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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Fault Zones in Tight Carbonate Reservoirs: Outcrop Studies from the Suez Rift (Sinai, Egypt), by Bastesen, Eivind; Rotevatn, Atle; #90135 (2011)
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The Architecture of Buried Reverse Fault Zone in Sedimentary Basin: A Case From the Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin, China
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AAPG Distinguished Lecture: Sedimentary Response to Fault Evolution in Rift Basins: Insights from the Gulf of Suez, Greece, and the North Sea - Abstract
Rob Gawthorpe
Alaska Geological Society
... the evolution of fault populations to be investigated and the landscape and sedimentary response to fault evolution to be determined. These studies...
AAPG Studies in Geology #46, Chapter 32: Lacustrine Facies in an Eocene Wrench-Fault Step-Over Basin, Cascade Range, Washington, U.S.A.
James E. Evans
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Studies in Geology #46, Chapter 32: Lacustrine Facies in an Eocene Wrench-Fault Step-Over Basin, Cascade Range, Washington, U.S.A. James E...
Efficient Inclusion of Faults and Fault Flow Properties in Reservoir Models. The Example of Karish Field, Offshore Israel
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Abstract: Recent Geologic Studies Along Portions of the Hollywood Fault in the Los Feliz District of Los Angeles, California, by D. L. Perry, M. Oborne, and M. G. Olson; #90088 (2009)
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Abstract: Fault Rock Analysis in the Chemenuevi-Sacramento Low-Angle Normal Fault System: Evidence of Lanf Slip Mechanisms, by J. Goyette; #90094 (2009)
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Factors Relating to Fault Seals in Some California Oil Fields: ABSTRACT
Albert F. Woodward
AAPG Bulletin
...Factors Relating to Fault Seals in Some California Oil Fields: ABSTRACT Albert F. Woodward 1957 361 361 41 2. (February) The fault-seal problem...
Subsurface Geology of Honor Rancho Area, Ventura County, California: ABSTRACT
Jill T. Schlaefer
AAPG Bulletin
... data determine the San Gabriel fault geometry and history of faulting in the Honor Rancho area. The northwest-trending, east-dipping San Gabriel fault...
Abstract: Faults and Hydrocarbons Distribution in the Dongying Sag, East China - Evidence from Structural Interpretation and Multifractal Geometry; #90255 (2017)
Pengfei Wang
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... Geometry Pengfei Wang1 1 Unconventional Gas Research Institute of China University of Petroleum, Beijing Abstract Several previous studies have shown...
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Structural History of Hinge Fault System of the Malay Basin
Liew Kit Kong
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of both basins, and new findings about the petroleum systems of the basins. Structure and fault maps of these two studies revealed that a major fault...
Abstract: Fault-Propagation Folding in Extensional Settings: A Combined Seismic, Outcrop and Analogue Modelling Study, by Paul Whipp; #90070 (2007)
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Geological Application for the New Fault Response Modelling Module in Move
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Abstract: San Gregorio Fault Zone: Progress and Problems, by J. C. Clark; #90920 (1999).
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ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Analysis: Methodology and Case Studies, by M. E. Badley, B. Freeman, D. T. Needham, and G. Yielding; #91019 (1996)
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Quantitative Evaluation of Mechanical Heterogeneity of Sedimentary Sequences
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Effects of Fault Throw and Mechanical Stratigraphy on Fault Architecture in the Lenghu Fold-Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin, NE Tibet
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The Permeability Structure Of Sandstones Adjacent To A Reverse-Reactivated Fault
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Prediction of Normal-Fault Geometries--A Sensitivity Analysis
Martha Oliver Withjack, Eric T. Peterson
AAPG Bulletin
...). An error in any of these input parameters produces an error in the predicted shape of a normal fault at depth. For example, case studies have suggested...
Abstract: Fault Zone Architecture and Fluid Flow Anisotropy in Heterolithic Reservoirs, by J. S. Caine and C. B. Forster; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Fault Zone Architecture and Fluid Flow Anisotropy in Heterolithic Reservoirs, by J. S. Caine and C. B. Forster; #90928 (1999).
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Polygonal Fault System in the Great South Basin, New Zealand
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Upscaling Fault Flow Properties for Evaluation of Cross-Fault Flow, #41390 (2014)
Alton A. Brown, Russell K. Davies
Search and Discovery.com
... core as opposed to the damage zone of deformation in the fault zone. Published and proprietary outcrop studies have demonstrated that the fault core...
Abstract: Fault Seal and Weak Points; a Case Study from Njord, by Erling Rykkelid; #90039 (2005)
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