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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 24,517 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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A Case for Microseismic Surface Arrays in Texas?

Hallie Meighan, Robert A. Hull, Earl Roberts

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... promising results for event detections and improved focal mechanism solutions (FMS) for fracture network classification. Pioneer and numerous...


From Outcrop to Subsurface: Unlocking Fractured Basement Reservoir in New Venture Area

Laurent Souche, Anugrah Pradana, Merza Media Adeyosfi, Joko Sosiawan Trikukuh

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... threshold, in an attempt to characterize the variations of fracture density with fracture length. The P32 density obtained from scanlines is plotted...


Natural fractures in the Spraberry Formation, Midland basin, Texas: The effects of mechanical stratigraphy on fracture variability and reservoir behavior

John C. Lorenz, Jenny L. Sterling, David S. Schechter, Chris L. Whigham, Jerry L. Jensen

AAPG Bulletin

...Natural fractures in the Spraberry Formation, Midland basin, Texas: The effects of mechanical stratigraphy on fracture variability and reservoir...


Geomechanical Modeling of Flowback Scenarios to Establish Best Practices in the Midland Basin Horizontal Program

Kurt Wilson, Ibraheem Ahmed, Kirk MacIvor

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... gradients may develop near the wellbore which can lead to increased stress and fracture damage. Additionally, the proliferation of electronic gauges...


What Do Hydraulic Fractures Look Like in Different Types of Reservoirs: Implications from a Series of Large-Scale Polyaxial Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments from Conventional to Unconventional

Peng Yi, Fu Haifeng, Cui Mingyue, Liu Yunzhi, Xu Yun, Lu Yongjun, Wang Xing, Wang Yonghui

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... lights on the fracture characteristics, operators still are far from understanding the real fractures for its apparent complex process. This paper...


Microseismic Response and Geomechanical Principles of Short Interval Re-injection (SIR) Treatments

Alana Kent, David W. Eaton, Shawn Maxwell

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... threshold, thus reducing the fracture energy required to induce slip as indicated by a lowered breakdown pressure for the re-injection phase...


Quantification of fold curvature and fracturing using terrestrial laser scanning

Mark A. Pearce, Richard R. Jones, Steven A. F. Smith, Kenneth J. W. McCaffrey

AAPG Bulletin

... threshold for Gaussian curvature is 0.1 kmax m2.Fracture AnalysisCharacterization of fracture populations involves quantification of a range...


Embedded Discrete Fracture Model Assisted Study of Gas Transport Mechanisms and Drainage Area for Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs

Wei Yu, Kan Wu, Lihua Zuo, Jijun Miao, Kamy Sepehrnoori

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., Beijing, China, 26-28 March. Fisher, M.K., and Warpinski, N.R. 2012. Hydraulic-Fracture-Height Growth: Real Data. SPE Production & Operations, 27(1...


Determining Maximum Horizontal Stress with Microseismic Focal Mechanisms - Case Studies in the Marcellus, Eagle Ford, Wolfcamp

Alireza Agharazi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) representing initial field stresses. In a real case, however, the stimulation pattern is more complicated due to interaction of the propagating fracture...


Abstract: Real Time Microseismic Monitoring in China: A Case Study; #90224 (2015)

Michael D. Kratz

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... described allows for the possibility monitoring HFM operations from every corner of the world in real time. The analysis capabilities of real time HFM...


How to Add Value to Tight Rock Fracturing Stages Using Geologically Constrained 3D Fracture Models and Microseismicity; #41154 (2013)

Jean-Marc Daniel, Matthieu Delorme, Chakib Kada-kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, and Christine Souque

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... fracture length - Nb Fractures = 23000 Discussion DFN1 and DFN2 have constant length distribution. DFN1 is close to percolation threshold, that is why...


Characterization and Modelization of the Geometrical and Flow Properties of Fractured Carbonates: Application to Amellago Outcrop Data; #120075 (2012)

I. Malinouskaya, P. M. Adler, J.-F.Thovert, and V. Mourzenko

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..., 2011, Permeability of isotropic and anisotropic fracture networks, from the percolation threshold to very large densities: Physical Review E, v. 84/3...


Advanced Microseismic Monitoring Methods, (2012)

R. J. Mellors, C. Morency, E. Matzel, D. C. Templeton, J. Wang, S. Myers, S. Ford, D. B. Harris, F. Ryerson

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... Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA ( Abstract Microseismic monitoring is a widely used tool to map fracture...


Two-dimensional simulation of controls of fracture parameters on fracture connectivity

Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

...Two-dimensional simulation of controls of fracture parameters on fracture connectivity Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra 2009 1517 1533 93 11 Two...


Evaluation of Rock Damage and Fracture Propagation on MicroCracks Development and Stimulation Quality of Tight Formations: Quantitative and Statistical Characterization

Ilham El-Monier

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fracture causes a real damage to the formation, not enhancement. In contrast, we can see that the orientation of the microfractures along the main...


Significance of Fracture Sets Associated with Stylolite Zones: GEOLOGIC NOTES

R. A. Nelson

AAPG Bulletin

... this fracture/stylolite association many times in stylolite zones from all over the world, I perceive it to be a common and logical association (Fig. 3...


The Evaluation of Limited Height Growth Fracture Effectiveness in Sanga-Sanga Coalbed Methane Field

Ibrahim Kunto Baskoro, Debby Halinda, Wahju Wibowo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... value. With these similarities of coal, sand and shale stress profiles create real challenge to control fracture height growth contained within...


Energized and Foam Fracturing Fluids for Liquids-Rich Organic Shale Reservoirs; #80388 (2014)

James McAndrew, Rong Fan, and Robert Barba

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... not be done in practice 4 2014 Research & Development World leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health Fracture Height...


Analysis of Zonal Interference through Integrated Stimulation and Drainage Diagnostic Measurements in the Uinta Basin, Utah, USA: Microseismic, Crosswell Strain, Offset Pressure Fracture Measurement, and Geochemical Fingerprinting of Produced Hydrocarbons

Shawn Maxwell, Geoffrey Ritter, Trevor Tuttle, Kyle Wilson, Mohammad Tabatabaei, John Sinclair, Aaron Leavitt, Yuchen Liu, Jana Bachleda, Jiang Wu, Faye Liu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., Crosswell Strain, Offset Pressure Fracture Measurement, and Geochemical Fingerprinting of Produced Hydrocarbons Shawn Maxwell, Geoffrey Ritter, Trevor...


Rapid Discrete Fracture Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Development in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Dr. Mark Cottrell, Hooman Hosseinpour, Dr. William Dershowitz

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Rapid Discrete Fracture Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Development in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Dr. Mark Cottrell, Hooman Hosseinpour, Dr...


A Collaborative Study on DFIT Interpretation: Integrating Modeling, Field Data, and Analytical Techniques

Mark McClure, Vidya Bammidi, Craig Cipolla, Dave Cramer, Lucas Martin, Alexei Savitski, Dave Sobernheim, Kate Voller

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that the real pressure transient in the hydraulic fracture is not observed. If the test in Figure 11 was in a vertical well, it might be justifiable to assume...


Characterizing the Seismic Response of Naturally Fractured Basement Reservoir in Sumatra Area: Towards an Efficient Seismic Exploration Strategy

Pongga Wardaya, Vida Irine Rossa, Erlangga Septama, Richie Rahmat Pratama, Rusalida Raguwanti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is the average value of fracture aperture of the granite summarized from statistics shown in Figure 4. To accommodate the real fracture influence on the seismic...


What we know, what we don't know, and things we do not know we don't know about hydraulic fracturing in high stress environments

Raymond L. Johnson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... What we don’t know exactly is how to predict when and at what pressure threshold does a propagating fracture overcome stress and strong interfaces...


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