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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,614 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Romeo M. Flores, Stephen M. Tur

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the upper part of the prodelta facies suggests deposition of sediments by density currents, probably as episodic events during high flood stages...


Tidal Bundles and Mud Couplets in the McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta, Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Derald G. Smith

CSPG Bulletin

... to the bundles site by tidal estuaries. If their interpretation is correct, then the tidal bundles in Figure 3 are flood tide dominant, and dip up-estuary...


Fluvial Responses to Hydrologic Changes on the Red River in Northeast Texas

J. Jacobs

GCAGS Transactions

... and intensity of flood peaks downstream. The Red River responded to the closing of the dam by increasing in width, depth, meander wavelength, amplitude...


Discovery of Oil and Gas in Mercedes Field, Hidalgo County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

W. Armstrong Price

AAPG Bulletin

... to Burton McCollum that he had seen seepages of gas over an area of an acre or more in the North Floodway of Rio Grande delta during a flood caused...


Transgressive Evolution of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

John R. Suter , Shea Penland , S.J. Williams , Jack L. Kindinger

GCAGS Transactions

... beached, hummocky dune fields, flood-tidal deltas, and washover fans. The last two overlie and interfinger with the lagoonal muds of Chandeleur...


Some Features Of Modern Beach Sediments

Joseph M. Trefethen, Robert L. Dow

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... This relationship may have been misidentified as an interference result in some studies of consolidated sediments. On Western Beach flood tide currents...


Locating Effective Source Rocks in Deltaic Petroleum Systems: Making Better Use of Land-Plant Biomarkers

A. P. Murray, I. B. Sosrowidjojo, R. Alexander, R. E. Summons

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., these observations suggest a means of distinguishing between source rocks laid down in flood-plain, paralic and marine deltaic settings. This concept is supported...


Calcite Spherulites from the Morrison Formation, Wyoming: NOTES

Malcolm P. Weiss, Henry E. Wenden

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The spherulitic limestone is considered to have formed in an alkaline flood-plain lake with little detrital contamination. FRIEDMAN, G. M., 1959, Identification...


Pebble Orientation in Fluvial Sediments

Brian R. Rust

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... KRUMBEIN, W. C., 1940, Flood gravel of San Gabriel Canyon: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 51, p. 636-676. KRUMBEIN, W. C., 1942, Flood deposits of Arroyo...


The Association of Alluvial Fan, Aeolian and Fluviatile Facies in the Caherbla Group (devonian), Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

Ralph R. Horne

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... fills of the order of 2.5 m deep and 25 m wide or apparently tabular, sheet flood deposits. This facies contrasts with the enclosing aeolian sandstone...


Massive Long-distance Transport and Redeposition of Upper Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifers in Quaternary Sediments

Ervin G. Otvos, Jr., Wayne D. Bock

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and of the fossiliferous sediments into the stream occurred during a general flood stage of the river, due to the dilution effect of the great volume...


Extended Abstract: Multi-Proxy Analysis of Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Lacustrine Sediment, Clark Lake, Sharkey Co., Mississippi

Stan Galicki, Jeb Galtney, Maria Bujenovic, Theresa Woehnker, Trevor H. Galicki

GCAGS Transactions

... 210Pb points provides a reasonable fit (r2 = 0.81), but the data does contain some scatter. The scatter was initially thought to represent flood borne...


Oil and Gas Developments in Ohio in 1958

Robert L. Alkire , Bernard A. Floto , Allan W. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ WATER FLOODING Five permits were issued during the year for new water-flood projects, totalling 22 active floods in 17 areas...


Tidal Current Ridges in the Southwestern Yellow Sea

Liu Zhenxia, Huang Yichang , Zhang Qinian

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... According to in situ measurements and drift-bottle data collected during the flood season, the northward longshore current from the modern Yangtze River...


Spawning Factors: Chapter III: Part One. Study of Modern and Ancient Turbidites

Oscar E. Weser

AAPG Special Volumes

... of sedimentary regressions, it is commonly believed by some geologists that a river in flood stage will generate turbidites by the process of continuous...


Geochemistry of the Floodplain Sediments of the Kaveri River, Southern India

Pramod Singh, V. Rajamani

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... SINGH, P., 1999, Geochemistry of the alluvial sediments of the Kaveri flood plain, south India: [unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]: School of Environmental...


Sedimentology of Modern, Inclined Heterolithic Stratification (IHS) in the Macrotidal Han River Delta, Korea

Kyung Sik Choi,, Robert W. Dalrymple, Seung Soo Chun, Seong-Pil Kim

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... thalweg and lower point bar. Even though the channel as a whole is ebb dominated, the preserved cross bedding is predominantly flood directed because...


Developments in West Coast Area in 1978

R. C. Blaisdell

AAPG Bulletin

... in California, although down from 1977, continued at an active pace and is related largely to steam-flood projects. Production of oil outstripped additions...


Reservoir characterization of a Permian deep-water sandstone, East Ford field, Delaware basin, Texas

Shirley P. Dutton, William A. Flanders, Mark D. Barton

AAPG Bulletin

... production has increased from 30 to more than 185 BOPD. Oil recovery has been improved by the CO2 flood, but not as much as expected. Geologic...


Exploration methods for late Quaternary shallow biogenic gas reservoirs in the Hangzhou Bay area, eastern China

Yan-Li Li, Chun-Ming Lin

AAPG Bulletin

..., L. Langone, A. Correggiari, and F. Trincardi, 2005, Shallow gas and flood deposition on the Po Delta: Marine Geology, v. 222, p. 159177, doi...


ABSTRACT Tropical Fluvio-Lacustrine Complexes of Africa and SE Asia: Implications for Exploration and Development, #90102 (2010)

Rob Crossley

Search and

... inundated seasonally, on river flood plains or around lakes, can be as large as the total area of river channels, plus ‘permanent’ swamps and lakes...


Abstract: Geomorphic Fans and Their Watersheds: Managing Risky Systems; #90172 (2014)

David J. Wilford, Matt E. Sakals

Search and

... – This would reveal the presence of debris flow or debris flood deposits on the fan. With the potential for high consequences, a review of past events...


Holocene Sediments and Stratigraphy of Marshes at Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia

P.M. (Mitch) Harris

Search and

..... - ................ ....... ........ .................................................. Sedlmnts o f Back-Barrfer Island Flood Tidal D e l...


Closing the Loop on Closed Loop Reservoir Management; #70085 (2010)

Greg Walker

Search and

... on the current depletion mechanism Examples are untested portions of a field for infill, or gas flood after a water flood. There are plenty of small targets...


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