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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 15,675 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Structural Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Traps Sealed by Basement Normal Block Faults at Stable Flank of Foredeep Basins and at Rift Basins
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
...). Juxtaposed lithology (a) either may enhance seal or (b) provide a pathway for leakage. Deformation within fault zone either (c) may create...
Preserved Membrane on Dinosaur Eggshell Fragments, Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Eastern Utah
Kayla Lazer, Ian P. Stout, Edward L. Simpson, Michael C. Wizevich, Abigal M. Keebler, Grace K. Hetrick
...Preserved Membrane on Dinosaur Eggshell Fragments, Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Eastern Utah Kayla Lazer, Ian P. Stout, Edward L. Simpson...
Fault Healing and Fault Sealing in Impure Sandstones
David N. Dewhurst, Peter J. Boult, Richard M. Jones, Stuart A. Barclay
AAPG Special Volumes
... factors must be considered when assessing fault seal risk (Jones et al., 2002): juxtaposition (both a membrane-sealing and a geometrical issue), fault...
Factors controlling petroleum accumulation and leakage in overpressured reservoirs
Fang Hao, Weilin Zhu, Huayao Zou, and Pingping Li
AAPG Bulletin
... of petroleum accumulation and leakage in overpressured reservoirs. Forced top seal fracturing, frictional failure along preexisting faults...
Seal bypass systems
Joe Cartwright, Mads Huuse, Andrew Aplin
AAPG Bulletin
... subsurface reservoirs up through the seal sequence, with leakage internally at higher levels or to the surface as seeps.We classify SBS into three...
Abstract: Evolution of Voids and Fractures in Wellbore Cement under Dynamic Flow Conditions Relevant to Geological Carbon Sequestration, by Cao, Peilin; Karpyn, Zuleima; Li, Li; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Application Of 3D Structural Modeling Workflows To Map, Quantify And Predict Subsurface Permeability Anomalies
Search and Discovery.com
A Five-Step Bullheading Killing Well Control Method for Fractured Formations without a Safety Pressure Window
Search and Discovery.com
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Overpressure Determination from Sonic and Resistivity Log Anomalies, Jonah Field, Northern Green River Basin, Wyoming
Robert M. Cluff, Suzanne G. Cluff
Wyoming Geological Association
... is that it is a gas chimney formed by upward leakage from widespread overpressure conditions some 2000 to 3000 feet deeper. In this model, gas leakage is promoted...
Distinct-element Stress Modeling in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia
Suzanne P. Hunt, Peter J. Boult
AAPG Special Volumes
... or capillary spill. Leakage from some of these structures (Limestone Ridge and Balnaves) is interpreted as structurally induced top-seal breach, because...
From seep carbonates down to petroleum systems: An outcrop study from the southeastern France Basin
Jean-Philippe Blouet, Patrice Imbert, Anneleen Foubert, Sutieng Ho, Gerard Dupont
AAPG Bulletin
... of a membrane seal) occurs where the pressure exerted by the buoyant hydrocarbon column at the base of the seal exceeds its capillary entry threshold...
Effective stress constraints on vertical flow in fault zones: Learnings from natural CO2 reservoirs
S. J. Naruk, J. G. Solum, J. P. Brandenburg, P. Origo, and D. E. Wolf
AAPG Bulletin
... the data presented in these studies lack sufficient resolution to distinguish between top- and fault-seal leakage, this study shows that the leakage...
Microfractures Due to Overpressures Caused by Thermal Cracking in Well-Sealed Upper Devonian Reservoirs, Deep Alberta Basin
Xiomara M. Marquez , Eric W. Mountjoy
AAPG Bulletin
... seal for hydrocarbons in the Strachan reservoir. In membrane seals the trapping mechanism is the capillary properties of the rock that are governed...
Supercritical CO2 and Water Injection Induced Fracturing Application to Geological Carbon Sequestration
Blessed C.A. Amoah, Son T. Dang, Chandra S. Rai, Carl H. Sondergeld
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the seal above and below the storage zone. These fractures are highly transmissive, which could facilitate CO2 leakage by providing a pathway...
PTTC Network News - Vol. 8, No.3 - 2002
Rodney Reynolds
... were monitored for fluid leakage, overheating of the polish rod, wear and replacement of the packing rubber. For two of the three wells, there were...
Present-day stress and neotectonics of Brunei: Implications for petroleum exploration and production
Mark R. P. Tingay, Richard R. Hillis, Chris K. Morley, Rosalind C. King, Richard E. Swarbrick, Abdul Razak Damit
AAPG Bulletin
... accumulations in Brunei is laterally sealed by faults (Sandal, 1996). Fault-seal potential is influenced by three factors: fault gouge (or membrane...
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in "Meramec- Osage" (Mississippian) Rocks, Sooner Trend, Northwest-Central Oklahoma
S. A. Harris
Tulsa Geological Society
... the idea of good vertical permeability in fractured reservoirs. Mechanics of Lateral Seal in Meramec-Osage The limitations of horizontal and vertical...
Assessment of Fault Zone Properties for CSG Development Areas
Jim Undershultz, Saswata Mukherjee, Alexandra Wolhuter, Huan Xu, Eddie Banks, Saskia Noorduijn, Jim McCallum
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... developments in Queensland. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 31, 249–271. Underschultz, J.R., 2007. Hydrodynamics and membrane seal...
ABSTRACT: Gas Chimneys-Indicating A Fractured Cap Rock; #90013 (2003)
Helge Løseth, Lars Wensaas, Børge Arntsen
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Gas Chimneys-Indicating A Fractured Cap Rock; #90013 (2003) Helge Løseth, Lars Wensaas, Børge Arntsen AAPG Search and Discovery Article...
Abstract: Fractured Gas Reservoirs in the Devonian Shale of the Illinois and Appalachian Basins, by T. Hamilton-Smith, D. Walker, and B. Nuttall; #91005 (1991).
Search and Discovery.com
Hydrocarbon Drainage Index Optimizes Lateral Placement
Rick Schrynemeeckers
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a seal at the top of the Bone Springs at 9,113 ft. The data also indicated that the section between 9,113 – 10,800 ft was less prospective than...
Role of Membrane Hyperfiltration on Origin of Thermal Brines, Imperial Valley, California: ABSTRACT
Frederick A. F. Berry
AAPG Bulletin
...Role of Membrane Hyperfiltration on Origin of Thermal Brines, Imperial Valley, California: ABSTRACT Frederick A. F. Berry 1967 454 455 51 3. (March...
Unravelling the Complex Structural History of the Penola Trough - Revealing the St George Fault
P. Boult, P. Lyon, B. Camac, S. Hunt, H. Zwingmann
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... a significant improvement in the understanding of the controls on seal leakage and has given industry the confidence to continue exploring in the area...
Comparison between the Different Approaches of Secondary and Tertiary Hydrocarbon Migration Modeling in Basin Simulators
Sylvie Pegaz-Fiornet, Bernard Carpentier, Anthony Michel, Sylvie Wolf
AAPG Special Volumes
... movement and it is able to provide a good description of cap-rock leakage. The invasion percolation approach, at least in the context...
Interpretation of Footwall (Lowside) Fault Traps Sealed by Reverse Faults and Convergent Wrench Faults
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... geometric appraisal of fault seal is limited because dynamic phenomena such as the relative rates of migration into a trap vs. rates of leakage out...