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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 82,685 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3D Mobile Visualization Techniques in Field Geology Interpretation: Evaluation of Modern Tablet Applications, by Layik Hama, Roy A Ruddle, and Douglas Paton; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Fluvio-Lacustrine Incision and Deltaic Processes: Insights From an Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic and Modern Analogue Approach, Early Cretaceous, Eromanga Basin, Australia
Search and Discovery.com
SE Cambodia and SW Vietnam Geology, Burial and Uplift History
Search and Discovery.com
Integration of Surface and Subsurface Data With New Technologies to Enhance Reservoir Knowledge in Mesozoic Fractured Carbonates Analogues of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Origin and Significance of Surface Hydrocarbon Seeps on Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago for Sverdup Basin Petroleum Systems; #90108 (2010)
Martin Fowler, Tom Brent, Keith Dewing, and Mark Obermajer
Search and Discovery.com
..., Canadian Arctic Archipelago for Sverdup Basin Petroleum Systems Martin Fowler, Tom Brent, Keith Dewing, and Mark Obermajer Geological Survey of Canada...
ABSTRACT: A Step Back in Time: Oldest Record of Alaskan Dinosaurs from the Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation, Peninsular Terrane; #90125 (2011)
Druckenmiller, Patrick, May, Kevin, Blodgett, Robert B., McCarthy, Paul, Fowell, Sarah
Search and Discovery.com
..., Fairbanks, AK. (3) Consulting Geologist, Anchorage, AK. Geological mapping by petroleum geologists in the 1970s resulted in the serendipitous...
Abstract: When Life Got Big: the Mistaken Point Assemblage of Newfoundland (Ediacaran, 579-560 Ma); #90172 (2014)
Guy Narbonne
Search and Discovery.com
... of Newfoundland (Ediacaran, 579-560 Ma) Guy Narbonne* Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L...
2014-2015 AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series; - Abstracts, #90210 (2015).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Salt Tectonics and Late-Variscan Tectonic Inheritance Interplay in the Lusitanian Basin; #90310 (2017)
Carlos Ruela Nogueira, Fernando Ornelas Marques
Search and Discovery.com
... for significant vertical movements of Meso-Cenozoic cover rocks. Based on fieldwork, tectonic analysis and interpretation of geological maps (Portuguese Geological...
Geodynamic and Tectonic Framework of the South Caspian Basin Evolution, by Marie-Francoise Brunet and MEBE Teams; #90034 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Integrated Reservoir Studies: Some Practical Approaches to Improving the Process and Results
Paul F. Worthington
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...-generated structural framework for a geological architecture that governs the upscaling of petrophysical outputs through to fluid volumes and dynamic...
ABSTRACT: The benefits of updates on geological and Petrophysical understanding of Lower Burgan reservoir in Sabiriyah field, north Kuwait; #90051 (2006)
Ali Nasar Khan, Talal Mohammed Shehab, Nouf Abdulla Al-Mayyas, Moudi Fahad Al-Ajmi, Ealian H. Al-Anzi, Sr
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: The benefits of updates on geological and Petrophysical understanding of Lower Burgan reservoir in Sabiriyah field, north Kuwait; #90051...
ABSTRACT: West Virginia's Mineral Lands Mapping Program
Gayle H. McColloch, Jr., Craig Neidig, Nick Fedorko, Edwin Maki, Robert Holliday, Chetan Desai
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Gayle H. McColloch, JR.1, Craig Neidig2, Nick Fedorko1, Edwin Maki3, Robert Holliday3, and Chetan Desai4 1 West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey...
Abstract: An Introduction to Reservoir Monitoring
Ian McMahon
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: An Introduction to Reservoir Monitoring Ian McMahon - 296 Geological Society of Malaysia - Petroleltm Geology Seminar 1989 AN INTRODUCTION...
ABSTRACT: Visualization Based volume Interpretation Reveals More Geological Information, by Huang, Eileen, Bowen Bai; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
... before basin modelling application. The Gaspé Belt example will illustrate the benefits of this approach for the limitation of geological ambiguities...
ABSTRACT: Integration of Remote Sensing Data with Geology and Geophysics Case Study from Bahrain; #90051 (2006)
Andreas Laake, Habib Al-Alawi, Rutger Gras
Search and Discovery.com
... Kingdom. The objective of integration of remote sensing data with surface geological and geophysical data is to improve seismic survey design and data...
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
... before basin modelling application. The Gaspé Belt example will illustrate the benefits of this approach for the limitation of geological ambiguities...
Abstract: Prediction of Fluid-rock Interactions in CCS Fields An Integrated Approach Using Basin Modeling and Geochemistry; #90257 (2016)
J. M. Verweij, S. Nelskamp, S. Waldmann, M. Koenen, L. Wasch
Search and Discovery.com
..., Princetonlaan 6, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands ABSTRACT The long-term integrity of geological CO2 storage benefits from the sequestration of CO2...
Drone Magic
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
... (DOM) is a digital, 3D representation of an outcrop surface. These models enhance conventional fieldwork, particularly in areas that are difficult...
Benefits of New Offshore Seismics on the Understanding of a Western Mediterranean Continental Shelf Geodynamics and Eustatic Controls During the Neogene (Provence Margin, SE France), #50643 (2012)
Aurelie Tassy, Francois Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, Philippe Munch, Isabelle Thinon
Search and Discovery.com
...Benefits of New Offshore Seismics on the Understanding of a Western Mediterranean Continental Shelf Geodynamics and Eustatic Controls During...
Mineralogy and geochemistry of iron-copper in Mengapur Project, Sri Jaya, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
Ahmad Fauzan Yusoff, Jasmi Hafiz Abdul Aziz
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...) based on geological map dated year 1976 with the scale of 1: 63,360. The aim for this study is to focus on the mineralization concept and geochemistry...
Memorial: Giancarlo Facca (1913-1986)
Ab Ten Dam
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... until 1962. His first assignment was petroleum geological fieldwork in the sedimentary basins of Somalia and later in Eritrea, both of which at that time...