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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seals - A Critical Element To Successful Exploration and Production - Workshop Summary
Robert Sneider, Ronald Surdam, Charles Vavra
... of faults within the fault plane. In addition, some sealing faults may "break down" during production and allow fluid movement. Fault seals...
Structural Containment in the Port Campbell Embayment and on the Mussel Platform, Otway Basin, Victoria
Laurent Langhi, Ernest Swierczek, Julian Strand, Louise Goldie Divko, David Whittam, Andrew Ross
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... Mudstone (CampanianMaastrichtian). Fault reactivation occurred during the Paleogene. Top seal evolution The thickness of the Belfast Mudstone reaches...
Abstract: Snap, Crackle & Pop: Risking Top Seal Integrity, by G. M. Skerlec; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Lateral Seal – A Major Exploration Risk in the Faulted Traps of the Cretaceous Petroleum System - Central Muglad Basin, Sudan, by Kamil M. Idris and Su Yongdi, #10080 (2005).
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Fault Seal Prediction and Risk Evaluation of Exploratory Prospects: Examples of Brazilian Marginal Basins, Pelosi, Ana Paula M., #90100 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Geochronology-Based Fault Sets to Fault-Trap Integrity, Eastern Gippsland Basin
J. Sayers
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... stratigraphic levels, in part reflecting intermittent folding events during the Coniacian–Santonian, Oligocene and Miocene (Fig. 3). Other fault...
Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Marlan W. Downey
AAPG Bulletin
... the amount of hydrocarbon column that can be held by a top seal. Where traps are created by fault offset of reservoirs, thickness of top seal can be very...
Production-induced fault compartmentalization at Elk Hills field, California
Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Nathaniel E. Reish, Peter F. Cowell
AAPG Bulletin
... by fault seal is common (Van Hulten, 2010). Accurate assessments of fault seal are essential for the development of cost-effective production strategies...
Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Retention
John Kaldi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...; AES = areal extent of the seal; AEC = areal extent of structural or stratigraphic closure; ST = seal thickness and FT = the fault throw in top seal; SI...
ABSTRACT: Case Study of an Oil Field in the Regional Peripheral Fault Trend Play: North Choctaw Ridge, Alabama; #90049 (2005)
B. J. Panetta
Search and Discovery.com
... closure and by a fault to the south. The fault provides a lateral seal, while the Buckner anhydrites are the top seal rocks. The petroleum trap formed...
Abstract: Fault Seal Analysis, SMI 36 field, Gulf of Mexico, by Russell Davies, Linji An, Anne Mathis, Paul Jones, and Carol Cornette; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Dynamic Leakage of Faults During Differential Depletion: Theory, Models, and Examples from the Niger Delta, by N. L. Watts, C. H. Kaars Sijpestein, L. N. Osai, and O. C. Okoli; #91007 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction
David L. Connolly, Friso Brouwer, and David Walraven
GCAGS Transactions
...Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction David L...
Capillary effects on fault-fill sealing
Alton Brown
AAPG Bulletin
..., and R. C. M. W. Franssen, 1997, Fault seal processes: systematic analysis of fault seals over geological and production time scales, in P. Moller-Petersen...
ABSTRACT: Adapting Current Knowledge on Fault Seal Analysis to Producing Fields; #90061 (2006)
Silje Støren Berg, Alastair.I.F. Welbon, Paul Brockbank, and Signe Ottesen
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Adapting Current Knowledge on Fault Seal Analysis to Producing Fields; #90061 (2006) Silje Støren Berg, Alastair.I.F. Welbon, Paul...
Abstract: Deformation Processes and Fault Seal Mechanisms: A Combined Microstructural Analysis from the Ula Field, Central Graben, North Sea, by R. J. Knipe, S. Anderson, and A. Mitchell; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Calculation and Visualization of Fault Gauge Ratio, by K. Hoffman and J. Neave; #90908 (2000)
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Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, #42291 (2018).
Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lancon, Yves-Marie Leroy,
Search and Discovery.com
...Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, #42291 (2018). Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lancon, Yves...
ABSTRACT: Fault Analysis and Fault Seal, by Tim Needham, Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman; #91020 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Using Buoyancy Pressure Profiles to Assess Uncertainty in Fault Seal Calibration
Peter Bretan, Graham Yielding
AAPG Special Volumes
... and production: Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication 11, p. 109125.Takahashi, M., 2003, Permeability change during experimental fault...
Theoretical Aspects of Cap-Rock and Fault Seals for Single- and Two-Phase Hydrocarbon Columns: ABSTRACT
N. L. Watts
AAPG Bulletin
... and juxtaposition faults--hydrocarbons trapped laterally against a juxtaposed sealing unit. The two-phase fault seal capacity is greater than for equivalent oil...
Long Beach, Recreation Park, and Seal Beach Oil Fields Los Angeles County, California
M. E. Wright
Pacific Section of AAPG
... by Texaco, in a fault separated, faulted northeast plunging anticlinal nose. The production was from the Delmontian-Mohnian “Deep Zone”. In all...
ABSTRACT: The Impact of Dynamic Behavior of Fault Zone to Field's Production and Development Strategies, by Onyeagoro, U.O., S. J. Naruk; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Properties and Sealing Capacity of Fault Rock from Sheared-Joint Based Faults in Sandstone; #90013 (2003)
Eric Flodin, Martha Gerdes, Atilla Aydin, William D. Wiggins
Search and Discovery.com
... The incorporation of shale into fault zones is widely recognized to increase the sealing capacity of a fault on both exploration and production time-scales...