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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,950 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
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Pennsylvanian Rocks of Eastern Interior Basin
Harold R. Wanless
AAPG Special Volumes
... and 43,000 dry holes) have been drilled. It is estimated by A. H. Bell, D. H. Swann, Thomas Dawson, and Frank Walker that about 375 million barrels of oil had...
Late Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Sediments of Ouachita Facies, Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas
August Goldstein Jr. , Thomas A. Hendricks
AAPG Special Volumes
... facies of the Ouachita Mountains, southeastern Oklahoma (abst.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 70, no. 12, p. 1582. Cline, L. M., and Moretti, Frank...
Petroleum Geology of Colombia, South America
J. L. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
..., FRANK B.; HUBMAN, CARL W.; BOWLER, JAMES W. (1944), "Geology of the Barco Concession, Republic of Colombia, South America," Bull. Geol. Soc. America...
Geology of Venezuela and Its Oil Fields
E. Mencher , H. J. Fichter , H. H. Renz , W. E. Wallis , H. H. Renz , J. M. Patterson , R. H. Robie
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Guayana Highlands, Venezuela," Econ. Geol., Vol. 24, pp. 797-810. NOTESTEIN, FRANK B., HUBMAN, CARL W., AND BOWLER, JAMES W. (1944), "Geology...
Tectonic Relations of North and South America
A. J. Eardley
AAPG Bulletin
... of North America. Harper and Brothers. EWING, MAURICE, WORZEL, J. L., STEENLAND, N. C., and PRESS, FRANK, 1950, "Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged...
Physical Properties of Petroleum in California: Part II. Origin and Evolution of Petroleum: Group 3. Variation in Physical Properties
Joseph A. Taff
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Carrier Beds in Long Distance Migration of Oil," ibid., No. 8 (August, 1931), pp. 911-24. 44. Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, "The Data of Geochemistry," U...
Secondary Migration and Accumulation: Chapter 12: Part II. Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott and Merrill J. Reynolds
AAPG Special Volumes
... in a producing reservoir. (McCoy and Keyte, 1934, p. 306.) Frank R. Clark (1934) endorsed McCoy's ideas. He contended ... first, that the most...
Latin America After 1920: Chapter 17: PART X. ARGENTINA
J. Herbert Sawyer
AAPG Special Volumes
... well-logging unit was shipped to Argentina and operated by Frank Shelton, the logging engineer, in northern Argentina wells, and possibly in Plaza...
Frontmatter, Table of Contents, Road Logs: Geology of the Sacramento Mountains Otero County, New Mexico: Field Trip Guidebook
Lloyd C. Pray, James Lee Wilson, Donald F. Toomey
West Texas Geological Society
.... Retrace route to highway. End of Road Log E. Road Log “F” West Side Road and Crest Road Loop By Lloyd C. Pray Mileages by Frank Packard (Reprinted...
Frontmatter, TOC, Road Logs: West Texas Geological Society Geology and Petroleum Potential of Chihuahua, Mexico
K. F. Clark, R. E. Gerald, L. W. Bridges, R. Dyer, D. V. LeMone
West Texas Geological Society
...: M.S. thesis, Texas Christian Univ. Melton, Frank A., 1940, A tentative classification of sand dunes, its application to dune history in the southern...
Future Hydrocarbon Provinces of Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Region
A. A. Meyerhoff
GCAGS Transactions
.... Socs. Trans., v. 14, p. 217-230. Raw, Frank, 1951, Supplement to the geological history and structure of eastern Jamaica: London, Institute...
Petrology, Palaeontology, Carson Creek North Reef Complex, Alberta
E. M. Leavitt
CSPG Bulletin
..., Geology of Devonian Beaverhill Lake Formation, Swan Hills area: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 44, no. 2, p. 195-209. Frank, R. M., 1965...
Geology of Natural Gas in South Louisiana Lafayette and New Orleans Geological Societies: PART 3
William R. Paine , James P. Spillers , Kenneth M. Waters , Donald I. Andrews , E. M. Baysinger , A. M. Borland , James Cotton , S. T. Cristina Jr. , Justin P. Hall Jr. , B. W. Kimmey , John E. McDougall , A. A. Meyerhoff , Marvin A. Munchrath , David L. Paffett , Francis L. Paspberry , D. N. Rockwood , Edward P. Roederer Jr. , Jack C. Stipe , H. O. Woodbury
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Conservation, 1926-1928, 77 p. Colle, Jack, Cooke, W. F., Jr., Denham, R. L., Ferguson, H. C., McGuirt, J. H., Reedy, Frank, Jr., and Weaver, Paul, 1952...
Physical Processes in the Ocean
R. H. Fleming, Roger Revelle
Special Publications of SEPM
.... Miner., Krist. u. Peir., Band 20, pp. 168-95. 1936. WENNER, FRANK, SMITH, EDWARD H., and SOULE, FLOYD M., "Apparatus for the Determination aboard...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Evolution of Middle to Upper Devonian Beaverhill Lake Strata, South-Central Alberta
Jack Wendte, Tom Uyeno
CSPG Bulletin
... 6) presented a cross-section across the Southwest Swan Hills Bank, at Caroline. This cross-section, constructed by Frank Stoakes, depicts a similar...
Spectacular Wyoming Geology Field Trip Itinerary & Road Log
Kent A. Sundell, Barbara Atkinson, Laurie Fletcher, Meg Sundell
Wyoming Geological Association
... to Rawhide, Pitchfork, Rose Creek, Fourbear, Willow Draw, Frank’s Fork, Sheep Point, and Sunshine Oil Fields. Their joint cumulative oil production of 90...
Trenton and Sub-Trenton of Outcrop Areas in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland
Frank M. Swartz
AAPG Bulletin
...Trenton and Sub-Trenton of Outcrop Areas in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland Frank M. Swartz 1948 1493 1595 32 8. (August) Trenton and sub...
Italian Oil and Gas Resources
Frank Reeves
AAPG Bulletin
...Italian Oil and Gas Resources Frank Reeves 1953 601 653 37 4. (April) Because of the numerous surface indications of hydrocarbons at the outcrop...
The U.S.S.R.: Chapter 21
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the 1940s on the basis of Frank Rieber's published papers. The American geophysicists of the exchange delegation in 1965 were told by their hosts...
Hypothesis Combining Dilation, Natural Hydraulic Fracturing, and Dolomitization to Explain Petroleum Reservoirs in Monterey Shale, Santa Maria Area, California
Lowell Redwine
Pacific Section SEPM
... t : Am. J o u r . Science, v . 250, p. 498-510. F o r r e s t e r , Frank, 1979a, Southern C a l i f o r n i a " b u l g e " s t i l l a geological...
The Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Canadian Sedimentary Basins — A Synthesis
R. G. McCrossan, J. W. Porter
CSPG Special Publications
.... 515-547. Armstrong, Frank C., and Oriel, Steven S., 1965, Tectonic development of Idaho - Wyoming thrust belt: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v...
Outcrop Examples of Conventional and Unconventional Stratigraphic Traps in the Permian Basin
Robert F. Lindsay, Cindy E. Bowden
West Texas Geological Society
... and memorial to Frank A. Kindel, the flying paper boy of the Guadalupes. Continue ahead on New Mexico Highway 137. 0.25 62.0 Cattle guard. Continue ahead...
Geologic Excursions in the California Deserts and Adjacent Transverse Ranges
George Dunne, John Cooper
Pacific Section SEPM
... MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Andrew Barth and Carl Jacobsen 17 Fieldtrip 3—Leaders: Doug Walker, Frank Monastero, and Diane Kamola LATE NEOGENE...
Geology and Hydrocarbon Resources of the Outer Western Carpathians and Their Foreland, Czech Republic
Frank J. Picha, Zdenk Strnk, Oldich Krej
AAPG Special Volumes
...Geology and Hydrocarbon Resources of the Outer Western Carpathians and Their Foreland, Czech Republic Frank J. Picha, Zdenk Strnk, Oldich Krej 2006...
Bibliografia Mexicana De Geologia Y Geofisica (Un Apoyo A La Exploracion Petrolera). IN SPANISH. Bibliography of Mexican Geology And Geophysics (Support For Petroleum Exploration).
Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
... FRANK., 1978, ( R E S ) L O S I C N O F O S I L E S D E L A F O R M A C I Ó N C H I C O N T E P E C S U P E R I O R E N L A C U E N C A S E D I M E N...
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