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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,614 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Sedimentology of the White Channel Gravels, Klondike Area, Yukon Territory: Fluvial Deposits of a Confined Valley

Stephen R. Morison, Frances J. Hein

Special Publications of SEPM

... to represent bedload transport of exceptionally large clasts during flood conditions (Brayshaw, 1984). Infilling of the gravel cluster occurs during falling...


Depositional Environments of the Coal-Bearing Mist Mountain Formation, Eagle Mountain, Southeastern Canadian Rocky Mountains

R.L. Dunlop,, R.M. Bustin

CSPG Bulletin

... knowledge of their geometry proximal crevasse splay deposits may be indistinguishable from small channels. Siltstone-mudstone-shale subfacies (flood...


A Rational Theory for Barrier-Lagoon Development

George F. Oertel, J. Chris Krafi, Michael S. Kearney, H. J. Woo

Special Publications of SEPM

... into the lagoon This pre upbuilding ofthe antecedent NTD flow pat vents the formation of net tidal terns and inhibits the formation of flood...


Variability of Fine-Grained Suspended Sediment Concentrations in a Back-Barrier Tidal Channel During Calm Weather Conditions

Dennis Anthony, Jesper Bartholdy

Special Publications of SEPM

... resuspension than the onset of the flood current which presumably was due to the fact that a larger portion of the tidal flats was affected by the ebb...


Late Wisconsinan Proglacial Sedimentation Along the West Chicago Moraine in Northeastern Illinois

Gordon S. Fraser, James C. Cobb

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... reaches of outwash fans where sediment movement across the surface of the fan during flood periods is followed by rapid deposition during waning flow...


Estuarine Facies Models: Conceptual Basis and Stratigraphic Implications: PERSPECTIVE

Robert W. Dalrymple, Brian A. Zaitlin, Ron Boyd

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... transport by flood-tidal and river currents is equal in the lo g term, while the inner, river-dominated zone has a single, low-sinuosity ("straight...


Tidal-Bundle Sequences in the Jordan Sandstone (Upper Cambrian), Southeastern Minnesota, U.S.A.: Evidence for Tides Along Inboard Shorelines of the Sauk Epicontinental Sea

Carl H. Tape,, Clinton A. Cowan, Anthony C. Runkel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) of quiet water, such as during the neap tides, that allowed infauna to colonize the dune. Figure 7. A) Photograph of flood current ripple defined...


Sequence Stratigraphic and Facies Interpretation of the Lower Cretaceaous Dina Member, Mannville Group, Northwest Saskatchewan

Dan Kohlruss, Per Kent Pederson, Guoxiang Chi

Williston Basin Symposium

... that deposition took place when adjacent active channels were breached during high flood events, spilling suspension rich waters into the abandoned oxbow...


The Galveston Bay Complex: A Summary of Characteristics

Robert R. Lankford, John J. W. Rogers

Houston Geological Society

... flood plain and older elevated valley terraces (Failing, Chapter 5). The land surface of the Quaternary coastal plain typically has quite low relief...



Howard L. Garrett

Montana Geological Society

... is taken looking to the southeast. The disturbed beds are always flood plain deposits. The channel deposits are never disturbed...


Enhanced Oil Recovery – What It Is and What It Can Do

M. F. Fontaine, W. T. Adams, W. K. Haskin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... variations occur. Polymer injection does not, however, improve upon the ultimate water flood recovery. Therefore it should be initiated as soon as possible...


Cape Lookout Cuspate Foreland Depositional Systems

Thomas F. Moslow, S.Duncan Heron Jr.

Special Publications of SEPM

... Shoreline: Cape 36° the shallow lagoons behind the barriers are 5-8 m thick fining-up sequences of interbedded burrowed, rooted and laminated flood...


Wasatch Hinterland

A. J. Eardley

Utah Geological Association

..., but in the torrential flood deposits of coarse debris that were cast eastward from the mountainous uplifts in the Wasatch and Great Basin country; the uplifts...


Volcanic Evolution of the Western Australian Continental Margin and its Implications for Basin Development

Philip A. Symonds, Sverre Planke, Oivind Frey, Jakob Skogseid

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... margins; sill intrusions and magmatic underplating beneath the southwest Exmouth Plateau; flood basalts on the Rowley Terrace and Scott Plateau...


Building of Mississippi Delta

Arthur C. Trowbridge

AAPG Bulletin

... conditions that exist at and near their mouths. The delta includes neither the sediment deposited between erosional valley walls on the flood plain upstream...


Sand-Body Geometry and Reservoir Potential of Recent Clastic Depositional Systems of the Central Texas Coast

Thomas C. Connaly, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... sediment by lateral migration of the fluvial channels of the rivers and the tidal and flood exchange between East Matagorda Bay and the Gulf of Mexico...


Flow velocity model for a coastal estuarine sandbar using multivariate regression

Edlic Sathiamurthy, Nurul Syamimi Pauzi

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... in coastal areas with TOCE system for flood modelling and management purpose. Keywords: Estuary, TOCE, flow velocity, multivariate regression...


Post Steam Breakthrough Strategy in Area 8 of the Duri Field

Agus Sulistyo, Dijan Priambodo, Eden S. Tambunan, Any Linawati, Eriswandi, Hari Primadi, Adi Widyantoro, K. D. Kimber

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in Tulsa, OK. Gael, B. T., Gross, S. J., McNaboe, G. J., 1995, Development Planning and Reservoir Management in the Duri Steam Flood, paper SPE 29668...


Novel Cementing Slurries to Remediate Steam Breakthrough in the World's Largest Steam Flood

Roger Keese, Robert Huizenga, Mohammed Dooply, Ester Ksatrianto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Novel Cementing Slurries to Remediate Steam Breakthrough in the World's Largest Steam Flood Roger Keese, Robert Huizenga, Mohammed Dooply, Ester...


Development of a Tidal Inlet on the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain

Perry C. Howard

GCAGS Transactions

..., channel margin platform, ebb-tidal delta, flood-tidal delta (terminology after Hayes et al., 1973), and the beaches. Bottom samples were dredged...


Seismic Facies Analysis of Entrenched Valley-Fill: A Case Study in the Galveston Bay Area, Texas

Wendy C. Smyth, John B. Anderson, Mark A. Thomas

GCAGS Transactions

... over known modern environments (i.e., the Trinity bayhead delta, the middle estuary, and the flood tidal delta at Bolivar Roads). The good correlation...


How Can Stratigraphic Modeling Help Constrain Geostatlstical Reservoir Simulations?

Brigitte Doligez, Didier Granjeon, Philippe Joseph, Remi Eschard, Helene Beucher

Special Publications of SEPM

... can be classified in two groups as marine facies offshore lower shoreface upper shoreface foreshore and continental facies washover channels flood...


Assessment and Restoration of a Condensate Spill in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest in the Atchafalaya Basin

Shea Penland , Shaw Thompson , Andrew Milanes , and Steve Tischer

GCAGS Transactions

... to seasonal changes on the Mississippi River which discharges into the basin and the annual spill flood event. The Myette Point spill site geomorphology...


Impacts of Sand and Gravel Mining on Physical Habitat of the Colorado River and Tributaries, Central Texas

Saunders, Geoffrey P.

GCAGS Transactions

... regime of the lower Colorado River has been altered by flood control reservoirs in the Texas hill country (Mosier and Ray, 1992). Nonetheless, flooding...


Depositional Features of Braided-Meandering Stream: GEOLOGIC NOTES

John W. Shelton , Raymond L. Noble

AAPG Bulletin

... and ancient examples: Sedimentology, v. 14, p. 77-111. McKee, E. D., 1938, Original structures in Colorado River flood deposits of Grand Canyon: Jour. Sed...


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