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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 15,675 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Molecular Sieving of Hydrocarbon Mixtures through Nano-Porous Membranes
Zhijun Liu, Erdal Ozkan, Luis Zerpa, Xiaolong Yin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... modeling of hindered transport in unconventional reservoirs. Separation Mechanism Membrane properties, such as the material and interactions between...
Charge and Leakage Analysis Integrating Different Scales: From Fluid Inclusions to Seismic Attributes, Loppa High, Barents Sea, Norway; #10377 (2011)
Pieter Pestman, Noemí Tur, Mateu Esteban, Teresa Polo, Alfredo Sánchez, Devendra Tiwary, Rafael Tocco, Jordi Tritlla, André Vayssaire
Search and Discovery.com
...Charge and Leakage Analysis Integrating Different Scales: From Fluid Inclusions to Seismic Attributes, Loppa High, Barents Sea, Norway; #10377 (2011...
Structural Geology: Faults
Mike Shepherd
AAPG Special Volumes
... sealing.FAULT SEALEstimates can be made using Allan diagrams as to the probability that a fault will seal within a reservoir. In the first instance, fault...
Hydrocarbon Columns, Buoyancy Pressures, and Seal Efficiency: Comparisons of Oil and Gas Accumulations in California and the Rocky Mountain Area (1)
Donald L. Zieglar
AAPG Bulletin
.... For the unfaulted pools, we can speculate about unrecognized faults and fractured zones providing such avenues of leakage. For the faulted pools, a continuum...
Seal Potential of the Talang Akar Formation, BZZ Area, Offshore NW Java, Indonesia
J. G. Kaldi, C. D. Atkinson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... BOPD. Note that zones of higher porosity (X965 - X971) are not fractured. Pro-delta shales have even lower seal potential (SP .18). These sediments...
Overpressured Reservoirs: A New Generation of Exploration Opportunities
Richard E. Swarbrick
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... when sealing is controlled by membrane leakage. Prospectivity depends on structural configuration, requiring a spill point below the centroid. Reservoir...
Flow pathway and evolution of water and oil along reverse faults in the northwestern Sichuan Basin, China
Changyu Fan, Alvar Braathen, Zhenliang Wang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Suiying Chen, Nana Feng, Aiguo Wang, and Lei Huang
AAPG Bulletin
..., A. Harrison, B. Kidd, E. Mcallister, J. R. Porter, and E. A. White, 1997, Fault seal analysis: Successful methodologies, application and future directions...
Fault facies modeling: Technique and approach for 3-D conditioning and modeling of faulted grids
N. Fredman, J. Tveranger, N. Cardozo, A. Braathen, H. Soleng, P. Roe, A. Skorstad, A. R. Syversveen
AAPG Bulletin
.... Watterson, 1997, Complexity in fault zone structure and implications for fault seal prediction, in P. Moller-Pedersen and A. G. Koestler, eds...
Membrane Effect in Migration of Gases and Formation of Pools
P. M. Lomako
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Membrane Effect in Migration of Gases and Formation of Pools P. M. Lomako 1982 56 57 Vol. 20 (1982) No. 2. (February) (Neftegazovaya Geologiya i...
ABSTRACT Fracture Analysis and Geological Characterization of a "Leaky" System in the Rocky Mountain Foreland, #90125 (2011)
Treadway Whitney, Lageson David R., Lynn Helen B.
Search and Discovery.com
... be impermeable to CO2 migration upwards towards the surface. Fracture networks can lead to CO2 leakage at the surface, even when the reservoir and seal...
ABSTRACT Fracture Analysis and Geological Characterization of a "Leaky" System in the Rocky Mountain Foreland, Treadway, #90126 (2011)
Treadway Whitney, Lageson David R., Lynn Helen B.
Search and Discovery.com
... sites. This includes geologic characterization of the reservoir and seal rock formations, structure of the trapping mechanism(s), and analysis...
Pressure Prediction in Exhumed Basins
A. Edwards, J. Heller, S. Clancy, N. Whitfield, S. O'Connor
GEO ExPro Magazine
... of gas from the oil, while the expansion of the gas forces the oil out of the reservoirs. Fracturing of cap rocks (as opposed to membrane leakage...
The importance of the degree of cataclasis in shear bands for fluid flow in porous sandstone, Provence, France
Gregory Ballas, Roger Soliva, Jean-Pierre Sizun, Antonio Benedicto, Thibault Cavailhes, Suzanne Raynaud
AAPG Bulletin
...-Pierre Sizun, Antonio Benedicto, Thibault Cavailhes, Suzanne Raynaud 2012 2167 2186 96 11 Determination of the membrane seal capacity of deformation...
The Place of Faults in Petroleum Traps
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Yoshihiro Tsuji
AAPG Special Volumes
...-seal leakage through faults and fractures: The role of mudrock properties, in A. C. Aplin, A. J. Fleet, and J. H. S. Macquaker, eds., Muds...
Pressures, Seals and Traps; #42356 (2019)
J. J. Biteau
Search and Discovery.com
... of a seal is linked to its entry pressure and wettability, the more of this the more the hydrocarbon column can be. The integrity of a seal is related to its...
Geomechanical Modelling, Fracture Permeability Analysis and Fault Stability Assessment for a Fractured Basement Field, Offshore Viet Nam
Adrian White, David Castillo, Sanjay Thakur
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., the seal membrane within the fracture will rupture and fracture permeability will form. If this fracture behaviour occurs over the life of a field...
Abstract: Implementation of a Novel Wellbore Strengthening Technique Using a Proprietary Bridging Material Success Case Study from Umm Ghadir Field in Kuwait; #91204 (2023)
Prashant Darwade, Ahmed Fouad, Waleed Al-Baghli, Bijen Goswami, Talal Al-Wehaidah, Yogesh Takate, Niraj Kumar, Prakash Jadhav
Search and Discovery.com
... by the particles bridging in the fracture, either at, or close to, the mouth of the fracture and forming a lowpermeability seal. This allows the fluid...
Volumetric faults in field-sized reservoir simulation models: A first case study
Muhammad Fachri, Jan Tveranger, Alvar Braathen, and Per Røe
AAPG Bulletin
... the facies property, four reservoir simulation models are generated by modulating fault core thickness and slip zone type and permeability. Membrane...
Fault Leakage Characterization by Integrative Gas Geochemistry/Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition Procedures: ABSTRACT
J. C. Hickey, R. W. Klusman, K. J. Voorhees
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault Leakage Characterization by Integrative Gas Geochemistry/Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition Procedures: ABSTRACT J. C. Hickey, R. W. Klusman...
The Influence of Dynamic Deformation of Formation Fractures on the Plugging
Search and Discovery.com
Handbook on Static Pressures, by D. E. Powley, #60007 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Deconvolution Using Matlab Script to Identify Fault-Seal
Maulana Hutama Rahma Putra, Irvan Rahadian Putra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... reservoir and low permeable unit (figure 2). The appearance of void in the effective seal will enhance the chance of hydrocarbon leakage. Calculations...
Exploring Shallow Prospects in the Iliran Basement High, South Sumatra Basin
Didit A. Firmansyah, Aziz Rifai, Sinto Yudho, Asril Kamal, R.M.I. Argakoesoemah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... because of fractured top seal since the structural crest play is developed adjacent to the large Kluang-Iliran Fault. Conversely, it is also possible...
The Fundamental Role of Electrostatic Forces within Pore Systems and Their Effects on Resource Evaluation and Reservoir Performance: Capillary Forces Theory
Robert Lee, Per K. Pedersen, Thomas F. Moslow, Roberto Aguilera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., and K. Rakhit, 2008, Experimental and Empirical Observations Supporting a Capillary Model Involving Gas Generation, Migration, and Seal Leakage...