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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 24,517 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Value of Monitoring Fractures
Charles Sicking
GEO ExPro Magazine
... by the stimulation, as well as of how those fractures develop. It is this ‘how’ question that real time fracture monitoring is designed to address. The number...
Using Machine Learning to Automate FDI Analysis
Reid Thompson, Lance Legel, Thomas Hanlon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., quantifying and qualifying FDIs in real time is impossible with manual labeling methods. An automated fracture-driven interaction workflow can reduce...
ABSTRACT: Degradation Beyond the Emergent Threshold, by Stephen E. Laubach; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Natural fracture characterization in tight gas sandstones: Integrating mechanics and diagenesis
Jon E. Olson, Stephen E. Laubach, Robert H. Lander
AAPG Bulletin
...). To estimate the impact of quartz cement precipitation on fracture permeability, we employ the concept of emergent threshold (Laubach, 2003), an empirical...
Deciphering Cross-Well Strain Data from Single-Use Fiber with Slippage Effects During Fracturing
Xueling Song, Ge Jin, Kan Wu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Moreover, we delved into the strain responses of single-use fiber in a real-world field scenario. The field data reveals that single-use fiber undergoes...
Abstract: Resolution and Location Uncertainties in Surface Microseismic Monitoring; #90174 (2014)
Michael Thornton
Search and Discovery.com
... to the model is likely due to the real-world need to estimate both velocity and static corrections and the presence of coherent noise in real data...
Application of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Tiltmeter Analysis in Hydraulic Fracturing Diagnostics
Search and Discovery.com
A Comprehensive Review of Fracture-Driven Interaction in Unconventional Oil and Gas Plays: Characterization, Real-Time Diagnosis, and Impact on Production
Harpreet Singh, Peng Cheng, Yuewei Pan, Chengxi Li, Yu Liu, Xi Wu, Mary Van Domelen, Samuel Rogers, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Meng Cao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...A Comprehensive Review of Fracture-Driven Interaction in Unconventional Oil and Gas Plays: Characterization, Real-Time Diagnosis, and Impact...
Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms
Alton Brown
AAPG Bulletin
... decrease in steeply dipping fracture systems. Real fractures have lateral and vertical variations in aperture. Where the aperture is thin, gas does...
Hydraulic Fracture Growth: Real Data; #41354 (2014)
Kevin Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
...Hydraulic Fracture Growth: Real Data; #41354 (2014) Kevin Fisher Hydraulic Fracture Growth: Real Data* Kevin Fisher1 Search and Discovery Article...
Proppant Transport in Main-Secondary-Tertiary Fracture System in Shale Reservoirs
Bo Zeng, Yachao Bai, Yi Song, Xingwu Guo, Xiaojin Zhou, Haoyong Huang, Chi Shen, Xiaodong Hu, Fujian Zhou
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fractures often ignored the real morphology of complex fractures underground. For example, each stage fracture is vertical, and the width of tertiary...
Validation Processes for Subsurface Fracture Models
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Statistical Biases in Microseismicity Parameters; #90187 (2014)
Melanie Grob and Mirko van der Baan
Search and Discovery.com
.... The colors correspond to the stages in Figure 1. The oblique black line represents the detection threshold like for real microseismic data...
Predicting Microseismicity from the Geomechanical Modeling of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures Interacting with Natural Fractures - Application to the Marcellus and Eagle Ford
Yamina E. Aimene, John A. Nairn, Adel Boudjema
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) that produced an Equivalent Fracture Model (Figure 11, D) providing an intensity and direction of natural fractures in each cell. A threshold is applied...
A scale-independent approach to fracture intensity and average spacing measurement
Orlando J. Ortega, Randall A. Marrett, Stephen E. Laubach
AAPG Bulletin
... the number of fractures observed in a domain will increase as the threshold size for fracture detection decreases. Consequently, fracture intensity...
Hydraulic fracture plane identification based on unsupervised learning
Zizhuo Ma, Tao Liu, Junzhou Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the acoustic emission data obtained from actual monitoring and the corresponding CT scanning data of the real fracture condition. The final results show...
Application of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Tiltmeter Analysis in Hydraulic Fracturing Diagnostics; #42384 (2019)
Ben Bagherian
Search and Discovery.com
... to the input deformation data to simulate real-world conditions. Four fracture systems are defined in this work: (a) single vertical fracture, (b) dual...
Trusted Geothermal Resource ABSTRACT Development and Production, (Including Induced Seismicity Associated with EGS Operations), #90128 (2011)
Barry Goldstein, Betina Bendall, Alexandra Long, Michael Malavazos, David Cockshell, David Love,
Search and Discovery.com
... the investment community is convinced hot rock EGS is real by 2014, again, if governments provide sufficient ‘pull’ and market incentives for pre-competitive...
ABSTRACT Managing EGS Play Portfolios Assessing Geologic Uncertainties, Resource Distributions and Economic Adequacy, #90128 (2011)
Barry Goldstein
Search and Discovery.com
... success with geothermal power generation demonstration so the investment community is convinced hot rock EGS is real by 2014, again, if governments...
Efficient Stress Characterization for Real-Time Drawdown Management
Kurt Wilson, R R. Hanna Alla
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on the fracture network in real-time. In tight reservoirs, the drawdown management procedure has a direct link to flowing bottomhole pressure and the resulting...
A Rapid Evaluation Technique of Sweep Efficiency for Tight Oil Reservoirs Recovered with Gas Flooding
Lingyu Mu, Xinwei Liao, Xiaoliang Zhao, Jingtian Zhang, Jiandong Zou, Hongyang Chu, Xiongtao Shang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., the excessive threshold pressure results in that the effective displacement cannot be established. The fracture greatly shortened the breakthrough time...
The Role and Impact of Microseismic Monitoring in Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation
Search and Discovery.com
An Integrated Geomechanics-Reservoir Simulation Workflow for Completion Design Optimization
Tzu-hao Yeh, Deniz Cakici, James Jennings, Johannes Will, Jose Chavarria Guerra, Melanie Durand, Britt L. Williams, Tianhong Chen, Rebecca Casillas, Vivek Jain, Hope Liu, Ruijian Li, Taixu Bai
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the proppant concentration threshold. Table 2 Selected scenarios for HM Scenario Characteristics No. of matched cases 53 2 No UVM fracture volume 4...
Robust Uncertainty Quantifications of Fracture Geometries Through Automatic History Matching with Application in Real Shale Gas
Yuchen Xiao, Chuxi Liu, Wei Yu, Kamy Sepehrnoori, Corwin Zigler
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Robust Uncertainty Quantifications of Fracture Geometries Through Automatic History Matching with Application in Real Shale Gas Yuchen Xiao, Chuxi...
Quasi-Static Fracture Height Growth in Laminated Reservoirs: Impacts of Stress and Toughness Barriers, Horizontal Well Landing Depth, and Fracturing Fluid Density
Mehran Mehrabi, Yanli Pei, Mahdi Haddad, Farzam Javadpour, Kamy Sepehrnoori
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fracture height (i.e., a physical solution for Eq. 5) or fracture mouth pressure, Pfm, based on either Eq. 3 or 4, after a threshold number of iterations...