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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
3-D Seismic Fault-Plane Images from Offshore Myanmar, Gulf of Thailand, and Lake Maracaibo: Insight into Regional Stresses and Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways; #40892 (2012)
John D. Pigott and Non Prapasanobon
Search and Discovery.com
...3-D Seismic Fault-Plane Images from Offshore Myanmar, Gulf of Thailand, and Lake Maracaibo: Insight into Regional Stresses and Hydrocarbon Migration...
ABSTRACT: Linking Normal Fault Propagation Processes with Oil Bearing Reverse-Drag Folds: A Case Study from Leona Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin; #90013 (2003)
Denis Marchal, Jesus S. Porras, Carlos Selva, Daniel Salas, Misael Alvear
Search and Discovery.com
..., that divides the Leona field, is composed of interconnected fault segments. The main fault plane shows throw variations along strike, with maximum...
Finding Hydrocarbons in Fault Traps
Marian W. Downey
West Texas Geological Society
... at the fault trace. A fault plane itself generally has little effect on migrating hydrocarbons. In areas such as the Teritary of the Gulf of Mexico...
Quaternary Faulting in the Stansbury Fault Zone, Tooele County, Utah
Jennifer M. Helm
Utah Geological Association
...-plane orientations and total slip estimated below indicate that the folds west of the main fault have considerably thickened hinges. Well-developed...
Structure and Kinematic Genesis of the Quealy Wrench Duplex: Transpressional Reactivation of the Precambrian Cheyenne Belt in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... to a preexisting fault plane, renewed slip will include a lateral component. Multiphase deformation can produce complex fault geometry, particularly...
Geophysical evidence for thrust faulting in the Carboniferous Antigonish-Mabou Subbasin, Nova Scotia
P. Durling, P. Harvey, K. Howells
Atlantic Geology
... profile and (b) interpreted profile. The letter ‘T’ indicates the location of probable thrust fault; ‘CF’, ‘SF’ and ‘AF’ denote the position...
Abstract: Models for the Development of Listric Normal Faults and Fault Seals
John B. Spang
GCAGS Transactions
... in space at bends in the fault plane. As the rocks move through the fault bend, they are sheared according to the existing model of inclined shear...
Folded Faults and Sequence of Thrusting in Alberta Foothills
P. B. Jones
AAPG Bulletin
... southwest, subparallel with the fault plane. In the subsurface, a seismic profile shows the fault plane flattening at depth, passing into a bedding-plane...
Using Buoyancy Pressure Profiles to Assess Uncertainty in Fault Seal Calibration
Peter Bretan, Graham Yielding
AAPG Special Volumes
... reservoir structure map showing location of fault 1 (arrowed) and wells in the southwest part of the Oseberg Syd field; (b) fault plane diagram...
Fault-Propagation Folds: Geometry, Kinematic Evolution, and Hydrocarbon Traps (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... translation on propagating thrusts. The thrust fault may propagate through the undeformed units, along the synclinal axial plane, or through...
Geophysical Interpretations East of Preston, Idaho, Based on Gravity and Magnetic Data
Steven R. Scheu
Utah Geological Association
... of 1.5 kilometers and a maximum width of 4 kilometers in the plane of the profile. It cuts through both the basement rock and the Salt Lake Formation...
Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom
Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
... they intersect a horizontal plane but cannot be used to elucidate the three-dimensional (3-D) evolution of the fault system. The 3-D characteristics of normal...
Integrated Fault and Hazard Analysis in Downtown Houston, Texas
Jingqiu Huang, Don Van Nieuwenhuise, Shuhab D. Khan
GCAGS Journal
... profile. The seismic line reveals ~20 m of displacement with the fault dipping to the southeast. At some point displacement of the hanging-wall block...
Section Four: Geologic Techniques for Operations on Diapiric Structures
New Orleans Geological Society
... of maps will increase. From the beginning, a map describing the diapiric mass, major fault plane contour maps and structure contour maps on key...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic Fault Plane Images from Offshore Myanmar, Gulf of Thailand, and Lake Maracaibo: Insight into Regional Stresses and Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Analysis of a Portion of the Reagan Fault Zone Murray County, Oklahoma
Eugene Anthony Haas
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... or slickensides on the fault plane or planes. Slickensides on a fault surface indicate the direction of displacement, whether strike slip (Fig. 9a...
Subsurface Interpretation of Intersecting Faults and Their Effects Upon Stratigraphic Horizons
George Dickinson
AAPG Bulletin
...------------------------------ The conditions shown in this map are illustrated in the block diagram above it. The original fault plane ABCD (Fig. 1-a) has been cut...
Recognition of Faults, Unconformities, and Sequence Boundaries Using Cumulative Dip Plots
Neil F. Hurley
AAPG Bulletin
... identical structural dip above and below one fault. Also, faults and unconformities are not the only reasons for changes in bedding-plane orientation...
Identification of Wrench Faults Using Subsurface Structural Data: Criteria and Pitfalls: Reply (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... the cross section examples, (4) serial cross sections to accompany the map figures, (5) fault-plane cross sections along the faults, and (6) in general...
Direct estimation of fault trajectory from structural relief
Nathan W. Eichelberger, Alan G. Nunns, Richard H. Groshong Jr., and Amanda N. Hughes
AAPG Bulletin
... for. In this paper, regional dip is restored prior to applying the fault-trajectory method by rotating the structural profile being analyzed. Determining Fault...
Morphology of the Casper Mountain uplift and related, subsidiary structures, central Wyoming: Implications for Laramide kinematics, dynamics, and crustal inheritance
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... to the south for this shallow part of the fault plane. Figure 6. North-northeast-trending, unmigrated, interpreted seismic profile e (courtesy of Texaco...
Abstract: Elastic Models of Deformation in Nature: Why Shouldn’t We Use The Present Day Fault Geometry; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Automated Fault Plane and Polygon Generation in a Large, Mixed 2D and 3D Seismic Data Set; #90051 (2006)
Michael G. Kumpas, Srinivasa Rao Narhari, Hanan Al-Owihan, Andrew Corley
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Automated Fault Plane and Polygon Generation in a Large, Mixed 2D and 3D Seismic Data Set; #90051 (2006) Michael G. Kumpas, Srinivasa Rao...
Detailed Fault Zone Architecture Mapped from Inside a Tunnel Near Salina, Utah, by Anne H. Covault, Russell K. Davies, and Janok Bhattacharya; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
William G. Brown
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... just described. If lines are drawn perpendicular to the fault plane at points (a) and (b), these perpendiculars will intersect at a point which would...