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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,718 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Heat flow and thermal conductivity measurements in the northeastern Pennsylvania Appalachian Basin depocenter

Chelsea Rauch, Kyle Barrie, Steven C. Collins, Matthew J. Hornbach, and Casey Brokaw

AAPG Bulletin

... using a standard geometric mean saturation correction (equations 2, 3) described by Blackwell and Spafford (1987) and Beardsmore and Cull (2001...


Thoughts and Speculations on Geodynamic Processes: Chapter 10

Peter A. Ziegler

AAPG Special Volumes

... hand, was associated with the opening of new oceanic basins, some of which are today no longer characterized by active spreading ridges. The main...


An Analysis of a Seismic Reflection from the Base of a Gas Hydrate Zone, Offshore Peru (1)


AAPG Bulletin

..., and was successful in collapsing the complex airgun signature into a clean spike. True-Amplitude Recovery A geometric spreading correction...


Phase-Ray Maslov Summation: A Complete Finite-Frequency Ray Method

Tianfei Zhu

Search and

... is the source point. The geometric spreading function E in equation 4 is determined by >J (x) / J (x 0 )@1/ 2 , (5) where J(x) is the Jacobian...


Phase-Ray Maslov Summation: A Complete Finite-Frequency Ray Method

Tianfei Zhu

Search and

... is the source point. The geometric spreading function E in equation 4 is determined by >J (x) / J (x 0 )@1/ 2 , (5) where J(x) is the Jacobian...


Geologic Notes Thermal Model Confirmed

Jack G. Elam

West Texas Geological Society

... those ridges that are spreading the fastest. However, those studying these phenomena could not relate them to gravity measurements being obtained from...


A Quantitative Model for Salt Deposition in Actively Spreading Basins; #30117 (2010)

Bernard Montaron and Paul Tapponnier

Search and

...A Quantitative Model for Salt Deposition in Actively Spreading Basins; #30117 (2010) Bernard Montaron and Paul Tapponnier Click to view presentation...


Adjustments of Velocity Logs to Tie Geophone Surveys

Warren Hicks

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...Adjustments of Velocity Logs to Tie Geophone Surveys Warren Hicks 1961 135 138 Kokesh, F. P. and Blizard, R. B.: Geometric Factors in Sonic Logging...


Abstract: Modelling Near-field Effects in VSP-based Q-estimation Part 1: Theoretical Developments; #90171 (2013)

Arnim B. Haase and Robert R. Stewart

Search and

... bandwidth, 2) poorly constrained multiple scattering, and 3) geometric spreading losses. By contrast, the popular spectral ratio method of Q-estimation...


New Global Tectonics and "The New Geometry": DISCUSSION

Robert S. Dietz

AAPG Bulletin

..., no. 5305, p. 20-23. Le Pichon, X., and J. R. Heirtzler, 1968, Magnetic anomalies in the Indian Ocean and sea-floor spreading: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73...


Performance of Lower-Porosity Nugget Reservoirs, Anschutz Ranch East, Bessie Bottom, and North Pineview Fields, Utah and Wyoming

William J. Sercombe

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... The geometric average of cck90y’ permeabilities measured on the Bessie Bottom core was 0,64 md, where kgOis the lesser of two whole-core permeability...


Analysis of Scale Exaggeration on Seismic Profiles (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... exaggeration factors, exaggerated dips, unexaggerated dips, and correction factors which are derived from the ratio of exaggerated orthogonal thicknesses...


Size Analysis of Silt and Clay by Hydrophotometer: REPLY

Clifton F. Jordan, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... However, Mr. Tilly has pointed out that the values of mid-diameters in Table 1 on page 490 were presented as arithmetic means rather than as geometric...


AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 9: Borehole Image Logs in Thinly Bedded Reservoirs

Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... FMITM tool, Ve is referred to as the "EMEX" voltage. During logging the EMEX voltage is recorded every 0.1 in. [.25 cm]. An "EMEX correction...


Geochemistry and Petrology of Volcanic Rocks from the Woodlark Basin: Addressing Questions of Ridge Subduction

M. R. Perfit, C. H. Langmuir, M. Backisapa, B. Chappell, R. W. Johnson, H. Staudigel, S. R. Taylor

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... ABSTRACT The Woodlark Basin consists primarily of crust formed at the Woodlark spreading center over the last five million years. The basin...


Stratigraphic Modeling and Interpretation--Geophysical Principles and Techniques: Section 3. Stratigraphic Models from Seismic Data

Norman S. Neidell, Elio Poggiagliolmi

AAPG Special Volumes

... includes well-log measurements from a variety of physical sensors. We can correlate seismic data with the geologic view in terms of geometric...


Sedimentology of Large Olistoliths, Southern Cordillera Central, Hispaniola

Christoph Heubeck

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: Sedimentology, v. 23, p. 213-234. ROSENCRANTZ, E., ROSS, M.I., AND SCLATER, J.G., 1988, Age and spreading history of the Cayman Trough as determined from depth...


The Hydraulic Shape of Sand Particles

Louis I. Briggs, David S. Mcculloch, Frank Moser

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The results are compared with geometric shape measures obtained from the triaxial dimensions of each particle. The geometric shape measures all show a high...


The Brazilian Equatorial Margin: A Snapshot in Time of an Oblique Rifted Margin, #30325 (2014)

Ana Krueger, Mike Murphy, Kevin Burke, Ed Gilbert

Search and

... zone (COTZ) is not normal to the direction of seafloor spreading and to the trend of fracture zones. Other examples of oblique rifted margins include...


A Sound Exposure Level (SEL) Study for a 3D Seismic Survey off the WA Coastline, Browse Basin

Andrew S. Long, Jens F. Wisløff, Jaafar Ali, Averrouz Mostavan, David Hedgeland, Alec J. Duncan, Amos L. Maggi, Jeremy Colman

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... is denoted in units of Pascals (Pa). It is in no radius from the acoustic source (DEHWA, of wavefront spreading, and the interference sense an averaged...


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