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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,612 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Significant Production Improvement of UltraLow Permeability Granitic Reservoirs to Develop Heavy Black Oil, Utilizing Channel Fracturing Technique

Mostafa Mahmoud Kortam, Samir Siso, Nelly Mohamed Abbas, Ahmed Salah, Atef Hesam, Andrea. Cilli, Ahmad Kamar, Fatmaelzahraa Khafagy

Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016

... in a separate block. The well position locates closer to the basement line where a great sealing fault that defined the trap of the reservoir. Fig.6...


Petroleum Habitats in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic of the Continental Margin of Brazil

F. Celso Ponte, J. Dos Reis Fonseca, A. V. Carozzi

CSPG Special Publications

... blanket-sandstones are good reservoir rocks and may have accumulated oil whenever they were in fault contact with Neocomian source rocks, as in the Agua...


Oil and Gas Developments in Western Canada in 1985

D.C. Robertson

CSPG Bulletin

... erosional surface. Subsequent transgression by Givetian and Frasnian seas prompted a change in the depositional regime, whereby the evaporite - carbonate...


Oil and Gas Developments in Western Canada in 1985

D. C. Robertson

AAPG Bulletin

... Precambrian basement erosional surface. Subsequent transgression by Givetian and Frasnian seas prompted a change in the depositional regime, whereby...


Geology and Development of the Teak Oil Field, Trinidad, West Indies

S. C. Bane, R. R. Chanpong

AAPG Special Volumes

... Pliocene age ranging in thickness from 10 to 600 ft. The effectiveness of the faults as barriers to communication between fault blocks...


Abstract: Mechanical Stratigraphy and Normal Faulting; #90289 (2017)

David Ferrill

Search and

... with respect to displacement (and potential for fault tip folding), displacement partitioning (e.g., synthetic dip, synthetic faulting, fault core...


Seismotectonic Setting and Recurrence of Large Earthquakes in the Wasatch Front Region, Utah

Suzanne Hecker

Utah Geological Association

..., with only one event large enough to cause fault rupture of the ground surface. However, geologic evidence of surface-faulting earthquakes is widespread...


Generation, Migration, Accumulation, and Dissipation of Oil in Northern Iraq: Middle East

H. V. Dunnington

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The pre-Neocomian emergence and erosion dictated, to a large extent, the whereabouts of stratigraphic and fault-trap accumulations of pre-folding age...


Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking

Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding

AAPG Special Volumes

... approach also applies to the accurate creation of 3-D subsurface structural models. A defensible structural model must embody more than fault and horizon...


Petroleum Resources of the Great American Carbonate Bank (Lower Ordovician - Upper Cambrian): Lessons from Heterogeneous Reservoirs, Diverse Traps, and Unconformity Thinking; #50823 (2013)

Charles Sternbach

Search and

... with source rock and seals in many configurations. Trap analysis can prioritize an exploration program in fault-bounded structures by comparing fault...


Quantitative Assessment of Regional Siliciclastic Top-Seal Potential: a new application of proven technology in frontier and maturing South American basins

J. A. Deckelman, S. Lou, P. S. D’onfro, R. W. Lahann

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... effectiveness and relative risk on a regional scale, and to determine the role of the top seal in the Pelotas basin petroleum system. Fault seals, lateral...


Major Geological Surfaces of the Exmouth Plateau from the New Broadband PreSDM Reprocessed 3D Seismic Data with Full Waveform Inversion

Feng Xu Jian, Pooya Hadian, Stephen Doyle, Simon Molyneux, Hongfeng Wu

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... of trap and reservoir visualisa­ tions; (2) improved reservoir connectivity analysis and modelling of producing and discovered fields to support...


Rocky Mountain Giants

M. Ray Thomasson and Fred R Meissner

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... reservoir but with a somewhat unconventional hydrodynamic trap. The oil at Cedar Hills-East Lookout Butte field is being exploited using the same...


Australian and Eastern Indonesian Petroleum Systems

Marita Bradshaw, Dianne Edwards, John Bradshaw, Clinton Foster, Tom Loutit, Bruce McConachie, Aidan Moore, Andrew Murray, Roger Summons

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., W.G., 1991, The petroleum system - from source to trap, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 75 (3), 627. McConachie, B.A., Bradshaw M...


Flood Transport and Deposition of Tracer Heavy Minerals in a Gravel-Bed Meander Bend Channel

Johan Hattingh , Izak C. Rust

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...% sandstone and < 1% fault breccia and phyllite. Quartzite clasts range in size from -9 ( 0.5 m) to sand size. The 50th-percentile fraction of the bed...


Controls on Occurrence of Oil and Gas in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

F. H. Lane, K. S. Jackson

CSPG Special Publications

... fault blocks and on horst structures. Normal faulting, which is in part contemporaneous with Mesozoic deposition, continued periodically...


The Lower Cretaceous Atkinson Point Formation (New Name) on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, N.W.T.: A Coastal Fan-Delta to Marine Sequence

James Dixon

CSPG Bulletin

... as braided-river deposits. The fining-upward cycles with conglomeratic basal units require an initial high-energy current waning to a lower-energy regime...


Seismic Expression of Salt Dissolution-Related Features in the North Sea

Malcolm K. Jenyon

CSPG Bulletin

... geometry normal to the section, and suitable reservoir and seal formations, an excellent trap situation could be present, seen here in cross-section...



Oklahoma City Oil--Second Crop from Preserved Subunconformity Source Rocks: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Gregory W. Webb

AAPG Bulletin

...) The subunconformity trap at Oklahoma City long has been known to have leaked a substantial first crop of oil when it was breached in Early Pennsylvanian time...


Drilling Induced Petal Fractures in Coal Core: A Simple Method of Using These Features in Conjunction with Bore-Wall Breakout to Determine the Angular Relationship between Cleat and Maximum Horizontal Stress as Well as Cleat Azimuth in Vertical Drill-Holes

David Titheridge

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... A second best alternative to actual stress magnitude measurements is analysis of neo-tectonic structures to assess fault stress regime (normal...


Use of global analogues to improve decision quality in exploration, development, and production

Shaoqing Sun, David A. Pollitt, Shengyu Wu, and David A. Leary

AAPG Bulletin

... is focused on rift and passive margin settings for (1) pure lateral pinchout trap and (2) normal-fault trap. Figure 4A shows trap flank dip versus...


Structural Relations on East Flank of Anadarko Basin, Cleveland and McClain Counties, Oklahoma

Lynn Jacobsen

AAPG Bulletin

... Oklahoma platform by a zone of buried large-scale faulting. The major displacement in Cleveland and McClain counties is a fault zone, herein named...


The Subsurface Geology of the Pauls Valley Area, Townships 3 and 4 North, Ranges 1 East and 1 West, Garvin County, Oklahoma

William D. Laporte

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... End_Page 433------------------------ sec. 29, T. 4 N., R. 1 W. Here it is 60 feet thick and is preserved in the downthrown block of a fault. Over...


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