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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 15,675 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Hydrocarbon Potential Mapping for Fractured Basement Reservoir Plays in the Offshore North West Java Block
Nicolas Jalu Pangesty, Aveliansyah, Hadi Nugroho, Denni Utomo H
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... migrated through major faults which enter the fractured basement often with an unconformity as a vertical seal. Regional fault reactivations most...
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in "Meramec-Osage" (Mississippian) Rocks, Sooner Trend, Northwest-Central Oklahoma
Sherod A. Harris
AAPG Bulletin
... during partial breaching o the seal. The whole of Regan's conclusions supports the idea of good vertical permeability in fractured reservoirs. Mechanics...
Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Exploitation: An Environmental Issue of Water Contamination
Novian Triandanu, Agil Gemilang R, Dicky Muslim
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... or formation water along with any other chemical creating the wastewaters. Faulty seal in the annulus could allow methane leakage. Potential...
ABSTRACT: CO2 sequestration potential in unconventional reservoirs: Workshop results
Margo D. Corum, Kevin B. Jones
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... formations should be present above any potential storage formations to reduce the risk of leakage to overlying formations or venting to the surface as much...
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Seal Extent, Quality and Log Response Characteristics: Incised Valley Systems, by David K. Davies and Richard K. Vessell; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Interpretation of Soil Gas Geochemical Anomalies at Rose Hill Oil Field, Lee County, Virginia: ABSTRACT
Edgar S. Driver, Robert V. Brodine
AAPG Bulletin
... of optimal production from fractured reservoirs having mostly a north-northeast orientation. For this area a predominantly vertical leakage path from...
Abstract: Fractured Smackover Limestone in Northeast Louisiana; Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploitation, by R. K. Zimmerman; #91014 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Kerogen Conversion in Fractured Shale Petroleum Systems, by G. E. Claypool; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Kerogen Conversion in Fractured Shale Petroleum Systems, by G. E. Claypool; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Kortes Dam
Roger Rhoades
Wyoming Geological Association
... zones: The rock is a soft, gray, coarse-grained, deeply altered and fractured granite. The rock can be quite easily broken between the fingers. When...
In Salah High-Resolution Heterogeneous Simulations of CO2 Storage, #80092 (2010)
Andrew Cavanagh, Phillip Ringrose
Search and Discovery.com
... of the spatial distribution of the injected CO2. The 20 meter thick reservoir/aquifer unit is pervasively fractured with the predominant joint set (NW-SE...
Evaluating hydrocarbon trap integrity during fault reactivation using geomechanical three-dimensional modeling: An example from the Timor Sea, Australia
Laurent Langhi, Yanhua Zhang, Anthony Gartrell, Jim Underschultz, David Dewhurst
AAPG Bulletin
... inferring lateral variability of fault seal effectiveness. The distribution of high shear strain is seen as the main control on structural permeability...
Extended Abstract: Exploration Opportunity in the Otway Basin, South Australia
P.J. Boult, E. M. Alexander
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the Pretty Hill Formation which were d rilled in the Penola Trough. second most prospective basin in South overlai n by Sawpit sha le seal...
Some Characteristics of the Carbonate Reservoir and their Effect on Morphology of Gas Pools
G. I. Amurskiy, N. N. Solov’yev, A. N. Timonin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... 387 Vol. 19 (1981) No. 8. (August) (Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, no. 8, p. 1–6, 1981) The transition zone from reservoir to seal has considerable effect...
The Upper Devonian Rhinestreet Shale, Western New York State: From Seal to Fractured Reservoir, by Gary G. Lash; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum Geochemistry in Oil Production
Wallace G. Dow, Suhas C. Talukdar
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
.... The method can also delineate the hydrocarbon bearing reservoir intervals and the producibility (API gravity) of the reservoired oil in highly fractured...
A Bibliographic Guide to Fault Traps, Fault Seals, and Fault-related Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins
Compiled by Rasoul Sorkhabi
AAPG Special Volumes
... and trapping revisited: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 43, p. 239273.Boult, P. J., 1993, Membrane seal and tertiary migration pathways in the Bodalla South oilfield...
Normal faults and gas migration in an active plate boundary, southern Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand
Bradley R. Ilg, Samuel Hemmings-Sykes, Andrew Nicol, Jan Baur, Miko Fohrmann, Rob Funnell, Mike Milner
AAPG Bulletin
... leakage through the seal. However, analysis of core onshore and north of the study area indicates that fractures interpreted to have formed during...
Seepage pathway assessment for natural gas to shallow groundwater during well stimulation, in production, and after abandonment
Maurice Dusseault and Richard Jackson
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
..., and the probability of leakage mitigated by methods such as casing perforation and squeeze, expanding packers of long life, and induced leakoff into saline aquifers...
Applications of Pressure Analysis and Hydrodynamics to Petroleum Exploration in Indonesia
P. J. Cockroft, G. A. Edwards, R. S. K. Phoa, H. W. Reid
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... exceeds the entry or displacement pressure of that particular pore opening. The quality or trapping capacity of a seal is determined by this displacement...
Unlocking The Complex Geology & Petroleum Systems; Efforts to Awakening The Sleeping Giant - A Prospectivity Rejuvenation Case Study of West Sebuku Block, South Makassar Basin, Indonesia
Rahmat Utomo, Chrisna Asmiati Tanos, Yuyus Kusnandar, Baskara Wikrama, Argha Satya Hilman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... share a common top seal and common structural spill which control the column height. With this geometric configuration, the fractured basement play may...
Geomechanical Wellbore Imaging: Key to Managing the Asset Life Cycle
Colleen Barton, Daniel Moos
AAPG Special Volumes
... than 3.5 SG. The absence of image data would therefore render a fault-seal analysis essentially meaningless.APPRAISAL: WELLBORE STABILITY IN FRACTURED...
The Relation of Geohydrologic Setting to the Potential for Ground-Water Contamination in Utah
Joseph S. Gates, Geoffrey W. Freethey
Utah Geological Association
... through a fractured rock may be on the order of feet per day. Leakage of contaminants onto an area where a thin layer of soil, unconsolidated sand...
Fluid Relationships in Delaware Mountain Sandstone
William F. Grauten
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the early wells in the Wheat pool of Loving County, Texas, were completed in fractured laminated silt tone and shale above the clean sandstone...