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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Geomechanical, microstructural, and petrophysical evolution in experimentally reactivated cataclasites: Applications to fault seal prediction

David N. Dewhurst, Richard M. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

... Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, v. 40, p. 194-212. Knipe, R. J., 1992, Faulting processes and fault seal, in R. M. Larsen, H...


Abstract: Application of Real-Time Isotope Logging in Central Luconia Province for Reservoir Evaluation and Assessing Seal Competency

Ahmad Shoeibi, Andrew Mynors

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... isotope profiles in seal sediments can be integrated with the basin model to provide insight into plumbing and failure mechanisms during post-well...


Fault Seal and Fault Stability Risk Assessments for Field Development Planning … Implications for Injection Pressures and Operational Procedures (Paper 10)

Adrian White, Jürgen Streit, Ralf Napalowski, Robin Hill

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Fault Seal and Fault Stability Risk Assessments for Field Development Planning … Implications for Injection Pressures and Operational Procedures...


Three-Dimensional Calculation and Visualization of Fault Gouge Ratio

Karen S. Hoffman, John W. Neave

GCAGS Transactions

... uncertainty into the calculation. Determining whether a fault will act as a seal, or whether there is potential for development of leaks during...


Predicting Structural Permeability in the Deep Coal Play, Tirrawarra-Gooranie fields, Cooper Basin

C.J. Bowker, B.A. Camac, S.A. Fraser

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... an adjacent fault trace or the model area boundary. The ‘fictitious fault’ properties ensure they have zero slip during the solution cycle, effectively...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geological Perception of Pore and Fracture Prediction: Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico

Shaker, Selim S.

GCAGS Transactions

.... Blow-outs, kicks, flow-kill-breakdown and loss of circulation problems usually occur along the interface zone between the seal...


Abstract: Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #90251 (2016)

Graham Yielding

Search and

...Abstract: Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #90251 (2016) Graham Yielding AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery...



Carpenter, D. G., B. R. Bullock, N. E. Reish, T. L. Sims, A. Stefaniak, T. E. West

Search and

... in response to thrust faulting and bending moment tension/flexural slip of beds during folding. Fracture variability controls production trends...


Basement Reservoir Opportunity in Central Sumatra Basin

Nazliyati Husin Umri, Indrawardana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... ft depth and was dry. The second testing was performed by stimulation (breakdown or fracturing without propan) and it flowed oil. elevated fault...


Sealing and Nonsealing Faults in Louisiana Gulf Coast Salt Basin

Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... is reduced during production operations (Smith, 1966). The analyses of the fault seal based on reservoir performance are discussed for some faulted...


Structure, petrophysics, and diagenesis of shale entrained along a normal fault at Black Diamond Mines, CaliforniaImplications for fault seal

Peter Eichhubl, Peter S. D'Onfro, Atilla Aydin, John Waters, Douglas K. McCarty

AAPG Bulletin

...Structure, petrophysics, and diagenesis of shale entrained along a normal fault at Black Diamond Mines, CaliforniaImplications for fault seal Peter...


The Determination of Seal Capacities for Highly Pressured HP/HT Traps: A Best-PracticeŽ Workflow

Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Richard Lahann, Alexander Edwards, David Scott, Sam Green

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of fault systems that develop at the crests of structures in the Central North Sea. The hydraulic seal is the surface that controls the seal capacity...


Finding By-Passed Oil in a Mature Field by Reprocessing and Reinterpreting Existing 3-D Seismic; A Case Study of Petapahan Field, Sumatera, Indonesia

Subambang Anggoro, Ibnu Arif, Yuli Iswanto, William F. Mallett III, Budy Subiyanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... expected. Integrating the results of 1) the seismic interpretation, 2) fault seal analysis and 3) production of the reactivated wells, unearthed...


Problems in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir

Benyamin Sapiie, Indra Gunawan, Adhipa Herlambang, Maisi Rismawaty, Arif Rifiyanto, Sigit Rahardjo, Ari Samudra, Perdana Rukmana Putra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Problems in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir Benyamin Sapiie, Indra Gunawan, Adhipa Herlambang, Maisi Rismawaty, Arif Rifiyanto...


Effective stress constraints on vertical flow in fault zones: Learnings from natural CO2 reservoirs

S. J. Naruk, J. G. Solum, J. P. Brandenburg, P. Origo, and D. E. Wolf

AAPG Bulletin

... seal processes: Systematic analysis of fault seals over geological and production time scales, in P. Moller-Petersen and A. G. Koestler, eds...


Tectono-Stratigraphic Model for Ghazij Formation in Kirthar Foldbelt, Pakistan, #50725 (2012)

Abrar Ahmad, Mohsin Ali, Abid H. Baitu, Naeem Sardar

Search and

... in the area. The Kirthar Basement Fault is a normal fault created by the breakdown of Gondwana and reactivated during Late Paleocene-Early Eocene time due...


Pore Pressure Prediction as a Prospecting Tool, Input to Risk, Volumes and Field Development

John P. Brown and Rashidah Karim

Search and

... pressures are calculated during the initial exploration stage which allows them to be combined with mapped horizon and fault data to produce...


Fault-seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, Othman Ali Mahmud

AAPG Special Volumes

...Fault-seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, Othman Ali...


Characterization of Fault Zones for Reservoir Modeling: An Example from the Gullfaks Field, Northern North Sea

G. Yielding, J. A. Øverland, and G. Byberg

AAPG Bulletin

.... Byberg 1999 925 951 83 (1999) 6  A fault-seal study was performed for part of the Gullfaks field (North Sea) as an aid to improve reservoir management...


Fault Seal Analysis: A Case Study of the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia (Paper 12)

Shutaro Hasegawa, Naofumi Sakuyama, Syoji Iwanaga, Othman Ali Mahmud

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Fault Seal Analysis: A Case Study of the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia (Paper 12) Shutaro Hasegawa, Naofumi Sakuyama, Syoji Iwanaga...


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