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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 82,685 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Widuri Field, Offshore Southeast Sumatra: Sandbody Geometries and the Reservoir Model
R. Young, W. E. Harmony, Gunawan Juniarto, Budiyento Thomas
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Spain. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.136, p. 39-46. Leeder, M.R., 1973. Fluviatile fining-upward cycles and the magnitude of paleo...
Abstract: Groundwater Investigation: Fundamental and Application
Stefan Herwig Gödeke
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... with tremendous social, economic and environmental benefits and opportunities. Excessive groundwater withdrawal has led to land subsidence or seawater intrusion...
A Comparative Parametric Study on Several Published Rock Slope Assessment Case Studies Using Limit Equilibrium Method
Abd Rasid Jaapar, Afiq Farhan Abdul Rahim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... the process should start with fieldwork follow with laboratory testing and kinematic analysis. The process should not stop at kinematic analysis...
Generation of target areas for further mineral exploration studies from airborne geophysical survey in East Coast Economic Region (ECER)
Abd Rahim Bin Harun, Ahmad Zulkifli Kamaruzaman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... the East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Malaysia. The objectives of the survey were to; outline the various geological units and tracing the major faults...
ABSTRACT: Industry-Government Research Partnerships: An Example from the Mississippian of Eastern Kentucky
David C. Harris and Thomas N. Sparks
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... from the Mississippian of Eastern Kentucky David C. Harris and Thomas N. Sparks Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY...
Abstract: Geophysics: Pri Challenges in the 1990s
Khalid Ngah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... hydrocarbon production meet demmld but also exceed demand, and, that our future generations will continue to enjoy the benefits generated by it To make...
Abstract: Expert System: Potential Applications in Teaching and Research in Earth Sciences
Sahibin Abdul Rahim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Malaysia. Dr. Sahibin discussed all the benefits and potential applications of the Expert System in various field of earth sciences in front of about...
Abstract: The Quest for Energy
Peter M. Lloyd
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and benefits of the. local AAPG Student Chapter which he and his wife have helped to establish. Abstrak (Abstract) This comprehensive introductory...
Abstract: Groundwater is Naturally Better
Datuk Ir. Azuhan Mohamed
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... to be fully ascertained. The development of groundwater resources has many benefits besides small footprint for it harnesses the natural capitals...
Abstract: Untitled, by C. Gastaldi and L. B. Brahim; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: West Virginia's Mineral Lands Mapping Program, by G. H. McColloch, Jr., C. Neidig, N. Fedorko, E. Maki, R. Holliday, and C. Desai; #90939 (1997)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Reservoir Solutions Using Integrated Techniques, by M. Reichenbach, A. Gordon, D. Shaw, I. Kirkland, B. Holder, B. Thomas, D. Woon, and P. Dankers; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3D Modelling and Reservoir Characterisation of the Gryphon Oilfield, U.K. North Sea Basin, by G. Templeton, M. Adams, and A. Joy; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Turbidite Modelling: Importance for North Africa
Dave Waltham, Deirdre Duggan, and Stuart Mclean
Search and Discovery.com
... geological palaeosurface. The benefits of using this approach are manifold. Grain-size distributions, palaeotopography and chosen sediment input locations...
ABSTRACT Geo-Stopping the Real Value of At-Bit Measurements in Deep Water Angola , #90104 (2010)
Artur Celestino M.
Search and Discovery.com
... environment the financial benefits of acquiring an array of real time data is often easy to quantify. However it is not always as easy to strike...
Abstract: Determining Depositional History through use of Cognitive Interpretation Workflows; #90254 (2016)
Ryan Williams, Rachael Moore
Search and Discovery.com
... combines the power of algorithmic computation within software with the benefits of an interpreter’s knowledge and experience. About 40% of the brain...
Abstract: Facies Modeling Described by Probabilistic Patterns Using Multi-Point Statistics: An Application to the K-Field, Libya; #90255 (2017)
Valeria Sisinni, Vanessa Villarroel, Neil McDougall, Marcos Victoria, Yrma Vallez, Consuelo Garcia Mojonero
Search and Discovery.com
... locations, seismic data, and the conceptual geological model. The proposed methodology was applied to real data in the K-Field of Libya. The reservoir...
Reconnaissance spatial analysis of the hydrogeology of closed underground coal mines
Annie J. Morris, Joseph J. Donovan, Jane E. Thies
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... measurement; therefore, any action based on such results should be preceded by fieldwork to confirm hypotheses offered by the reconnaissance analysis...
Abstract: Evolution of the Sverdrup Basin: New Insights from Field Studies, Integrated Biostratigraphy & Sediment Provenance Analyses; #90172 (2014)
Andy Morton, Robert A. Scott, Jenny E. Omma, Simon R. A. Kelly, Steve Rippington, Bill Braham, John Gregory, David Jolley
Search and Discovery.com
... areas and ultimately to test for the presence of northerly-derived material (Crockerland as proposed by Embry, 1991; 2009). CASP fieldwork involves...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... that optimization of the benefits over costs to society as a whole is the right way to go. Copyright © 2010 Saskatchewan Geological Society...
Abstract: Regional subsurface and outcrop correlations of the Albian Loon River Formation, Fort St. John Group, northwestern Alberta; #90174 (2014)
B. Hathway, G. J. Prior, and C. Banks
Search and Discovery.com
... Alberta B. Hathway*, G.J. Prior and C. Banks, Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta Geological Survey, Twin Atria Building, 4999 - 98th Avenue...
Development of a High-Resolution Geological Framework Model for the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Data, Assumptions, Procedures, and Workflow
Deborah J. Waiting, David A. Ferrill, Darrell W. Sims
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
...Development of a High-Resolution Geological Framework Model for the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Data, Assumptions, Procedures, and Workflow...
Geology and Geological Potential for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Cardium Fm, Pembina Field
S. E. Dashtgard
Search and Discovery.com
...Geology and Geological Potential for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Cardium Fm, Pembina Field S. E. Dashtgard Geology and Geological...
ABSTRACT Uncertainty Analysis of Geological Interpretations, #90104 (2010)
Macrae Euan; Bond Clare E.; Shipton Zoe K
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Uncertainty Analysis of Geological Interpretations, #90104 (2010) Macrae Euan; Bond Clare E.; Shipton Zoe K Uncertainty Analysis...
Geology and Geological Potential for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Cardium Fm, Pembina Field
S. E. Dashtgard
Search and Discovery.com
...Geology and Geological Potential for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Cardium Fm, Pembina Field S. E. Dashtgard Geology and Geological...