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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Several Case Studies of Onshore 2-D Depth Migrations Completed on a Workstation, by B. L. Weinman; #90960 (1995).
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The Fault Trajectory Method: A New Technique for Estimating the Location and Dip of Controlling Faults Below Forced Folds
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Fault Zone Development, Architecture and Fluid Migration Properties in Heterogeneous Clastic & Carbonate Strata
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Abstract: Case Studies: Fault Identification Using Borehole Image Log for Mississippian Limestone Horizontal Well Completion Design, by Yinghao Chen, Bruce Miller, Charles Wickstrom, and Shane Matson; #90176 (2013)
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Abstract: Across-Fault Seal Capacity Calibration against Shale-Gouge-Ratio (Sgr): Demonstrative Case Studies, by J. Strand and J. Underschultz; #90090 (2009).
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The Sagaing Fault in Myanmar: Preliminary Field Observations and Relevance to the Gulf of Martaban Cenozoic Petroleum System
C. Torres, D. A. Swauger, S. Bergman, P. Tapponnier, R. Lacassin, A. Replumaz
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...The Sagaing Fault in Myanmar: Preliminary Field Observations and Relevance to the Gulf of Martaban Cenozoic Petroleum System C. Torres, D. A. Swauger...
Abstract: The Role of Fault Linkage in Controlling the Architecture of Syn-rift Sequences, Late Jurassic, Northern North Sea, by N. H. Dawers, J. R. Underhill, A. M. Berge, and K-O. Heger; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Role of Fault Linkage in Controlling the Architecture of Syn-rift Sequences, Late Jurassic, Northern North Sea, by N. H. Dawers, J. R. Underhill, A. M. Berge, and K-O. Heger; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Slip Rate and Earthquake History of the Northern San Gregorio Fault, Half Moon Bay to Moss Beach, CA, by G. D. Simpson and W. R. Lettis; #90920 (1999).
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Abstract: Detecting Fault Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction, by David L. Connolly and Friso Brouwer; #90085 (2008)
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Abstract: Fluid Flow Through Fault Zones in Granite Exhumed from Seismogenic Depths, by Susan Lawther; #90083 (2008)
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Abstract: Sources of Clay in Fault Rock of the Moab Fault, Utah, by N. Anyamele, N. C. Davatzes, and J. G. Solum; #90090 (2009).
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A New Type of Flower Structures in a Divergent-Wrench Fault Zone, Tan-Lu Fault Zone, East China
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LIDAR and Gravity Data Combined to Establish Cross-Cutting Relationships of Features on the Surface of the Prairie Allogroup near Lafayette, Louisiana, #41091 (2012)
Gary L. Kinsland, Shawn Kushiyama, Christoph Borst
Search and Discovery.com
... Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 2 Abstract Airborne LIDAR data have previously been utilized to determine the relative ages...
Polygonal Fault System in the Great South Basin, New Zealand; #42267 (2018)
Jianjun Li, Jie Qi
Search and Discovery.com
... that the displacement diminishes laterally towards the fault ends and the nucleation of the fault is near the base tip of the fault. Previous studies have...
Fault Leakage Characterization by Integrative Gas Geochemistry/Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition Procedures: ABSTRACT
J. C. Hickey, R. W. Klusman, K. J. Voorhees
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault Leakage Characterization by Integrative Gas Geochemistry/Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition Procedures: ABSTRACT J. C. Hickey, R. W. Klusman...
The impact of fault envelope structure on fluid flow: A screening study using fault facies
Muhammad Fachri, Jan Tveranger, Nestor Cardozo, Oystein Pettersen
AAPG Bulletin
... fault zones act as dual barrier-conduit systems, resulting in simulation models that can capture contrasting waterfront velocities, changes in waterfront...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Relation Between Holocene and Tertiary Normal Faults: A Comparison of Shallow Seismic and Gravity Data with Deep Well Data Across the Baton Rouge Fault System, Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast, Louisiana, USA
Juan Lorenzo, Carrie Cazes, Clay Westbrook, Allen Lowrie, and Ivor Van Heerden
GCAGS Transactions
.... Immediately to the north of the fault there are no equivalent structural traps. Shallow (<1000 ft) hydrogeology studies suggest that fluids...
ABSTRACT: Structural Uncertainty in Fault Seal and Transmissibility Analysis; #90013 (2003)
David J. Reynolds
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Structural Uncertainty in Fault Seal and Transmissibility Analysis; #90013 (2003) David J. Reynolds AAPG Search and Discovery Article...
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 18: A New Exploration Approach in a Mature Basin: Integration of 3-D Seismic, Remote-sensing, and Microtectonic Data, Southern Vienna Basin, Austria
H. Hausler, D. Leber, H. Peresson, and W. Hamilton
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 18: A New Exploration Approach in a Mature Basin: Integration...
History of Displacement Along Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Southwestern Illinois: ABSTRACT
Howard R. Schwalb
AAPG Bulletin
...History of Displacement Along Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Southwestern Illinois: ABSTRACT Howard R. Schwalb 1983 1459 1459 67 9. (September) The Ste...
Application of Fractal Method for Quantifying Fault Geometry
Sigit Sukmono, Lilik Hendrajaya, Djoko Santoso
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... appear as smoother surfaces at depth. Seismicity studies, however, suggest that complex fault structure does indeed extend to depths of the order of 12...