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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Probabilistic Analysis of Fault Seal Capacity in Compressional Settings: Risking Prospects and Fields in Exploration and Production, by D. Richards, T. Murray, M. Kleven, and G. Christie; #90092 (2009)
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ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Development in Siliciclastic Sequences, by Pete Bretan and Graham Yielding; #90906(2001)
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Juxtaposition and Seal Diagrams to Help Analyze Fault Seals in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
R. J. Knipe
AAPG Bulletin
...Juxtaposition and Seal Diagrams to Help Analyze Fault Seals in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs R. J. Knipe 1997 187 195 81 (1997) 2 A new set of diagrams...
Hydrocarbon Seal Rocks: Chapter 8: Part II. Essential Elements
Marlan W. Downey
AAPG Special Volumes
... and beneficial, but it does no directly influence the amount of hydrocarbon column that can be held by a top seal. Where traps are created by fault offset...
Fault Rock Prediction for Inverted Extensional Faults in Siliciclastic Sequences Challenges, Methods and Risking for Hydrocarbon Exploration, #41389 (2014).
Stewart J. Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... of clay smear continuity and breakdown, are commonplace in fault seal workflows. However, for normal faults that have been subject to inversion the results...
Abstract: Seal Analysis of Compressional Deepwater Structures, by Sankar Muhuri, Gary P. Muscio, Carlos Rivero, Richard Eisenberg, Simon D. Harris, and Robert Knipe; #90082 (2008)
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ABSTRACT: Pressure and Fluid-Flow Response to Production from Reservoirs Bounded by Faults with Relay Structures, by S. K. Matthai, A. Aydin, and D. D. Pollard; #91019 (1996)
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Structural Trapping of Buoyant Fluids
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Structural Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Traps Sealed by Basement Normal Block Faults at Stable Flank of Foredeep Basins and at Rift Basins
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... of the reservoir. Fault seal upward along the faults is most likely where a thick section of impervious strata above the reservoir is in contact...
Complex Geological Modeling and Fault Seal Using Unstructured Grids
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ABSTRACT: Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Gas Production from Frio (Oligocene) Sands at Monte Christo Field, Hidalgo County, Texas, by Thomas L. Cogswell, Noel Tyler; #90999 (1990).
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Abstract: Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Gas Production from Frio (Oligocene) Sands at Monte Christo Field, Hidalgo County, Texas, by T. L. Cogswell and N. Tyler; #91006 (1991)
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Assessing Risk and Volume Relationships in Multiple-Segment Exploration Prospects; #41190 (2013)
Charles Darrel Norman
Search and Discovery.com
..., as opposed to during production. Communication may result in shared hydrocarbon-water contacts, or migration of hydrocarbons between segments...
Abstract: Fault Characterization and Reservoir Development at Kuparuk River Field, Part 2: Understanding Fault Zones and Predicting Fault Seal, by R. W. Krantz and M. R. Longden; #90008 (2002).
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Anatomy of a normal fault with shale smear: Implications for fault seal
Atilla Aydin, Yehuda Eyal
AAPG Bulletin
...Anatomy of a normal fault with shale smear: Implications for fault seal Atilla Aydin, Yehuda Eyal 2002 86 8 We describe the geometry and structural...
AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 10: Fault Seal: Contrasts Between the Exploration and Production Problem
F. L. Wehr, L. H. Fairchild, M. R. Hudec, R. K. Shafto, W. T. Shea, and J. P. White
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 10: Fault Seal: Contrasts Between the Exploration and Production Problem F. L. Wehr, L. H. Fairchild, M. R. Hudec, R. K...
Abstract: Validation of Fault Seal Mechanisms: An Outcrop and Subsurface Perspective
Titus Murray, William L. Power, Silvia Sosio de Rosa, Zoe Shipton, Rebecca J. Lunn
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...Abstract: Validation of Fault Seal Mechanisms: An Outcrop and Subsurface Perspective Titus Murray, William L. Power, Silvia Sosio de Rosa, Zoe...
ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Mechanisms in Contractional and Transpressional Settings: Examples From the Ventura Basin, Southern California, by James W. Handschy, Bryan Jolley, Greg J. Mc Rae; #91020 (1995).
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Fault Seal Analysis in the Southern Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment
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Sealing - What Are We Risking?; #41824 (2016)
Mark Hollanders, Steven Bloemendaal
Search and Discovery.com
... are just a few cases which may result in differences in Seal Risk assessment: ● It can have overlap with Structure Risk when fault seal is part...
New Techniques Improve Reservoir Description While Reducing Risk
Drew Wharton
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to improve fault seal analysis Even with the aid of edge-detection algorithms, manual interpretation of fault surfaces remains a painstaking exercise...
Is It Trap? Is It Seal? A Move Towards Consistent Risking of Stratigraphic Traps, Mark A. Sykes, J. Steve Davis, Christopher J. Vandewater, #42492 (2020).
Samuel J. Plitzuweit, S. Lance Jackson,
Search and Discovery.com
... as a consequence of confusion surrounding the definitions of the Trap and Seal geologic risk elements. Clarity during exploration is, however...
Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab fault, Utah
Peter Eichhubl, Nicholas C. Davatzes, Stephen P. Becker
AAPG Bulletin
.... We propose that the discontinuous occurrence of microbially mediated calcite cement may impede, but not completely seal, fault-parallel fluid flow...
ABSTRACT: Fault Transmissibility in Gas Reservoirs
Randy Partap, Iannie Roopa, Tracy Gunness, Adrian Ramdial, Steve Dee
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...- reservoir faults. This behavior is attributed to two reasons, one being pressure drawdown across the fault leading to breakdown of fault baffle...