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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 37 Results. Searched 196,431 documents.

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Fermat’s Principle Raypaths in 3D Anisotropic Media

Bill Vetter

CSPG Special Publications

...Fermat’s Principle Raypaths in 3D Anisotropic Media Bill Vetter 1998 23 24...


The Application of a Linear Increase of Velocity with Depth to Seismic Dip Migration

J. E. Stones

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., which is an outgrowth of Fermat's Principle, relates the reflection and/or refraction of a ray impinging on a discontinuity to the velocity contrast...


Finite Difference Modelling: Part IV

Lasse Amundsen, Ørjan Pedersen, Martin Landrø

GEO ExPro Magazine

... of reflection and refraction of light can be based on a theory known as geometric optics or ‘ray theory’, where light waves are represented with simple geometric...


Chart Migrations

Frank A. Roberts

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., depth and offset of reflecting horizons. The construction of the graph must include: Fermat's fundamental principle of seismology which is that a wave...


Abstract: Regime Rays: Visualizing the Fermat/Snell Loci in Homogeneous Anisotropic Media; #90171 (2013)

William J. Vetter

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... wavelength/compositesrepetition-thickness ratio (e.g. Macbeth 2002). I suggest that Fermat’s principle and Snell’s law should apply in such composites...


Anisotropy Kinematics Clarified through Regime Rrays Model

William J. Vetter

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... channels (c.f. Cerveny 2001 p.28-30, p.103). They are (1) not traveltimes minimizing Fermat’s principle loci, (2) not pointwise Snell’s law conforming...


Anisotropy Kinematics Clarified through Regime Rrays Model

William J. Vetter

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... channels (c.f. Cerveny 2001 p.28-30, p.103). They are (1) not traveltimes minimizing Fermat’s principle loci, (2) not pointwise Snell’s law conforming...


Dip and Azimuth Determination in 3D CRS-Stack

A. Hendriyana, M. Jaya, R. Sule, A.D. Guntara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... properties along the raypath between source and receiver according to Fermat’s principle in ray theory. In contrast, CRS stacking operation...


The Limitations of Seismic Modelling of Geological Structures

B. L. N. Kennett

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...) and extended to elastic waves by Kennett (1984a). Such a procedure allows, in principle, a complete treatment of reflection and transmission...


Abstract: Predicting Free Surface Multiples without the Water: SRME on Land; #90224 (2015)

Keith Wilkinson, Richard Bale, and Ken Gray

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... is applied, and Fermat’s principle (stationary phase) results in the true DRP being reconstructed. The set of traces which constitute cross-convolved...


Flow Simulation of Complex Fracture Systems With Unstructured Grids Using the Fast Marching Method

Changdong Yang, Xu Xue, Michael J. King, Akhil Datta-Gupta

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... grids with two types of discretization, which are based on Fermat’s principle and Eulerian discretization. The accuracy and convergence...


Critical Analysis of Stack Seismic Systems

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... of Huygen and Fermat concerning wave advancement and minimum time paths, and Snell's law on refraction and reflection. Figure 2 has the same field...


High Resolution Diffraction Imaging of Small Scale Fractures in Shale and Carbonate Reservoirs

Alexander M. Popovici, Ioan Sturzu, Tijmen J. Moser

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... events, because the part of reflected energy, which falls outside the Fresnel zone, does not follow the shortest reflection path according to Fermat...


Limitations of Reflection Seismograph

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...Limitations of Reflection Seismograph L. E. Nugent, Jr. 1953 2513 2529 37 11. (November) Factors determining the precision of data procured...


Application of finite difference eikonal solver for traveltime computation in forward modeling and migration

Amir Mustaqim Majdi, Seyed Yaser Moussavi Alashloo, Nik Nur Anis Amalina Nik Mohd Hassan, Abdul Rahim Md Arshad, Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of the wave traveling like a ray through the shortest path (Fermat’s principle) in the model and change direction when encountering velocity and density...


Diving wave tomography: Velocity modelling using first arrival traveltime

Amatul Syafi Abdul Basit, Abdul Rahim Md Arshad, Arulini Permalu

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., wide angle reflection and refraction, teleseismic and local earthquake (Rawlinson & Sambridge, 2003). The relationship between traveltime and wave...


Abstracts: Synthetic Microseismic Files; #90173 (2015)

J. Wong, P. M. Manning, L. Han, and J. B. Bancroft

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... location using nonlinear optimization: CREWES Research Report, 21, 73.1-73.14. Wong, J., 2010. Fermat’s principle and ray tracing through anisotropic...


Designing Coal-Bed Methane Seismic Acquisition Survey Parameters Using Finite Difference Modeling

Abdul Haris, Befriko Murdianto, Adriansyah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... reflection seismic to borehole seismic. Furthermore, the response produces all physically possible wave types, providing a more intuitive than...


Implementation of the DIPSCAN Method to Estimate Boundary Dips in Complicated Structures by VSP Data

A. A. Tabakov, V.N.Ferentsi, H. Gravini

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...) and velocity model of media in a vicinity Ω are known. From Fermat’s principle follows, that the ray is propagated from source point S to receiver point M...


Application of Traveltime Tomography and Kirchhoff Migration Methods to Improve the Seismic Cross-Section Resolution on 2D Land Seismic Data

Harmita Lestari, Nur Ayu Anas, Muh. Resky Ariansyah, Sabrianto Aswad, Heri Winarto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Basic legal principles include Snellius’s Law, Huygens’s Principle, and Fermat’s Principle (Shearer, 2009). * ** Bolt (1976), mechanical waves...


Subsurface Characterizaton Using Microseismic Velocity, Attenuation, and Ansiotrophy Tomography in a Geothermal Field

Ahmad Syahputra, Andri Dian Nugraha, Rachmat Sule, Sri Widiyantoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... bending is an approach in minimization of travel time base on Fermat’s Principle by applying small perturbations gradually on ray paths. Delay time...


Integration of Magnetotelluric, Gravity and Seismic Data for Sub-Volcanic Imaging

Jeremy Gohitua MacArthur, Muhammad Fikri Putra, Nuha Malihati, Husnia Nur Annisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as the research area. The seismic reflection method has been widely used in the oil and gas industry. However, the seismic reflection cannot provide...


Evaluation of Seismic Exploration in Sub-Volcanic Reservoir Area by Synthetic Seismic Modeling

Yulia Nur Fajrina, Muhammad Ghazalli

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the difficulties they can pose for seismic reflection imaging and their perceived detrimental short-term and long-term impacts on petroleum systems...


Recent Advances in Borehole Seismic

W. L. Nutt

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and using a ray tracing program to model reflection times. This program is based on an iterative process to find the correct FERMAT ray paths from source...


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