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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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3.2 Basement Involved: 3.2.2 Basement Thrust and Reverse Faults: Seismic Profile: North Fork Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

D. S. Stone

AAPG Special Volumes

... in the North Fork area. Thus the thrust structures illustrated by the seismic profile lie in the upthrown block of the Buffalo Deep Fault, and could...


AAPG Studies in Geology No.53 - Part 2: Case Studies

edited by John H. Shaw, Christopher D. Connors and John Suppe

AAPG Special Volumes

... the strike profile. This feature corresponds with the fault-plane reflection described in dip section A. Above the fault, a panel of reflections that dips...


Seismicity and Basement Structure Beneath South San Francisco Bay, California

Mary Lou Zoback, Jean A. Olson, Robert C. Jachens

Pacific Section SEPM

... seismic profile through the Golden Gate. The largest of these events (M2.4) has a fault-plane solution with one poorly-constrained moderately-dipping...


Geophysics Along the Edwards Trend

W. Lee Moore

GCAGS Transactions

... of minima. This trend of maxima, incidentally, extends north and northeast along the Luling-Mexia-Talco fault trend. A gravity profile across the Luling...


Three-Dimensional Seismic Interpretation from the Triangle Zone of the Frontal Ouachita Mountains and Arkoma Basin, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma

M. H. Valderrama, K. C. Nielsen, G. A. McMechan

AAPG Bulletin

... fault offsetting the footwall Wapanucka and in cross-line profile 10 (Figure 10) as a normal fault. This change in fault-plane dip may have several...


Kinematic Analyses Using Profile and Time-Slice Animations of 3-D Seismic Volumes: Examples from the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province

Don Stone

Search and

... interpretations of the kinematic development of subsurface geologic structures. For example, bottom-up movies can—with the appearance of fault-plane...


Using Borehole Images for Target-Zone Evaluation in Horizontal Wells

Neil F. Hurley , David R. Thorn , Janine L. Carlson , Sandra L. W. Eichelberger

AAPG Bulletin

... in planning future wells, multiple penetrations of he same horizon can be detected and used to calculate highly accurate bedding-plane dips. Fault...


Detail Illustration of Structural Discontinuities: Fault Intensity Attribute to Enhance the Fault Likelihood, Hessian Derivative and Fault Extraction

Aji Darma Maulana, Argya Hastubrata Basundara, Muhammad Hafiz Baharuddin, Syukron Ady Purnawiranto, Muhammad Alfateh Saifullizan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the structural attribute values. In the final stage, an averaging process is performed to combine all the scanning results into a single Fault Plane...


Reactivated Ancient Slides at the Sungai Kelalong Dam Site, Bintulu Sarawak, East Malaysia

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... and linked to the underlying major listric normal fault plane. The weathering profile above the listric fault is rather highly irregular compared...


Application and Extension of Fine Fault Recognition Technology in Surrounding Area of Penglai 19-3 Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China, #20436 (2018).

Xugang Ma, Donghong Zhou, Dingyou Lv, Dayong Guan, Hongguo Zhang

Search and

..., remove the interference noise in seismic section, so that the fault profile for easy identification.After the structure oriented filtering treatment...


Balanced Section in Thrust Belts Part 1: Construction

Declan G. De Paor

AAPG Bulletin

... OF SECTION PLANE AND PROJECTION AXIS Before projecting a geologic surface (bed or fault) from a datum location onto the section plane, one must choose...


Fracture Patterns and Fault Architecture in the East Kaibab Monocline

Pauline N. Mollema, Atilla Aydin

Four Corners Geological Society

.... Complex fault zones, f. Deformation bands with compaction bands. Bedding plane faults and tail cracks The tail cracks in domain 2 theoretically enhance...


Model for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment Within Faulted Structures

Urban S. Allan

AAPG Bulletin

... fault blocks. Fault-plane sections used with structure maps give a three-dimensional view of migration and trapping, and they illustrate the interplay...


Analysis of Critically Stressed Fractures and Impact on Field Development in a South Sumatra field

Anzar Syed Islam, Lia Wisanti, Aditi Pal, Budi Satrio, Mohammad Himawan Prakoso, Galih Regi Ramadhan, Anggie Askari Pajabada, Mohamad Taufik

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... rocks, under a reverse stress regime. The stress profile was used to determine normal and shear stresses across fracture/fault planes and the potential...


Identification of Wrench Faults Using Subsurface Structural Data: Criteria and Pitfalls (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... systems, only certain profile characteristics restricted to the principal strike-slip displacement zone are useful. (1) A central or solitary master fault...


Abstract: Improving Resolution of a Fault Probability Map by a Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Network;

Fan Jiang, Phil Norlund

Search and

... are characterized by the low resolution of fault probability that could extend real fault plane out of its true range. Additionally, the low fidelity of the fault...


Seismic and Borehole Evidence For Important Pre-Laramide Faulting Along the Axial Arch in Northwest Colorado

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... profile on the east, into the plane of the Moffat fault. LSC-lateral slip component; VSC-vertical slip component; NS-net slip; ABFS-Axial Basin fault...


New Data on the Structure of the Vuktyl Field and Plans for Further Oil-Gas Exploration

A. V. Borisov, V. Ye. Leshchenko, N. F. Medvedev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... limestones; 6-dolomitized limestones; 7-dolomites; 8-marker horizons. The drilling has demonstrated that the fault plane flattens out...


Statistical Curvature Analysis Techniques for Structural Interpretation of Dipmeter Data

C. A. Bengtson

AAPG Bulletin

... and 10, the following is known from dipmeter data: (1) The orientation of a horizontal line contained in the fault plane (i.e., its strike), (2...


Analysis of an Aeromagnetic Profile Across the Mill Creek Syncline, Anadarko Basin, Southern Oklahoma

Charles Thomas Austin

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... to determine the configuration of the greatly displaced granite fault blocks. The profile showed changes in the depth of the Precambrian basement from...


Rocky Mountain Foreland Areas: Chapter 3

W. G. Brown

AAPG Special Volumes

... of dip on the fault plane; (2) profile of the hanging wall block; (3) profile of the footwall block; (4) amount of crustal shortening implied; and (5...


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