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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 82,685 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Memorial: Stephen G. Farrell (1960-1987)
John R. Underhill
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
..., before moving on to Oxford University's Department of Earth Sciences in 1978, where he graduated in June 1981. That same summer Steve began fieldwork...
Memorial: John R. Barwin (2934-2012)
Family of John R. Barwin
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... and they gave him his first job in Casper, Wyoming. A year later he was transferred to the Denver office for more fieldwork and well sitting. A friendship...
Abstract: Abstract: Deepwater Source Models and Their Integration into 3D Petroleum Systems Modelling: A Case Study from Deepwater NW Sabah, Malaysia, by Peter Abolins and Azlina Anuar; #90066 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Structures Associated with Evaporite Diapirs on Ellef Ringnes Island, NE Sverdrup Basin, by Carol Evenchick; #90130 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Diagenesis and Fluid System Evolution of the Khuff Formation Outcrop Analogues, Northern United Arab Emirates
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Gravity-Driven Fan Facies in an Actively Accreting Point Bar: An Example from the Brazos River, Fort Bend County, Texas, by Cavallerano, Edward J.; Morris, Stephen A. ; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
From Field Fractures to Reservoir Prediction: Utilizing Drones, Virtual Outcrop and Digital Data Analysis to Input Into Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Models
Search and Discovery.com
Processes, Facies Trends and Lateral Variability of Hybrid Event Beds in Sand-Rich Deep-Water Systems: The North-Apennine Gottero Sandstone (Northwest Italy)
Search and Discovery.com
Alternating Currents: When Braided Channels Begin to Meander
Search and Discovery.com
Fluvial-Aeolian-Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Basins: Implications for Basin-Scale Migration and Reservoir Characterisation
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Clastic/Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Settings: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
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Fluvial-Aeolian Interactions Within Arid Continental Basins: Implications for Reservoir Characterisation and Basin Modelling
Search and Discovery.com
Exploring in the Kerio Valley Basin, Southern Kenyan Rift: The Lakes, Lavas, and Prospectivity in a Magmatic Rift Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Allocyclic Controls Upon Clastic/Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Settings: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
Search and Discovery.com
The 3-D Geometry and Distribution of Sub-Seismic Scale Halokinetic Unconformities: Implications for Salt Minibasin Evolution and Associated Reservoir Architecture
Search and Discovery.com
The Biostratigraphy of Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Arabian Plate: Current State and Future Challenges
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Characterizing Fracture Systems within the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, Northwest Scotland: An Onshore Analogue for the Clair Field?; #90108 (2010)
Ben S. Franklin, Jennifer C. Martin, Robert E. Holdsworth, Kenneth J. McCaffrey, Martin M. Krabbendam, Andy Conway, and Richard R. Jones
Search and Discovery.com
... Sciences, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom. 2 British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 3 ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd., Aberdeen, United...
ABSTRACT: The Uralian Orogen in Arctic Russia, and its Significance for Adjacent Hydrocarbon Basins; #90108 (2010)
Robert Scott, Olga K. Bogolepova, Victoria L. Pease, Alexander P. Gubanov, James P. Howard, Andy Carter, Alexei Soloviev, and Marc Reichow
Search and Discovery.com
... of Fission-track and Mineralogical Analysis, Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (GIN RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation. 5 Department...
Abstract: Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous continental environments and vertebrate faunas from the Anoual syncline (Eastern High Atlas, Morocco); #90137 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
..., pterosaurs and dinosaurs), which still stands as one of the most diversified Mesozoic vertebrate fauna of the whole Mesozoic of Africa. Recent fieldwork...
Abstract: The Structural Style of the NW Arabian Plate: From Mesozoic Extension to the Alpine Orogeny; #90297 (2017)
Ramadan Ghalayini
Search and Discovery.com
... by several tectonic events throughout its geological history in relation with the interaction of the African, Arabian and Eurasian plates...
Abstract: 3D KL
Jontih Enggihon, Tuan Rusli Tuan Mohamed, Qalam A'zad Rosle, Muhammad Ezwan Dahlan, Muhammad Ramzanee Mohd Noh, Alvin Clancey Mickey
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and Geoscience Malaysia Abstract: The Mineral and Geoscience Department (JMG) in collaboration with the British Geological Survey (BGS) through...
Star District Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project Beaver County, Utah
Anthony A. Gallegos
Utah Geological Association
... occurrences: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 70, scale 1:750,000. Rohrer, J.C., and Smith, D., 2008, GIS as a prioritization and planning tool...