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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 82,685 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Improving Turbidite Geological Models with Borehole Imaging: An Integrated FMI, Cores, and Outcrop Study, Tanqua Karoo, South Africa; #90013 (2003)
Jan Willem Goedbloed, Stefan M. Luthi, Cees R. Geel, Philippe Montaggioni, Francoise Sinet
Search and Discovery.com
... Africa, digital outcrop data was compared and integrated with cores and logs obtained from wells. The geological fieldwork resulted in a 3-D digital...
Abstract: From the Bottom to the Top: Identifying and Assessing Natural Geological Linkages from Deep Formations to Shallow Groundwater Resources; #90321 (2018)
Miles Wilson
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...Abstract: From the Bottom to the Top: Identifying and Assessing Natural Geological Linkages from Deep Formations to Shallow Groundwater Resources...
Halmahera Basin, Eastern Indonesia Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in a Frontier Basin
Ferry Yustiana, Christian Zwach, Dewi Rahmalia, Paulus Tangke Allo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the 1970’s, field observations and subsequent geological fieldwork onshore Halmahera were done frequently as part of the GRDC Halmahera expedition...
Lineament Study of the Semanggol Formation and Adjacent Areas from Landsat 8 Image
Ali Imran Azman, Jasmi Ab Talib, Mohamad Shaufi Sokiman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...: Selected outcrops for comparing fieldwork data with lineament map: (A) Gunung Semanggol, Perak; (B) Bukit Hijau, Kedah; (C) Kuala Ketil, Kedah; and (D...
Digital Outcrop Models, by Jerome A. Bellian, Charles Kerans, Xavier Janson, and Ted Playton; #90029 (2004)
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Geological Modelling for 3-D Seismic Survey Design and Acquisition—A Case Study From Offshore Malaysia
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ABSTRACT: The Benefits of Enhanced Integration Capabilities in 3-D Reservoir Modelling and Simulation, by Stephen T. O'Rourke, Austin Ikwumonu; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Correlation of the Malaysian and Indonesian granites
E. J. Cobbing
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... arrive at from the fieldwork is that the occurrence of extensive granitic belts is only peculiar to Peninsular Malaysia while the strange mixed...
Abstract: A new national uranium research project for Canada
Charles W. Jefferson
Atlantic Geology
...) are gaining new attention. A new national uranium research project for Canada Charles W. Jefferson Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada...
Abstract: Double Impact Rings Luat and Bertam, Cenderoh Area, Perak (Paper A22)
Ros Fatihah Muhammad, H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... associated with Bukit Bunuh. Since that paper, follow-up fieldwork has resulted in discovering more localities bearing evidence of extraterrestrial impact...
Abstract: Hunting Great Basin Elephants with Serial Transect Mapping, by Chamberlain, Alan; #90071 (2007)
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ABSTRACT: Visualization and Utilization of 3D Outcrop Data; #90017 (2003)
Tore M. Loseth, John Thurmond, Kristian Soegaardå, Jan C. Rivenaes, Ole Martinsen
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... structural surface, facies data from wells and measured sections, and a conceptual geological model derived from "traditional" fieldwork have been used...
Dr. Sajjad Ahmad, Athar Ali, Mohammad Irfan Khan, Amjad Ali Khan, and Asghar Shahid
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... the concepts of hydrocarbon system and play. Critical review of the available literature and geological fieldwork in the region depicts that all...
Benefits From Integrating Seismic and Non-Seismic Data for Offshore Mexico Exploration: From Regional Geological Context to Prospect Imaging and Reservoir Characterization
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Training Geophysicists for Industry: A Malaysian Perspective
C. Y. Lee
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...-based package which is, by design, multidisciplinary in nature. It has evolved over the years to meet changing needs. Practical training and fieldwork...
3D Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Outcrops Using CAMURES Methodology, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (SEAL), Northeastern Brazil; #41631(2015)
Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Daniela Menezes Ribeiro, Samuel Silva Figueiredo, Márcio Santana Dantas, Izaura Oliveira, Karen Ariadne Santos Leite, Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia
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... of the studied outcrops analogues. All 3D geological models were generated in powerful modeling software using benefits of workflow management mentioned above...
New Insights into the Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional History of the Paleocene and Eocene Chicontepec Formation, Onshore Eastern Mexico
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Understanding the Relationship Between Structural Inheritance and Rift Related Magmatism on the Labrador Margin
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Geochemistry and Characterization of Geologic Methane and Carbon Dioxide Sources in Southern California
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Abstract: Shale Gas Potential of Besa River Formation in Liard Basin, Southeast Yukon: Report on 2012 Field Activities; #90187 (2014)
T. A. Fraser, F. Ferri, K. Fiess, and L. J. Pyle, VI
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... activities T.A. Fraser*, Yukon Geological Survey, Whitehorse, Yukon tiffanifraser@gov.yk.ca F. Ferri, BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas...
Abstract: Snapshots of New Geological Framework and Energy Resource Studies in the Frontier Bowser and Sustut Basins, North-Central British Columbia; #90211 (2015)
Carol Evenchick, Kirk Osadetz, Lavern Stasiuk, Margot McMechan, Peter Mustard, and David Snyder
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Snapshots of New Geological Framework and Energy Resource Studies in the Frontier Bowser and Sustut Basins, North-Central British Columbia...
ABSTRACT: Scientific and Technological Challenges of Carbon Sequestration and Options for India; #90061 (2006)
Malti Goel
Search and Discovery.com
... describes associated risks involved and expected benefits in geological sequestration as well as in terrestrial sequestration i.e., plantation...
London University Research in SE Asia: Abstract
Robert Hall, Moyra Wilson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...; palaeomagnetism; seismic interpretation; gravity studies; and, marine geological investigations using GLORIA and other tools. The SE Asia Research Group...
Abstract: Evolution of the Sorong Fault Zone, Northeast Indonesia, by T. R. Charlton; #91004 (1991)
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AAPG Bulletin; #90909 (2000)
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