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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Geometrical Characterization of Normal Fault Damage Zones in Siliciclastic Reservoirs, by Sylvie Schueller, Alvar Braathen, and Haakon Fossen; #90072 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geometrical Characterization of Fracture Systems in Rock Mass by Means of Terrestrial Laser Scanner; #90255 (2017)
David Garcia-Selles, Pablo Martinez Granado, Josep Anton Muñoz
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Geometrical Characterization of Fracture Systems in Rock Mass by Means of Terrestrial Laser Scanner; #90255 (2017) David Garcia-Selles...
Reproducing Spatial Anisotropy and Connectivity of Aeolian Systems Using Virtual Outcrops, Multiple Point Statistics and Forward-Based Process Geometrical Methods
Search and Discovery.com
Graphic Solution of Strike and Dip from Two Angular Components: DISCUSSION
M. King Hubbert
AAPG Bulletin
... dip vector to this line. The line segment from the origin to this intersection is another Fig. 1. Geometrical illustration showing relation between...
Graphic Presentation and Statistical Analysis of Sedimentary Data
W. C. Krumbein
Special Publications of SEPM
..., and such that the geometrical significance of the moments would not be clouded at any point. In I36 the question of moment analysis was reopened (io...
Slope stability assessment in opencast quarry - An UAV approach
Nur Emilia Qistina Mohd Anua, Hareyani Zabidi, Aisyah Shahirah Juhari, Solihin Yaacob, Syaran Suri
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...). In geomining literature, main used methods to assess the slope stability of rock mass in open cast mines are kinematic analysis, limit equilibrium...
Abstract: Overpressure, Seal Integrity, and Reservoir Connectivity in the Scotian Basin; #90224 (2015)
Carla H. Dickson, Ricardo L. Silva, Grant Wach, and Neil Watson
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Sable Subbasin and included structural geometrical controls on Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90224 GeoConvention © 2014, FOCUS - Adapt...
Graphic Presentation and Statistical Analysis of Sedimentary Data: Part 7. Methods of Study
W. C. Krumbein
AAPG Special Volumes
... in millimeters with QD. When two independent variables are used in a given analysis, the geometrical End_Page 586------------------------ picture...
Improving curvature analyses of deformed horizons using scale-dependent filtering techniques
Stephan Bergbauer, Tapan Mukerji, Peter Hennings
AAPG Bulletin
..., which are then also included in the calculated curvatures. Including surface undulations of all scales in the curvature analysis leads to noisy...
Depositional Model of the SNA Field Mid-Main Carbonate Reservoir Northwest Java Basin Through Sequence Stratigraphic Approach and its Implication for Hydrocarbon Prospect and Development
Brianto Adhie Setya Wardhana, R.A. Julia Satriani, Ildrem Syafrie
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... porosity development in this reservoir. The analysis is supported by petrophisical data of each exposure area, and it shows high porosity percentage...
ABSTRACT: Genesis of mass wasting seismic facies deduced by CAT-scan analysis; #90013 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Genesis of mass wasting seismic facies deduced by CAT-scan analysis; #90013 (2003) MATHIEU JACQUES DUCHESNE, BERNARD FRANCOIS LONG AAPG...
Grain Size Variation in the Millbrig K-Bentonite: An Investigation of Ordovician Eruption Dynamics Using Image Analysis
Y-S. Zhang, W. D. Huff
Pacific Section SEPM
...Grain Size Variation in the Millbrig K-Bentonite: An Investigation of Ordovician Eruption Dynamics Using Image Analysis Y-S. Zhang, W. D. Huff GRAIN...
Recent Sedimentation and the Search for Petroleum
W. C. Krumbein
AAPG Bulletin
... themselves to presentation on contour-type maps and surfaces, and some of the geometrical properties of such maps and surfaces are reviewed...
Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Discussion
Dag Nummedal
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Discussion Dag...
Using Machine Learning Techniques for Mapping Dolomitic Facies in a Triple Porosity Calcareous Reservoir. Campeche Sound, Gulf of Mexico; #42472 (2019)
Antonio Cervantes-Velazquez, Jerson J. Tellez, Karelia La Marca, Kurt Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... to the dolomitization process. To characterize the spatial distribution of facies and related porosity of the dolomitic reservoir, analysis of high-resolution 3D...
Abstract: Overpressure Conditions and Reservoir Compartmentalization on the Scotian Margin; #90187 (2014)
Carla Dickson and Grant Wach
Search and Discovery.com
.... Previous work (Yassir and Bell, 1994; Wade, MacLean and Williams 1995; Wielens 2003; Play Fairway Analysis 2012) indicated overpressure on the Scotian...
David M. Rubin
Special Publications of SEPM
... in the real world. Cross-bedding analysis is an indispensable technique for interpreting sedimentary deposits. Crossbedding is an important indicator...
Downhole Geological Technology: Evolution, Breakthroughs and Emerging Solutions to Assessing Discoveries and Finding New Oil In and Around Old Fields: Abstract
Roy D. Nurmi
Houston Geological Society
... not to mention thorough fault characterization, fracture analysis, or the most common sedimentary structures encountered. In the very last field test...
Extended Abstract: Structural and Tectonic Models in Papua New Guinea
Kevin C. Hill
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... stru ctures were interpreted as imb ri cate thrusts w ith relatively little folding. In the SO' s, rigour was applied to the geometrical analysis...
New Technique for Preparing Polished Thin Sections of Heavy Mineral Residue: NOTES
B. K. Chatterjee
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., C. B., 1960, A method of mounting minute particulate samples of opaque ore minerals for quantitative microscopic analysis: Econ. Geology, v. 55, p...
A Program for Computing the True Thickness of Strata Measured in a Field Traverse or Drill-Hole: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER
Jon K. Lindqvist
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in a borehole: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 63, p. 765-776. RAGAN, D. M., 1973, Structural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques: New York, Wiley...
Abstract: In Situ Soft Sediment Deformation Structures in the Tanqua Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa: A Statistical Approach to Understanding Processes and Products; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Role of salt in the geometry of extensional ramp synclines: insights from analogue models
Search and Discovery.com
Salt Tectonics in the Levant Basin: When Two Deformation Systems Meet
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: A Method for Synthesizing and Averaging Capillary Pressure Curves; #90013 (2003)
Wu Tao, Robert R. Berg
Search and Discovery.com
... pressure curves from porosity and permeability, which are easily obtained from routine core analysis, thin sections and well logs. With the method...