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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 82,685 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Geologic Analysis System--Oil and Gas Exploration and Research Applications: ABSTRACT

T. Dyman, T. Flaherty, B. Hall, Magoon K. Takahashi, R. Walton

AAPG Bulletin

... 1977 when the U.S. Geological Survey assumed responsibility for the National Petroleum Reserve (NPR) exploration program in Alaska. The Geologic...


ABSTRACT: Oil-Base Mud Formation Imager Tool: Applications in the Gulf of Mexico; #90007 (2002)

Steven M. Hansen, Tom Pickens, Rob Laronga

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... dramatically increased. However, the benefits of microresistivity borehole imagers are lost. The rapid expansion of deep-water activity in unexplored...


ABSTRACT: Frontier Exploration in East Africa - Beyond Seismic; #90017 (2003)

Richard Barrett, Martijn Van Haaster, Susanne Witte, Stephen Collins, Stephano Baffi

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... with seismic data to understand the geological contributors affecting the observed potential field data. Only then, the potential field data can be processed...


ABSTRACT Regulatory and Policy Implications for Basin Scale Geologic Carbon Sequestration Projects, #90104 (2010)

Rehmer Donald E.

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... and  longest residence times. Deep saline aquifers in sedimentary basins around the world have the largest geological storage capacity (up to 10,000 Gt...


ABSTRACT The Laboratory and Analytical Method to Predict the Optimal Pressure for CO2 Injection into the Geologic Formation, #90103 (2010)

Lukasz Habera

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... Habera AAPG/SEG/SPE HEDBERG CONFERENCE “Geological Carbon Sequestration: Prediction and Verification” August 16-19, 2009 – Vancouver, BC Canada...


ABSTRACT: Structural Evolution of the Eastern Colorado Front Range; #90132 (2011)

Erich C. Heydweiller

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... Front Range Erich C. Heydweiller Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 1516 Illinois Street, Golden, Colorado...


Abstract: Geostatistical Inversion in Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs: Oilfield Case Studies from Kuwait; #90174 (2014)

Osman Al-Khaled, Yousef Al-Zuabi, Keith Edwards, Mohammad Hafez, and Denny Sulistiono

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... demonstrates the use of deterministic vs. geostatistical inversion, and illustrates the benefits of using geostatistical seismic inversion...


Abstracts: Enhanced Data Quality Through 5D Interpolation, Pre-Stack Time Migration for Stratigraphic Targets, Provost, AB; #90173 (2015)

Heather Joy

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...-azimuth land data causes fold fluctuations and holes in coverage compromising the Pre-stack time migration results. The benefits of using 5D interpolation...


Abstract: Diffraction and Specular Imaging for High-Resolution Seismic Interpretation; #90294 (2017)

Bruno de Ribet, Masako Robb

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... the amplitude of the impedance interfaces between geological layers. Although this type of energy is recorded during data acquisition, it is typically suppressed...


Abstract: Palynofacies for Reservoir Evaluation: Methodology and Applications for Unconventional Plays;

Katrin Ruckwied, Brian Driskill

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... to realizing its full value in geological problem-solving lies in integration with these data sets. Examples will be given to show the versatility...


Abstract: Optimization of Windows-based Geology and Geophysics Applications Project Data through Data Governance; #91204 (2023)

Philip Benyeogor, Baqar Najeeb, Murtadha Habib, Muhammad Badar

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..., they also create new data management challenges that often tend to obscure the benefits the platform brings and turn its greatest strength to greatest...


Abstract: Influence of Stratigraphic Modeling Scales on Shale Oil Resources Assessment of the Midland Basin; #91205 (2023)

Robin Dommisse

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... and interpretations in a 3D geological model. The model includes stratigraphic, petrophysical, core description, and production data for the Spraberry...


Development Of The West Ramadan Field

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Kualakurun Frontier Exploration: Surface Reconnaissance on Petroleum Prospectivity in Onshore Central Kalimantan Area

Vicki Amir, Riki Tasrianto, Reki Indrawan, Duncan Witts

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... ‘basement’ and Paleogene sedimentary section. Initial exploration programs consisted of geological fieldwork, biostratigraphy and geochemical analyses...


How to Secure Exploration of Your Pet Areas Without Drilling

C. N. Valerius

GCAGS Transactions

... and development of any area may be stimulated by publication of extensive regional geologic data. Arguments are advanced to prove that economic benefits...


Outcrops in Natuna Island: New Insights of Reservoir Potential and Sediment Provenance of the East Natuna Basin

Vivian Bonny Indranadi, Yulfi Indra, Aziz Rifai, Asep Saripudin, Firman Kamil, Redo Waworuntu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... there is limited available well data and geological information to perform a comprehensive geological and geophysical evaluation. This poster highlights...


Abstract: 3D Seismic Interpretation of Shallow Gas Hazards to Optimize Casing Design in Development Drilling

Raidi bin Hashim

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: 3D Seismic Interpretation of Shallow Gas Hazards to Optimize Casing Design in Development Drilling Raidi bin Hashim 272 Geological Society...


Abstract: Advantages and Constraints of Unstructured Gridding; #91204 (2023)

Lundi Kusuma, Muhammad Qureshi

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... of Unstructured Gridding Lundi Kusuma, Muhammad Qureshi Saudi Aramco Abstract This study demonstrates the benefits of applying unstructured gridding to generate...


Memorial: José Rafael Domínguez (1919-2004)

Hans H. Krause

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... and t h u s began a long career, initially in t h e oil industry and later as a diplomat. In 1946, after three years of fieldwork in the Andes...


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