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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Structural and geometrical analysis of saddle reef folds at the mesothermal gold deposit, Port Dufferin, Halifax County, Nova Scotia: implications for future exploration and resource assessment
Ian A. DeWolfe
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Structural and geometrical analysis of saddle reef folds at the mesothermal gold deposit, Port Dufferin, Halifax County, Nova Scotia...
The use of finite element analysis on the characterization of the geometrical and temporal evolution of salt structures: the Matacães diapir case-study (Lusitanian basin, Portugal)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Characterization and Modelization of the Geometrical and Flow Properties of Fractured Carbonates: Application to Amellago Outcrop Data, by I. Malinouskaya, P. M. Adler, J.-F.Thovert, and V. Mourzenko; #120034 (2012)
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The Effect of Geometrical Morphology of Rigid Lost Circulation Material on Its Retention Behavior in Fractures
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ABSTRACT: Geometrical 3D Characterization of Sand Injections in a Fracture Network and Onset Dynamics, Bevons South East France, by Mehl, Caroline; Cojan, Isabelle; #90142 (2012)
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Abstract: Anisotropic Frequency-Dependent Spreading of Seismic Waves from VSP Data Analysis; #90174 (2014)
Amin Baharvand Ahmadi and Igor Morozov
Search and Discovery.com
... for detailed analysis of geometrical spreading and attenuation. Here, we use an 80-level three-component VSP dataset acquired in 1999 as part of the Weyburn...
ABSTRACT: Analysis and Modeling of Fractures in Middle East Reservoirs, by Roy Nurmi, Martin Waterhouse, and Mahmood Akbar; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Geometrical Modeling of Reservoir Sandstones in Miocene Mahakam Delta, Indonesia, by Roy D. Nurmi, Katsuei Saito, and Takanori Uchiyama; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Autostratigraphy: A Norm in Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis; #90013 (2003)
Tetsuji Muto, Ron Steel
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Autostratigraphy: A Norm in Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis; #90013 (2003) Tetsuji Muto, Ron Steel AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90013...
Geometric Modeling of a Turbidite System: Roadmap to Pore Pressure Distribution
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3-D Modeling of the Santa Terezinha Coalfield, Brazil: Implications for Estimation of the Coalbed Methane Potential, by Heinz H. Burger, Wolfgang Kalkreuth, Michael Holz, and René Prissang; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian (Osagean) Bentonville Formation, Northwestern Arkansas, by Buddy Price; #90199 (2014)
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ABSTRACT: Modern Analogs for Carbonate Reservoirs Great Bahama Bank Revisited; #90019 (2003)
G. Michael Grammer, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Gregor P. Eberli
Search and Discovery.com
... depositional environments in the Bahamas formed a cornerstone of carbonate facies analysis in previous decades. Numerous workers provided details...
Abstract: Investigation of Geometrical Descriptors for the 3D Pore Shape Classification in Reservoir Rocks; #90255 (2017)
Mayka Schmitt, Celso Peres Fernandes, Matthias Halisch, Cornelia Müller
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Investigation of Geometrical Descriptors for the 3D Pore Shape Classification in Reservoir Rocks; #90255 (2017) Mayka Schmitt, Celso Peres...
Abstract: Quantitative Facies Characterization of Mississippian Limestone Outcrop Using Ground-Based Hyperspectral and LiDAR Imaging in Jane, Missouri;
Aydin Shahtakhtinskiy
Search and Discovery.com
... literature. This study combined hyperspectral data with TLS for an integrated spatial analysis of geometrical and compositional variations in facies...
Efficient Proxies for Numerical simulation of Unconventional Resources
Vincent Artus, Olivier Houzé
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... matching and uncertainty analysis. URTeC 1896873 2 Figure 1: Voronoi grid for a complex multiple fractures horizontal well To overcome the upscaling...
Abstract: Analysis of Allochthonous Salt and Salt Welds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Utilizing 3-D Seismic
John A. Pritchett and William M. House
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... in the correct spatial positioning of those structural elements. Analysis of the geometrical relationships between allochthonous salt, salt welds...
ABSTRACT: Fault Geometry and Seal Attribute Mapping in the Bass and Otway Basins, Australia, by Peter Boult and Richard M. Jones; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Semi-automatical Sedimentary Analysis From a New High Resolution Oil-based Mud Borehole Resistivity Image
Search and Discovery.com
Semi-Automatic Sedimentary Analysis from New High Resolution Oil-based Mud Borehole Resistivity Image, #41496 (2014).
Shiduo Yang, Philippe Marza, Isabelle Le Nir, Robert Laronga, Tianhua Zhang, Richard Bloemenkamp, Laetitia Comparon, Ehab Shalaby
Search and Discovery.com
...Semi-Automatic Sedimentary Analysis from New High Resolution Oil-based Mud Borehole Resistivity Image, #41496 (2014). Shiduo Yang, Philippe Marza...
Abstract: Geological Interpretation and Reservoir Geometry of Submarine Fan and Channel Deposits, by R. Lambertini, P. I. De Assis, S. M. Hansen, and R. Nurmi; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Characterization and Modelization of the Geometrical and Flow Properties of Fractured Carbonates: Application to Amellago Outcrop Data; #120075 (2012)
I. Malinouskaya, P. M. Adler, J.-F.Thovert, and V. Mourzenko
Search and Discovery.com
...Characterization and Modelization of the Geometrical and Flow Properties of Fractured Carbonates: Application to Amellago Outcrop Data; #120075 (2012...