Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, Quentin Fisher

Search and

..., the fault displacement and stratigraphic profile can be used together to estimate the nature of the fault-rock which might be present. In reservoir-shale...



John G. Dennis

AAPG Special Volumes

... structure is its trace on the ac plane, i.e. on the plane perpendicular to B; this plane is a plane of symmetry. History and usage: Profile has long...


The Use of Seismic Refraction Method in Slope Failure Investigation

Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Rahman Yaccup, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Umar Hamzah, Abd. Ghani Rafek

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... 100 120 Figure 5. Longitudinal profile (JPl) ofthe interpreted slip plane from the Macintosh probe. 60- :IE -- 50 MP 16- MP 20 are I:E: \AI...


Using B4 LiDAR and CRN Age Data to Constrain Slip Rates Along the San Andreas Fault System at Millard Canyon, San Gorgonio Pass; #41652 (2015)

Ian Desjarlais, Doug Yule, Richard Heermance

Search and

..., and with this we mathematically resolve these vertical slip parameters onto their respective fault plane geometries to evaluate the strike-slip component of motion...



Andra K. Francis , David Jaggernauth, Eric A. Williams, Manas R. Sahoo

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... boundary between the Caribbean and South American plates. Upon completion of the fault mapping on seismic sections, fault plane maps were created...


Geology and Oil-Gas Productivity of the Podoshven Formation of the Productive Unit of the Offshore Apsheron Bank Field

D. G. Dzhalilov, M. M. Gummatov, P. A. Tagi-Zade

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... on base of Kirmakin formation; 2-tectonic faults; 3-fault plane; 4-wells yielding oil; 5-offset wells. Figure 2. Transverse profile through...


Awakening of the Ayazakhtarma Mud Volcano of South Kobystan

A. A. Yakubov, B. V. Grigor’yants, N. S. Kastryulin, R. R. Rakhmanov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... sediments. An important feature of this tectonic beit is a fault, along which the north block has been upthrown 100-600 m. The fault plane dips...


Relationship Brtween the Kishenehn Basin, and the Flathead Listric Normal Fault System and Lewis Thrust Salient

Kurt Constenius

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the basin was controlled by the ramp surface of the Lewis fault plane. Ultimately, the basin is a manifestation of structural weaknesses imparted during...


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