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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 24,517 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Protection Refrac: Analysis of Pore Pressure and Stress Change Due to Refracturing of Legacy Wells

Ali Rezaei, Mehdi Rafiee, Giorgio Bornia, Mohamed Soliman, Stephen Morse

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... propagation, a threshold for propagation may be used. There are several propagation criteria to account for mixed mode propagation of the fracture out...


Pore-scale study of fluids flow and fluid-fluid interactions during near-miscible CO2 EOR and storage in oil reservoirs

Mojtaba Seyyedi, Mehran Sohrabi

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to the gradual diffusion of CO2 into the bypassed oil, IFT between oil and CO2 decreased which led to a reduction of threshold capillary pressure, thus...


Advanced Way in Controlling Fracture Height Growth during Hydraulic Fracturing Case Study Sangasanga Indonesia.

Ridwan Kiay Demak, Kristoforus Widyas Tokoh, Sukanto, Luciana Soetikno, Mochamad Riza Zakaria, Areiyando Makmun, Tunggal Purwoko, Norbert Heitmann, Lukman Akhmadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... around the world. Case History Controlling Growth using J-FRAC Fracture Height MRA 1070 is deviated oil well located in Muara Structure...


Ultrafast Hydraulic Fracturing Model for Optimizing Cube Development

Egor Dontsov, Andrew Bunger, Bradley Abell, Roberto Suarez-Rivera

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... constraints. In addition, the same computational bottlenecks create a problem for execution: industry cannot perform real-time hydraulic fracture modeling...


Selection of Objectives for Testing of Deep Occurring Carbonate Sediments

A. F. Boyarchuk, A. M. Nechay

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... The value of pf = 0.05% can be taken as a threshold; rocks having values below this should not be tested. Flow-through fracture porosity can...


Quantification of Fracture-Matrix Fluid Transport in Unconventional Rocks Using Two-scale Microfluidic Chips

Ayaz Mehmani, Shaina Kelly, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Matthew Balhoff

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (matrix) using a diamond scribe such as to achieve a ratio of entry capillary pressure threshold of approximately six between the fracture and matrix...


Predicting Realistic Natural Fracture Distributions Using Structural Modelling - Best Practice Workflows for Evaluating Prospects and Targeting Sweet Spots in Unconventional Reservoirs

Euan Macaulay, Cathal Reilly, Hugh Anderson, Heike Broichhausen, Alan Vaughan, Roddy Muir, Colin Dunlop

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to be evaluated to determine whether or not they are present in the real world. Typically, this involves comparing the predicted fracture orientations...


Numerical simulation of water injection into layered fractured carbonate reservoir analogs

Mandefro Belayneh, Sebastian Geiger, Stephan K. Matthi

AAPG Bulletin

.... The worst case scenario for production is a fracture network at the percolation threshold because flow will be extremely localized (Sanderson and Zhang...


Abstract: The Downhole Video Service: Current Open Hole Applications in the Permian Basin

Lee Sanders, Cary Joe Burkhart

West Texas Geological Society

... Service provides a real time and on-site image of wellbore conditions in both the open and cased hole environments. In open hole, the video camera...


A Method of Fracture Prediction Across Multiple Stratigraphic Horizons in the Midland Basin, Texas, USA

Caleb Pollock, Christian Seiler, Manoel Valcárcel, Euan Macaulay

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-hypothesis test, comparing a set of randomly generated fracture orientations to the observed. The results of this test indicate that with the 20° threshold...


Real-Time Advanced Mud Returns Flow Analysis Combined with Advanced Mud Gas and Elemental Analysis on Drill Cuttings Aids Fracture Detection and Interpretation in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Case Study; #42307 (2018)

Barzin Chiniwala, Isaac Easow, Alberto Martocchia, Eliana Russo

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...Real-Time Advanced Mud Returns Flow Analysis Combined with Advanced Mud Gas and Elemental Analysis on Drill Cuttings Aids Fracture Detection...


An Efficient Model to Simulate Reservoir Stimulation and induced Microseismic Events on 3D Discrete Fracture Network for Unconventional Reservoirs

Matthieu Delorme, Jean-Marc Daniel, Chakib Kada-Kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, Christine Souque

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the convergence criterion. Convergence occurs if the shear stress and pressure residuals are below a given threshold. Fracture network geometry is given...


Integrating Induced Seismicity Observations and Discrete Fracture Network Modelling to Characterize the Natural Fracture Architecture of the Montney Formation, British Columbia

Steve Rogers, Scott McKean

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is unlikely to reproduce this range of outcomes because connectivity of wells and structures is high, in contrast to the real world where it is highly...


Geological Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Models of the Tight-Sand Gas Reservoirs in Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan Depression of China

Dongxia Chen, Lei Wang, Xiongqi Pang, Tong Bai

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... then became condensable further. Introduction In 2009, the world annual production of tight gas amounted to 15.3TCF and one-third of the US gas...


Understanding the Complexity of Fracturing in the Sichuan Shale Gas Reservoir in China

Yuan Liu, Daniel Kalinin, Deqi Li, Yajun Jiao, Ran Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of extracting shale gas in the Sichuan basin is very different from the experience in North America or anywhere else in the world. During...


ABSTRACT: Application of the Synthetic Rock Mass Discrete Element Approach for Fracture Behavior in Shale; #90122 (2011)

Nicholas Thompson and Rune M. Holt

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... in real world scenarios. Interparticle bond breakages which occur as fractures propagate may also be tracked as microseismic events. Thus...


Investigation and Field Application of Ultra-High Density Fracturing Technology in Unconventional Reservoirs

Fanhui Zeng, Yu Zhang, Jianchun Guo, Su Diao, Wenxi Ren, Bintao Zheng

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...[-] displacement discontinuities of fracture shear and normal[m] rock elastic modulus[MPa] simanalog functions[-] function[-] threshold pressure gradient...


Machine Learning Applications for a Qualitative Evaluation of the Fracture Network in the Wolfcamp Shale Using Tracer and Completion Data

Abhash Kumar, Chung Yan Shih, Guoxiang Liu, Paul Holcomb, Song Zhao, Richard Hammack, Jeffery Ilconich, Grant Bromhal

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Machine Learning Applications for a Qualitative Evaluation of the Fracture Network in the Wolfcamp Shale Using Tracer and Completion Data Abhash...


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