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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,950 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Developments in Wyoming and Idaho in 1960
James A. Masterson
AAPG Bulletin
.... 1137-76. Osterwald, Frank W., 1959, Structure and petrology of northern Big Horn Mountains: Geol. Survey Wyo. Bull. 48 (Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo., Mar...
History of El Paso Geological Society: GEOLOGIC NOTES
W. N. McAnulty
AAPG Bulletin
.... Speakers during 1967 included J. M. Hoffer, C. T. Hollenshead, Roy Foster, Dan Feray, Frank Kottlowski, and John M. Hills. David V. LeMone arranged...
AAPG Southwest Section, May 19-22, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas; Abstracts, #90152 (2011).
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Pacific Section Convention, 2020 Vision: Producing the Future
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ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Prestack Inversion, Lobo Trend, South Texas; #90007 (2002)
Anno, Phil, Mark Wuenscher, Robert Corbin, John Hooper, Frank Chlumsky
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Prestack Inversion, Lobo Trend, South Texas; #90007 (2002) Anno, Phil, Mark Wuenscher, Robert Corbin, John Hooper, Frank...
ABSTRACT: My life before I was compressed: Fluid flow histories on the northern Australian convergent margin; #90011 (2002)
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...ABSTRACT: My life before I was compressed: Fluid flow histories on the northern Australian convergent margin; #90011 (2002) MARK LISK, FRANK KRIEGER...
ABSTRACT Heartland Area Redwater Project: Geological and Hydrogeological Characterization for Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage in the Redwater Leduc Reef, Alberta, Canada, #90103 (2010)
Tyler E. Hauck, Dan Palombi, Stefan Bachu, Jack Wendte, Frank Stoakes, Katrine Foellmer
Search and Discovery.com
..., Alberta, Canada, #90103 (2010) Tyler E. Hauck, Dan Palombi, Stefan Bachu, Jack Wendte, Frank Stoakes, Katrine Foellmer AAPG HEDBERG CONFERENCE...
ABSTRACT: Methanogenesis: A Part of the Carbon Cycle with Implication for Unconventional Biogenic Gas Resources; #90134 (2011)
Frank Haeseler and Françoise Behar
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Methanogenesis: A Part of the Carbon Cycle with Implication for Unconventional Biogenic Gas Resources; #90134 (2011) Frank Haeseler...
Illustrated Summary of Compartments / Pressure Regimes in Selected North American Basins: Part 3—Rocky Mountain Basins, by David E. Powley, #60011 (2007).
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Reconstructing the Alpine Foreland Basin of SE France New Insights from the Annot and Champsaur Turbidite Systems
Jamie Vinnels1, Rob Butler, Bill McCaffrey, Gillian Apps, Henry Lickorish and Frank Peel
Search and Discovery.com
... McCaffrey, Gillian Apps, Henry Lickorish and Frank Peel Reconstructing the Alpine Foreland Basin of SE France – New Insights from the Annot...
Carboniferous U-Pb-Calibrated Cyclostratigraphy and Relative Sea Level History: Donets Basin, Ukraine, #50335 (2010)
James M. Eros, Isabel Montanez, David A. Osleger
Search and Discovery.com
..., 2008, Gondwana Paleogeography from assembly to breakup – A 500 m.y. odyssey, in C.R. Fielding, T.D. Frank, and J.L. Isbell, (eds.), Resolving the Late...
Multi-Surface Visualization of Fused Hydrocarbon Microseep and Reservoir Data, #41307 (2014)
Chris Burns, Teddy Seyed, Ken Bradley, Russ Duncan, Aaron Balasch, Frank Maurer, Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
..., Aaron Balasch, Frank Maurer, Mario Costa Sousa Multi-Surface Visualization of Fused Hydrocarbon Microseep and Reservoir Data* Chris Burns1, Teddy Seyed1...
Charge Is Not an Issue Or Is It?, #70333 (2018).
Stephan Petmecky, Benjamin Kirkland, Frank van Bergen
Search and Discovery.com
...Charge Is Not an Issue Or Is It?, #70333 (2018). Stephan Petmecky, Benjamin Kirkland, Frank van Bergen Charge Is Not an Issue – Or Is It?* Stephan...
Cafelina-1, un Pozo Seco con Información Clave para el Descubrimiento del Campo Costayaco [PAPER IN SPANISH] Cafelina-1, a Drywell with Key Information about the Discovery of the Costayaco Field
Carlos Ramirez Q., Frank Solano S., Arlex Gutierrez S.
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... Information about the Discovery of the Costayaco Field Carlos Ramirez Q., Frank Solano S., Arlex Gutierrez S. CAFELINA-1, Un pozo seco con información clave...
Terence Hamilton-Smith, Applied Earth Science, Fairfield Drive, Lexington, KY
Ohio Geological Society
... County, Kentucky In late 1992, the Petro-Hunt # 1 Frank Summers well was completed...
Unconformity Related Hydrocarbon Production: Lower Cretaceous, Fall River Sandstone, Powell and Buck Draw Fields, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Frank G. Ethridge, Larry B. Kellison, Connie J. Jump-Ware
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., Wyoming Frank G. Ethridge, Larry B. Kellison, Connie J. Jump-Ware 149 Unconformity Related Hydrocarbon Production: Lower Cretaceous, Fall River Sandstone...
Cathodoluminescence in Diagenetic Calcites: The Roles of Fe and Mn as Deduced from Electron Probe and Spectrophotometric Measurements
N. Gary Hemming, William J. Meyers, John C. Grams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... with the data of Frank et al. (1982), and in poor agreement with the data of Fairchild (1983). Considering the poor precision of the electron probe...
Note 39--Records of the Stratigraphic Commission for 1968-1970: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
John Andrew Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... Association of Petroleum Geologists Frank E. Kottlowski (1966-1969) John A. Wilson (1968-1971) Stanley G. Wissler (1967-1970) Frank E. Kottlowski...
Treadwell Warf in the Summerland, California Oil Field: The First Sea Wells In Petroleum Exploration
Alan Grosbard
Petroleum History Institute
..., likely by foreclosure. S Ul11lnerland Spiritualist Association v Naomi Morgan et al., 225 Cal.App.2d 376, 37 Cal.Rptr. 366 (2nd Disuict Court...
Holocene Braided Rivers of Eastern Colorado and the Sedimentologic Effects of Lawn Lake Dam Failure in the Rocky Mountain National Park
Michael D. Harvey, Steve Crews, John Pitlick, Terry Blair
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
..., Morphologic land hydrologic changes of the Platte River, south-central Nebraska: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Colorado State University, 269 p. Engelund, Frank...
Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Clastic-Carbonate Facies Models North-Central Texas: Fieldtrip Guidebook
A. W. Erxleben, A. W. Cleaves, T. C. Yancey
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... Texas in Morgan, James P., ed., Deltaic sedimentation, modern and ancient; Soc. of Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Sp. Pub. no. 15, p. 256...
Implications of Unfilled Accommodation Space for Sequence Stratigraphy on Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Platforms: An Example from the Lower Desmoinesian (Middle Pennsylvanian), Southwestern Paradox Basin, Utah
Gary L. Gianniny, J.A. Toni Simo
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
.... 19, p. 975–977. Driese, S. G., and R. H. Dott, Jr., 1984, Model for sandstone-carbonate “cyclothems” based on upper Morgan Formation (Middle...
Historical Oil Samples from Pennsylvania: Geochemical Correlation
Nicola DahDah, Rasoul Sorkhabi, James Collister
Petroleum History Institute
.... [Reprinted in 1945 with a preface and appendix by Ernest C. Miller, published by West Penn Oil Company] MANGO, Frank D., 1987, An invariance...
Pore Fluid and Diagenetic Evolution of Carbonate Cements in Lacustrine Carbonate–siliciclastic Rocks: A Case from the Lower Cretaceous of the Erennaoer Sag, Erlian Basin, NE China
Wei Wei, Xiaomin Zhu, Daizhao Chen, Shifa Zhu, Mingwei He, Shuyang Sun
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-Insua, T., Thomas, A.L., Morgan, S., Jovane, L., and Röhl, U., 2015, Mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sedimentation along the great barrier reef upper...
Occurrence and origin of glauconite in the Cambro-Ordovician Bliss Formation of southern New Mexico and West Texas (U.S.A.)
Karl Krainer, Peter Tropper, Kurt Krenn, Spencer G. Lucas
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and southern Arizona, southwestern margin of North America (Laurentia), in Derby, J.R., Fritz, R.D., Longacre, S.A, Morgan, W.A., and Sternbach, C.A., eds...