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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Low Temperature Calcite and Dolomite Deformation in a Carbonate-Shale Thrust Fault and the Effect on Porosity; #90132 (2011)
Rachel K. Wells
Search and Discovery.com
... and their cross-cutting relationships across the fault zone, and collect samples for laboratory studies. Optical and scanning electron microscopy...
Development of an Analytical Method Based on Two Failure Criteria to Study Slip Risk Related to Fluid Injection: Case Study North-Central Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Studies in Geology #44, Chapter 11: Influence of Preexisting Oblique Disconformities on the Geometry and Evolution of Extensional Fault Patterns: Evidence from the Kenya Rift Using SPOT Imagery
C. Le Turdu, J.P. Richert, J.-P. Xavier, R.W. Renaut, J.-J. Tiercelin, J. Rolet, K.E. Lezzar, and C. Coussement
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Studies in Geology #44, Chapter 11: Influence of Preexisting Oblique Disconformities on the Geometry and Evolution of Extensional Fault...
A palinspastic restoration of Southern Oklahoma: A necessary framework for regional pre-deformation structural, depositional and diagenetic studies
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Mechanisms in Contractional and Transpressional Settings: Examples From the Ventura Basin, Southern California, by James W. Handschy, Bryan Jolley, Greg J. Mc Rae; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Characterizing Brittle Deformation, Damage Parameters, and Clay Composition in Fault Zones: Insights from the Chelungpu, Taiwan and Mozumi, Japan Fault Zones, by Angela Isaacs; #90033 (2004)
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Seismic Expression in Edge Enhancing Attribute to Resolve the Major Strike-Slip, Morris Fault Zone in Sumandak Cluster Field, Sabah Offshore Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, #42291 (2018).
Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lancon, Yves-Marie Leroy,
Search and Discovery.com
... of Fault Rock Properties, in A.G. Koestler, and R. Hunsdale (eds.), Hydrocarbon Seal Quantification: Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) Special...
Abstract: Grain Mixing Versus Fragmentation in Sealing Fault Cores from Poorly Lithified Sands: Granulometric and Morphometric Constraints, by F. Balsamo and F. Storti; #90090 (2009).
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Fault Motion and the Characteristics of Fracture Intensification Domains: A Quantitative Analysis
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Abstract: Sealing and Nonsealing Faults
Derrell A. Smith
GCAGS Transactions
... capillary properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure of the media...
Abstract: Upper Paleozoic strike-slip tectonics in the Cabot Strait: seismic studies at an old plate boundary
G. S. Langdon
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Upper Paleozoic strike-slip tectonics in the Cabot Strait: seismic studies at an old plate boundary G. S. Langdon ATI..ANilc GEOLOGY 87...
Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults: ABSTRACT
Derrell A. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure of the media...
2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: Expansion Fault--Gulf of Mexico
D. C. Johnson, R. G. Fifer, and K. A. McQuillan
AAPG Special Volumes
... 1983 32 35 Studies in Geology 15, Volume 2: Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Picture and Work Atlas The prototype regional expansion fault...
Abstract: Evolution of a Neotectonic, Intraplate Reverse Fault Zone: The Paralana Fault Zone, Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia; #90310 (2017)
Jonathan Berthiaume, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Mark A. Bunch
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Evolution of a Neotectonic, Intraplate Reverse Fault Zone: The Paralana Fault Zone, Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia; #90310 (2017...
Abstract: Thrust Faulting in the Laramie Range from Reanalysis of COCORP Seismic Data
Roy Johnson, Scott B. Smithson
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... overthrust. If true, the attitude of the fault could be interpreted to dip 50° –60° W. However, geologic data, model studies, and analysis of field...
Abstract: The Harvey-Hopewell Fault, New Brunswick
C. St. Peter
Atlantic Geology
... or sinistral transcurrence. Recent studies have succeeded in following the continuation of the fault to the northeast from the Petitcodiac River to Port...
Dynamic Topology: A New Approach to Help Distinguish Modes of Rift Fault Network Formation?
Search and Discovery.com
Definition of a Fault Permeability Predictor from Outcrop Studies of a Faulted; #90063 (2007)
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Case Studies: Fault Identification Using Borehole Image Log for Mississippian Limestone Horizontal Well Completion Design, #41241 (2013)
Yinghao Chen, Bruce Miller, Charles Wickstrom, Shane Matson
Search and Discovery.com
...Case Studies: Fault Identification Using Borehole Image Log for Mississippian Limestone Horizontal Well Completion Design, #41241 (2013) Yinghao...
2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: An Example of a Major Syndepositional Listric Fault
A. F. Christensen
AAPG Special Volumes
... 40 Studies in Geology 15, Volume 2: Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Picture and Work Atlas A major Miocene growth fault system (Figure 1...
Subsurface Interpretation of Intersecting Faults and Their Effects Upon Stratigraphic Horizons
George Dickinson
AAPG Bulletin
... frequent complication encountered in subsurface geological studies. A thorough understanding of it is therefore of utmost importance to the geologist...
Fault zone diffusion of pore pressure during production and effect on fault stability
Search and Discovery.com
Hydrocarbon Episodic Migration in Fault Zones: Insights From Physical Simulation Experiments
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Role of Structural Inheritance on the Evolution of Rift-Scale Segmented Normal Faults: Examples From Northern California and the East African Rift; #90302 (2018)
Simon A. Kattenhorn, Bob Krantz, James D. Muirhead
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoir architectures that developed. Analog field studies of structural inheritance in normal faulting environments provide insights into the role...