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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,355 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Seismic Time-Frequency Analysis by Empirical Mode Decomposition; #41513 (2015)

Jiajun Han, Mirko van der Baan

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... to be significantly higher than that obtained using traditional time-frequency analysis tools, such as short time Fourier and wavelet transforms. The empirical mode...


Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT

Debra Riester, Robert Ehrlich

AAPG Bulletin

...Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT Debra...


Dispersal and Provenance of Terrigenous Sand by Fourier Grain Shape Analysis, Northern Puerto Rico: ABSTRACT

Emery D. Goodman, Robert Ehrlich

AAPG Bulletin

...Dispersal and Provenance of Terrigenous Sand by Fourier Grain Shape Analysis, Northern Puerto Rico: ABSTRACT Emery D. Goodman, Robert Ehrlich 1982...


The Effect of Grain Orientation on Fourier Shape Analysis

Stephen E. Tilmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...The Effect of Grain Orientation on Fourier Shape Analysis Stephen E. Tilmann 1973 Vol. 43 No. 3. (September), The Fourier shape analysis of fifty...


ABSTRACT: Direct Hydrocarbon Indication Using Instantaneous Spectral Analysis; #90017 (2003)

John Castagna

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... excellent time and frequency localization utilizing wavelet transforms to avoid windowing problems that complicate conventional Fourier analysis...


Abstracts: Empirical Mode Decomposition and Robust Seismic Attribute Analysis; #90173 (2015)

Jiajun Han and Mirko van der Baan

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... that obtained using traditional time-frequency analysis tools, such as Fourier transform and wavelet transforms. Also known as the Hilbert-Huang transform...


Abstract: Surface-consistent transmission FWI; #91204 (2023)

Ernesto Sandoval, Daniele Colombo, Diego Rovetta, Apostolos Kontakis

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... at the CMP positions. CMP-based FWI in the Laplace-Fourier domain is further developed and applied to field data to retrieve high resolution details...


Abstracts: Evaluation of a Fast Algorithm for the Eigen-Decomposition of Large Block Toeplitz Matrices with Application to 5D Seismic Data Interpolation; #90173 (2015)

Jianjun Gao, Vicente Oropeza, and Mauricio D. Sacchi

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... to 5D Seismic Data Interpolation Jianjun Gao China University of Petroleum, Beijing, and Signal Analysis and Imaging Group Vicente Oropeza and Mauricio...


Scanning Electron Micrographs of Quartz Sand Grains from Cold Environments Examined Using Fourier Shape Analysis

Julian A. Dowdeswell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Scanning Electron Micrographs of Quartz Sand Grains from Cold Environments Examined Using Fourier Shape Analysis Julian A. Dowdeswell 1982 Vol. 52...


Abstract: Quantitative Paleobathymetry Using Geochemistry and Shape Analysis of Benthic Foraminifera, Offshore Gulf of Mexico

Douglas F. Williams , Anthony C. Gary , Nancy Healy-Williams

GCAGS Transactions

... foraminifera using fourier series analysis have shown that many taxa exhibit shape changes which are also correlatable to known environmental variables...


Abstract: Characterizing Spatial Deformation Patterns in a Laramide Rocky Mountain Basin; #90301 (2017)

Cody W. Bomberger, Brianna Berg, Jenica Andersen, Michael H. Hofmann

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... that are important to hydrocarbon exploration. Using techniques from Fourier analysis, expanded into two dimensions, we identify characteristic scales of structural...


Grain Shape Analysis--Application to Problems of Sediment Source and Transport: ABSTRACT

Jim Mazzullo

AAPG Bulletin

...Grain Shape Analysis--Application to Problems of Sediment Source and Transport: ABSTRACT Jim Mazzullo 1982 1433 1433 66 9. (September) The shapes...


Sources and Distribution of Late Pleistocene Sand, Northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: ABSTRACT

J. M. Mazzullo, C. Bates, D. Reutter, K. Withers

AAPG Bulletin

... paleogeography and alluvial identification. Techniques used to determine the sources of sand are: the Fourier technique (which differentiated sands...


Abstract: Azimuthal Fourier Coefficients: A Simple Method to Estimate Fracture Parameters; #90174 (2014)

Jon Downton and Benjamin Roure

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...Abstract: Azimuthal Fourier Coefficients: A Simple Method to Estimate Fracture Parameters; #90174 (2014) Jon Downton and Benjamin Roure AAPG...


Abstracts: Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry … The Analytical Tool for Heavy Oil and Bitumen Characterization; #90173 (2015)

Thomas B. P. Oldenburg, Melisa Brown, Ben Hsieh, and Steve Larter

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...Abstracts: Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry … The Analytical Tool for Heavy Oil and Bitumen Characterization; #90173 (2015...


Grain Size-Frequency Distributions from Thin-Section Data: NOTES

N. H. Gray

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Crofts, N.Y. 549 p. STOKES, A. R., 1948. A numerical Fourier-analysis method for the correction of widths and shapes of lines on X-ray powder photographs...


The Origin of Shape Frequency Distributions and the Relationship Between Size and Shape

Robert Ehrlich, P. Jeffrey Brown , Jeffrey M. Yarus , Robert S. Przygocki

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... implication on contemporary shelf sedimentation--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: Jour. Sed. Petrology, in press. EHRLICH, R., AND WEINBERG, B., 1970...


Seismic Enhancement Resolution in Penobscot Field With Short-Time Fourier Transform Half Cepstrum Method

Taufiq Brilliant Askari, Intan Andriani Putri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Fourier Transform (STFT) method with Gaussian analysis window (Gabor, 1946) was proposed to overcome this limitation. Window selection on STFT...


Sources and Nonsources of Beach Sand Along Southern Monterey Bay California--Fourier Shape Analysis

Gerald A. Porter, Robert Ehrlich, Robert H. Osborne, Rodney A. Combellick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Sources and Nonsources of Beach Sand Along Southern Monterey Bay California--Fourier Shape Analysis Gerald A. Porter, Robert Ehrlich, Robert H...


Fold Geometry Within Part of Michigan Basin, Michigan

E. H. Timothy Whitten , Walter A. Beckman, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

..., 19 p. James, W. R., 1966b, The Fourier series model in map analysis: U.S. Office Naval Research (Geog. Branch) Task no. 388-078, Contr. no. 1228(36...


Abstract: Time-Frequency Polarization Analysis and Filtering; #90211 (2015)

Robert Pinnegar

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...Abstract: Time-Frequency Polarization Analysis and Filtering; #90211 (2015) Robert Pinnegar Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90211 CSPG© 2015...


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