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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 24,517 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Modeling Frac-hits Using Dynamic Microseismicity-Constrained Enhanced Fracture Regions

Peyman M. Moradi, Doug Angus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... than the real values, hence, here to propagate the permeability, we use normalized fracture surface areas. In particular, there is a simple correlation...


Uncertainty in Surface Microseismic Monitoring; #41258 (2013)

Mike Mueller, Michael Thornton, and Leo Eisner

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... to detect the complete set of events is a nearly binary function of SNR. Events with SNR above a threshold of 2-3 are readily detected, while events...


Pore Pressure Modeling - How to Overcome HPHT Challenges (Paper B12)

S. Bordoloi, A. Ghosh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...) are therefore critical data to have for a better understanding of the fracture propagation pressure. Real-time pressure monitoring plays an important role...


Dimensionless IPR Devolopment for Naturally Fractured Gas Well: A Field Study

Ganesha RD, Pudjo Sukarno, Amega Yasutra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Applying the model to a real dry gas well with naturally fracture reservoir. Analyze any errors that may occur. During radial flow, the velocity...


A Systematic Technique for Describing and Quantifying Fractures in Core

D. F. Lockman, R. P. George Jr, M. J. Hayes

Pacific Section of AAPG

... length (Long, 1983). There is a threshold value of average length required to form an interconnected fracture network. Using a two-dimensional computer...


Tests of Fracture Water and Gas Permeability on Vaca Muerta Gas Shale

Kun Su, Jorge Torres, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Pierre Barlet, Atef Onaisi, Sandrine Vidal-Gilbert

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (confining pressure at 10 bars). This value corresponds indeed to the equivalent fracture aperture of the system. The real fracture hydraulic aperture...


Combining Pressure-Based Fracture Maps and Post-Stimulation Leak-Off Analysis Lead to Informed Unconventional Development

David Lerohl, Justin Mayorga, Brent Vering, Erica Coenen, Sean Spicer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... equal amounts of fluid, creating similar fracture half-lengths, heights, and apertures. However, this is unlikely in a real stimulation. A dominant...


Auto-identification and Real-time Warning Method of Multiple Type Events During Multistage Horizontal Well Fracturing

Mingze Zhao, Yue Li, Yuyang Liu, Bin Yuan, Siwei Meng, Wei Zhang, He Liu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Moraes, L. 2020b. Deep Learning Based Hydraulic Fracture Event Recognition Enables Real-Time Automated Stage-Wise Analysis. Presented at the SPE...


A Comparison of Latest Generation Frac New Well and Refrac Results with Evidence of Refrac Reorientation

Robert E. Barba, Justin Allison, Mark Villarreal

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... from none of these conditions. In fact, we know that no process in the real world is 100% efficient and therefore even if a refrac were designed...


Abstract: Fit for Purpose Microseismic Design; #90000 (2016)

Anca Rosca

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... monitoring has become a valuable tool for fracture monitoring, reservoir characterization, environmental warning systems. The requirements in terms...


Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture-Induced Vertical Strain Measured by Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensing

Aishwarya Srinivasan, Yongzan Liu, Kan Wu, Ge Jin, George Moridis

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture-Induced Vertical Strain Measured by Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensing Aishwarya Srinivasan, Yongzan Liu, Kan...


Evaluation of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in Real-Time: The Importance of Detecting Open Fractures while Drilling with Accurate Mud Flow Measurement; #41632(2015)

Samael Fontenla Alvarez, Gerardo Villacorta Cazuriaga, Oscar Chamon Mealla, Alberto Martocchia

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...Evaluation of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in Real-Time: The Importance of Detecting Open Fractures while Drilling with Accurate Mud Flow Measurement...


Diagnostics of Casing Deformation in Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation in Lower Silurian Marine Shale Play in Southwestern China

Guan Qin, Yanchao Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... simulation treatment parameters. According to the analysis of real world scenarios in casing deformation by the approach of stress evaluation and stimulated...


Influence of the Lost Circulation Material Injection Method on the Fracture Plugging: A Visualization Experimental Study

Yi Feng, Gao Li, Rui Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., and secondly, it is impossible to observe the LCM migration, bridging and plugging process in the fracture in real time. Different from above traditional...


Overcoming the Limitations of SRV Concept

M. Gaddipati, C. Karacaer, C. Ozgen, T. Firincioglu, G. Bowen, I. Pallister, G. Shaw

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of the well, or wells, and secondly to be practical enough to be applied routinely in complex geological settings with real-world wells. For the first...


Geomechanical Investigation of Microseismic Mechanisms Associated With Slip on Bed Parallel Fractures

Robert Hull, Paul Leonard, Shawn Maxwell

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... existence and interaction with the natural fractures as shown in these models we can better highlight fracture processes with these world class Permian...


Modelling simple and multiple bi-wing geometric behavior of fractures propagating from notches of radial wellbore

Justin Jordan Pidho, Yuanfang Cheng, Chuanliang Yan

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... direction. Fundamental understanding of field issues like high treating pressure, premature screen-outs, and tortuous fracture paths may be embedded...


Incremental Reserves Calculation Method for Hydraulic Fracturing Candidate Screening

Radya Senoputra, Julfree Sianturi, Tamara Wulandari

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... reservoir with different fracture properties. Therefore, a model is required. The idea is to built a sugarbox Eclipse model embedded with real...


Abstract: Crack-tip Stress Field, Coulomb Failure, and the Spectral Characteristics of Tensile Rupture; #90174 (2014)

David W. Eaton and Chad M. Hogan

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..., University of Calgary Summary By combining recent empirical observations with classical theory from fracture mechanics...


Unconventional Reservoir Shale Gas; #10459 (2012)

Sunjay Sunjay

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... visualization of where the hydraulic fracture process is impacting the rock in the reservoir. When real-time monitoring is used, the micro-seismic information...


Using network topology to constrain fracture network permeability

Rowan Hansberry, Simon Holford, Rosalind King, Natalie Debenham

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... appears to be closely spatially correlated with the percolation threshold, this may provide a rough estimate of the fracture intensity required...


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