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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,612 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Hydrocarbon Accumulation in "Meramec-Osage" (Mississippian) Rocks, Sooner Trend, Northwest-Central Oklahoma

Sherod A. Harris

AAPG Bulletin

.... (April) The "Meramec-Osage" trap is not definable by standard definitions of permeability barriers. Nor does it perform as uniformly as it should...


A New Investigation of Some Australian Continental Scale Gravity Lineaments

Catherine I. Elliott

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... with the ancient, reactivated Lyndoch Bank Fault System. The east-northeast trending Malita Graben terminates against the western edge of the G5 and swings...


Diagenesis Severely Modified Reservoir Characteristics: A Unique Carbonate Reservoir from Alur Siwah Field, Indonesia; #20203 (2013)

Ricardo Maranu, Ismail Syarifuddin, Erham Adhitiawan, Nadia Nurul, Miftahurochman Miftahurochman, Ferry Baskaraputra, Luqman Luqman, Yudi Yanto, and Joan Lumban Tobing

Search and

...) that is bordered to the north by Alur Rambong-Malacca shelf and south by the Barisan-Tangsaran anticlinorium. The west border is Lokop-Kutacane Fault zone...


Chapter 4: Higher-Order Structural Elements

Thomas X. Homza, Steven C. Bergman

AAPG Special Volumes

.... G. Dow, eds., The petroleum system—From source to trap: AAPG Memoir 60, p. 339–358. Boutelier, J., A. Cruden, T. Brent, and R. Stephenson, 2011...


Environmental Setting and Quaternary History of the San Francisco Estuary

Lisa Esquivel Wells

Pacific Section SEPM

... tectonic regime — the valleys are 239 elongate NNW/SSE parallel to the major fault systems. Where the valleys cross structural highs the channels...


Deconvolving Signals of Tectonic and Climatic Controls From Continental Basins: An Example From the Late Paleozoic Cumberland Basin, Atlantic Canada

Jonathan P. Allen,, Christopher R. Fielding, Michael C. Rygel, Martin R. Gibling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of climate change as manifested by changes in precipitation and runoff regime is recorded in the internal architecture of sandbodies. Alexander, J...


Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Chapter 2: Part I. Type Basin: Gulf of Suez

Karsten I. Schutz

AAPG Special Volumes

... opinions as to what causes the tensional regime. Until relatively recently rift grabens were viewed as fault-bounded basins initiated at the crest...


Eastward Extent of the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Onset of Deformation across the Northern Andes: Constraints from the Northern Portion of the Eastern Cordillera Fold Belt, Colombia, and Implications for Regional Oil Exploration

F. Corredor

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia can be linked to a foot-wall shortcut of the inverted Servita Fault that was formed during the Late Eocene-Recent...


Devonian Petroleum Systems in Queensland

J. J. Draper, C. J. Boreham, K. L. Hoffmann, J. L. McKellar

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... (Remus & Tindale 1988). Powell (1984) proposed a regime of dextral transtension for eastern Australia during the Late Silurian-Early Devonian...


Identifying Re-Stimulation Effectiveness by Utilizing Microseismic Attributes

M. Preiksaitis, A. Baig, S. Bowman-Young, T. Urbancic

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-orientation due to changes in the local stress regime (Vincent, 2010). In our study, we show that in addition to simply re-opening fractures from...


Overpressure Mechanisms in Compressional Tectonic of Borneo Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt

Geovani C. Kaeng, Sarah Sausan, Zulfikar Simatupang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... sedimentation, significantly affects the pore pressure (PP) regime of the area, and the lack of understanding of the subregional geology can lead to PP...


Mode of Occurrence of Pelites in the Kythrea Flysch Basin (Cyprus)

Yehezkiel Weiler

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to the beginning of the turbidite regime or even contemporaneously with it. Lithosome "b", which consists mainly of turbidites, dominates the center...


Shelf-Edge Deltaic Depositional Systems in the Upper Woodbine Succession, Double A Wells Field, Polk County, Texas

William A. Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz

GCAGS Transactions

... and massive to ripple-laminated, upper-fine-grained sandstone. Alternating beds of planar-stratified sandstone represent high-energy upper-flow-regime flows...


Favorability of Basins of Kurile-Kamchatka Region for Oil and Gas

V. A. Yermakov, G. S. Shteynberg

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... toward the ocean and its replacement by an orogenic regime. Assessment of the oil-gas potential of the region is based largely on analysis of the large...


Late Miocene Turbidite Horizon in Blake-Bahama Basin

R. E. Sheridan , Xenia Golovchenko , J. I. Ewing

AAPG Bulletin

... 1,000 m of sediment ponded west of the ridge. The late Miocene appears to mark a change in sedimentation regime to one in which sediments were deposited...


Thermomechanical origin of regional fracture systems

Joseph M. English

AAPG Bulletin

...-TR-65-116, 327 p.DeGraff, J. M., and A. Aydin, 1993, Effect of thermal regime on growth increment and spacing of contraction joints in basaltic lava...


Biogenic-Thermogenic Near-Surface Gas Anomaly Over Gingin and Bootine Gas Fields, Western Australia

M. J. Gole, C. R. M. Butt

AAPG Bulletin

..., almost exclusively methane (Davis and Squires, 1954). Seismic data show that the projected subcrop of the fault that closes the anticlinal trap...


Seismic Activity in the Central Gulf Coast Basin

Eugene R. Brumbaugh

New Orleans Geological Society

... this fault evidence at the Paleozoic surface to generate a fault trap in the pre-salt Paleozoic sediments. Following is a brief discussion...


Understanding the Complexity of Fracturing in the Sichuan Shale Gas Reservoir in China

Yuan Liu, Daniel Kalinin, Deqi Li, Yajun Jiao, Ran Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... regime only, not fissures or stress anisotropy. Analysis: Geometry Measurements While fracture height is well contained but the fracture geometry...


Allochthonous Terranes in Northern California?„A Reinterpretation

M. C. Blake Jr., David L. Jones

Pacific Section SEPM

... Menlo P a r k , California 9^025 m a r g i n a l tectonic regime dominated b y t r a n s f o r m faulting u n t i l about m i d d l e Cretaceous t i m e...


Subsurface Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis Using In Situ Wellbore Formation Images and Core Comparisons

J. Roestenburg

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., direct structural analysis, including analysis of the in-situ stress regime is possible through borehole breakout analysis. Fracture and fault...


Passive seismic HVSR surveying for groundwater exploration at the Chilalo Graphite Project, Tanzania

Sharna Riley, Jayson Meyers, John Sinnott

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... a shallower average thalweg depth of 18m, and has shallow layering coincident the VTEM conductors, indicating clay layers deposited in a lower flow regime...


The Australian Stress Map

Richard Hillis

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... • geolog ica l indi cators such as recent fault slip or vo lcanic vent ali gnments. Zoback (1992, Journal of Geophys ica l Research, v.97, p.11703-11728...


Identification of Biogenic Gas Potential Using Integrated Seismic Data, Wireline Log and Geochemistry Data; A Study Case: Muriah Sub-Basin, Bawean Arc, Offshore Northern East Java

Baharuddin Fahmi, Ahmad Filza A, Yordan Irsyadie A, Jati Arif Pribadi, Dadali Rakasiwi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... extension regime, indicated by Pre-Tertiary basement lithology with NE-SW trend shown as faults, horst and graben in basement rock. And at Neogene...


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