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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 15,675 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Patterns of Fluid Flow in the Central Tuscaloosa Trend, Louisiana

Richard P. McCulloh

GCAGS Transactions

... the Lower Cretaceous shelf edge, although characterized by relatively low hydraulic gradients, could be a locus of membrane filtration at the top...


Abstract: Hydraulic Fracturing From Low Permeability to Tight Reservoirs; #90316 (2017)

Hazim Abass

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...-permeable membrane component are critical. Additionally, diffusion and a special case of molecular flow due to Knudson effect should be considered when...


Features of the Formation and Distribution of Oil and Gas Pools in the Lower Permian Sub-Salt Sediments of the Ural-Volga Area

Yu. Ya. Bol’shakov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... Permian carbonate and sulfate sediments are extensively fractured, and this increases their filtration capacity significantly. Fracture permeability...


Abstract: Fractured Intrusion and Extrusion Reservoirs in Mature Basins; Play Concept and Hydrocarbon Potential; #90307 (2017)

Mohamed Taha

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...Abstract: Fractured Intrusion and Extrusion Reservoirs in Mature Basins; Play Concept and Hydrocarbon Potential; #90307 (2017) Mohamed Taha AAPG...


How Can We Use Tectonic Reactivation to Control Stress Distribution at Reservoir and Basin Scale? Learning from Paleopiezometry and Analogues; #41402 (2014)

Jean-Marc Daniel

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... management and seal integrity analysis. More fundamentally, the Byerlee law is still a reference that is used to control the mechanical behavior...


Central North Sea hydrocarbon systems: Generation, migration, entrapment, and thermal degradation of oil and gas

Gary H. Isaksen

AAPG Bulletin

... traps at or near their leak-off pressure, the likelihood of top seal failure and gas leakage is prevalent. Such top seal failure is intermittent...


Fault transmissibility in clastic-argillaceous sequences controlled by clay smear evolution

Silvio B. Giger, Michael B. Clennell, N. Bozkurt Ciftci, Craig Harbers, Peter Clark, Mark Ricchetti

AAPG Bulletin

... consisted of a preconsolidated clay-rich seal layer, which was embedded and synthetically cemented in quartz sand. The mineralogy and mechanical...


Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms

Alton Brown

AAPG Bulletin

.... If leakage were to occur through a weak seal, the variations in capillary displacement pressure in interbedded sandstones and claystones overlying...


Localized strata-bound domino faulting offshore Espírito Santo Basin (southeastern Brazil): The case for sudden release of fluid in salt-withdrawal basins

Tao Ze and Tiago M. Alves

AAPG Bulletin

..., 2014, Fault seal assessment of a fractured carbonate reservoir using 3D geomechanical characterisation, Abu Dhabi: International Petroleum Technology...


Fault facies and its application to sandstone reservoirs

Alvar Braathen, Jan Tveranger, Haakon Fossen, Tore Skar, Nestor Cardozo, S. E. Semshaug, Eivind Bastesen, Einar Sverdrup

AAPG Bulletin

... in fault zone structure and implications for fault seal prediction: Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication 7, p. 6172.Childs, C., T. Manzocchi, J. J...


Fractured Shale and Basement Reservoir, Long Beach Unit, California: ABSTRACT

J. N. Truex

AAPG Bulletin

...Fractured Shale and Basement Reservoir, Long Beach Unit, California: ABSTRACT J. N. Truex 1972 659 659 56 3. (March) The Wilmington oil field...


Applying Advanced Drilling Technology to Improve Productivity

George H. Medley Jr.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... completion tools avail2 7/8” able were adaptations of existing vertical well comTUBING FRACTURED pletion equipment. Many wells were completed in FORMATION...


Remigration and leakage from continuous shale reservoirs: Insights from the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, China

Chenghua Ou, Chaochun Li, Siyuan Huang, and James J. Sheng

AAPG Bulletin

... movements. Based on the damage to the seal formations, the leakage–residue model of shale gas in the Youyang block can be classified into two...


Recognition and Meaning of Hydrocarbon Seeps; #40759 (2011)

Timothy B. Berge

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... into the Caspian Sea and where condensate and natural gas seeping through fractured shales has burned, and was worshiped for centuries (see Figure 1 in Aminzadeh...


Diagenesis and Migration of Hydrocarbons in the Monterey Formation, Pismo Syncline, California

Ronald C. Surdam, K. O. Stanley

Special Publications of SEPM

... that were intensely fractured prior to hydrocarbon migration. The potential reservoirs on this limb of the fold are in fractured Monterey. In contrast...


Teapot Dome: Characterization of a CO2-enhanced oil recovery and storage site in Eastern Wyoming

S. Julio Friedmann, Vicki W. Stamp

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

..., carbonate, and anhydrite cap rocks; fractured and unfractured units; and overpressured and underpressured zones. Geophysical data include three...


A Study of the Geomechanic and Microseismic Responses of Different Rocks to the Injection of CO2: Implication for Carbon Sequestration

Blessed C.A. Amoah, Son T. Dang, Mark E. Curtis, Chandra S. Rai

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... will be generated which could serve as leakage pathways for the migration of CO2. Leakage of CO2 in high concentrations to near-surface ecosystems can have...


Fluid Flow, Pore Pressure, Wettability, and Leakage in Mudstone Cap Rocks

Andrew C. Aplin, Steve R. Larter

AAPG Special Volumes

... altered by leakage of petroleum, and how does this affect the way we assess seal capacity? (4) How do we define relative permeability curves...


ABSTRACT Numerical Simulation of Fractured Matrix Systems for Geothermal Applications, #90128 (2011)

Christoph König, Barbara Werth

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...ABSTRACT Numerical Simulation of Fractured Matrix Systems for Geothermal Applications, #90128 (2011) Christoph König, Barbara Werth AAPG/SPE/SEG...


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