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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Question of the Wind River Thrust, Wyoming, Resolved by COCORP Deep Reflection Data and by Gravity Data

Scott B. Smithson, Jon Brewer, S. Kaufman, Jack Oliver, Charles Hurich

Wyoming Geological Association

... plane. The northeast flank of the uplift is overlain by sedimentary rocks dipping at about 15° into the Wind River Basin. The dip of the thrust fault...


4.2 Wrench Fault Tectonics: Convergent Wrench Fault and Positive Flower Structure, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma

T. P. Harding, R. F. Gregory, and L. H. Stephens

AAPG Special Volumes

.... This relationship is more convincing on an unmigrated version of the profile. The recognition of a central, subvertical fault that extends into the basement...


Foreland Basement-Involved Structures: Discussion1

Donald S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... requires synclinal bends in the fault plane within basement (Mitra and Mount, 1998, p. 80). There is indeed backlimb rotation on most of the basement...


COMMENT: Quealy Dome: A Rocky Mountain Foreland Sttuctural Trap Oil Field

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...°W.), the fault plane flips over and becomes "reverse", that is, the fault dips north with the north side up. Blackstone (1984, p. 86) states...


Abstract: Lithospehere Structure and Dynamics of the Banda Arc Collision Zone, Eastern Indonesia (Paper 55)

Adrian Richardson

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... this critical region. A compilation of all 3 million years ago, the oceanic portion of the Indo-Australian historical hypocentres and fault plane...


Seismic Profiles in the Area of the Pierce and Black Hollow Fields, Weld County, Colorado

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... fault separation on a steeplydipping fault plane is apparent on the profile at the basement level, but again, measurable separation is not obvious...


An experimental evaluation of the curvature-strain relation in fault-related folds

David P. Keating, Mark P. Fischer

AAPG Bulletin

... oriented perpendicular to the strike of the basement fault (i.e., an x, z plane; Figure 8). This method creates a grid of discrete strain values...


Chapter 10: 3-D Seismic-Structural Workflows – Examples Using the Hat Creek Fault System

Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the fault plane in 3-D (see Figure 7). Again, the three-dimensionality of such a display is difficult to convey on the page, because much of the brain's...


Heart Mountain — Blocks in a Giant Volcanic Rock Glacier

John K. Sales

Wyoming Geological Association

... is no longer present. Third, if the mega-flow has a velocity profile like most other fluids, it is moving slowest at the fault plane. It might...


Preliminary Gravity Study of Glacier National Park, Montana

Dolores M. Kulik

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... the Lewis fault plane. The minimal gravity expression of the fault south of Lake McDonald does not support this interpretation. The area of the fault...


Abstract: Multiphase Deformations within the Late Permian Strata of the Raub Gold Mine, Pahang

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...°. The earliest of the (SIB) is always slaty while the later (SIb) may have a crenulation form with offset according to lithology. On profile plane, SIB...


Use of Palinspatic Constructions to Detect Sub-Thrust Structures

M. S. Bondareva, L. V. Pimenova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of correlation in the fault zone. Figure 1. Seismogeologic profile II-II through the Vuktyl gas-condensate field. 1-Seismic reflectors: a-reliable...


Kinematics of the Eastern Flank of the Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming

Patrick James O'Connell

Wyoming Geological Association

...-A and Line Creek Fault, a constrictive geometry developed, causing the Terry Anticline to form due to bedding-plane slip. The increased shortening along...


The Application of Seismic Attribute Analysis Technique in Coal Field Exploration, #40947 (2012)

Jingbin Cui, Xiaobo Liu, Jianhong Liu, YuhongWang, Zhensheng Zhang, Na Lei

Search and

... as a fault. Usually it is easy to identify the big subsidence columns in the seismic profile, but the smaller ones, the diameter of which are less...


Application of intelligent fault identification and sealing evaluation technology in Lukeqin area

Sun bo, Lin Yu, Guo Xiang, Yin Xue Bin, Nie Zhiwei, Liu Hongyan

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... network (CNN) deep learning is applied in practice. It has obvious improvement in profile fault imaging, plane fault combination and deep noise resistance...


Seismic Characteristics and Identification of Negative Flower Structures, Positive Flower Structures, and Positive Structural Inversion

T. P. Harding

AAPG Bulletin

... a seismic-reflection profile of a small displacement wrench fault with a positive flower structure in the South China Sea. Negative flower structures...


Tectonic Geomorphology of the Ventura, Ojai and Santa Paula Areas, Western Transverse Ranges, California

E. A. Keller, T. K. Rockwell, M. N. Clark, G. R. Dembroff, D. L. Johnson

Pacific Section SEPM

... faults which bound the zone to the northeast and southwest, respectively. fault and by bedding plane faults induced by regional north-south...


Structural Trend Analysis by Axial Surface Mapping

John H. Shaw , Stephen C. Hook , John Suppe

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ structural elevation (in two-way traveltime) is greatest along profile 2, consistent with the pattern of a plunging fault-bend fold...


Mapping Unconventional Reservoir Stress Conditions: An Integrated Workflow Using Geological, Stimulation and Microseismic Data

Orlando J. Teran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fitting techniques, and the ambiguity in identifying the true fracture plane is resolved by simply choosing the nodal plane that aligns...


Displacement of Crests of Anticlinal Structures in the Adyr Zone of South Fergana

I. M. Mikhaylov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... along wells 136-137. See Fig. 1. As is evident on the profile the fault plane passing along the south flank of the Adyr is connected with the surface...


Tarakan Sub-Basin Growth Faults, North-East Kalimantan: Their Roles in Hydrocarbon Entrapment

Elan Biantoro, M. Indra Kusuma, Lindy F. Rotinsulu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (listric). The fault dips at shallow depth may reach 45° to 60°, but with increasing depth there is a gradual decrease of dip and the fault plane...


Effect of Faulting on Fluid Flow in Porous Sandstones: Petrophysical Properties

Marco Antonellini, Atilla Aydin

AAPG Bulletin

... a fault plane is called "diagenetic healing" (Watts, 1987). In another paper (Antonellini et al., in press) we described and discussed...


Problem of Conductivity of Fractures

A. N. Guseynov, P. I. Nikitin, B. A. Shapiro

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... to the plane of the longitudinal fault is saturated by water, entering apparently from the fault and partially forcing back the oil. For example...


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