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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstracts: The Importance of 3-D in Stimulation Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs; #120181 (2015)
Daniel Moos
Search and Discovery.com
... Hydraulic Fracturing-Means and Methods for a Better Understanding, December 7-11, 2014 , Austin, Texas Figure 2. A simple low-resolution analysis...
4-D Analogue Modeling of Transpressional Structures Growing in a Rheologically Heterogeneous Medium: Methodology, Main Results and Reference Models
Search and Discovery.com
Monte Enoc Field, Southern Apennines, Italy: Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Fractured Reservoir
Search and Discovery.com
High-Resolution Genetic Interpretation of Salt Structure Geometries and Their Near-Diapir Sedimentation
Search and Discovery.com
A Spectrum of Ancient Shelf Sandstones: Abstract
R. W. Tillman
CSPG Special Publications
... in the past, including waves, storms, permanent currents, subtidal currents and turbidity currents. A variety of sand bodies with different geometrical...
Contemporaneous Normal Faults of Gulf Coast and Their Relation to Flexures: DISCUSSION
H. W. Straley III
AAPG Bulletin
.... Without doubt, he intended the term to be genetic rather than geometrical or descriptive. Billings (1942) defines hinge line as, "A line within the fault...
Abstract: Analog Modeling of Transfer Zones in Thrust Wedges, by J. Malavieille, S. Calassou, and C. Larroque; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Borehole Imaging: Turning Signals into New Adventures - North Sea Case Studies, by F. Porturas and D. Haller; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Numerical 3D Restoration of Eocene Features Across the Central Pyrenees (Campo-Ainsa Area), by J. Babault, M. de Urreiztieta, D. Rouby, E. Remacha, O. Oms, and H. Eichenseer; #90904 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Modeling the Structural and Deformational Architecture of Complex Hydrocarbon Traps by HCA Numerical Techniques; #90007 (2002)
Francesco Salvini, Fabrizio Storti, Stefano Tavani
Search and Discovery.com
... is that they are fully constrained by geometrical rules that do not take into account the rheology of the deforming rocks, the mechanical balance...
ABSTRACT: Use of A Portable 3-D Laser Scanner for Digitally Capturing Outcrop Topography And Lithology in High Spatial Resolution; #90007 (2002)
Seiichi Nagihara, Jared Wright, Joe Hargis, Ramey Goss, Glenn Hill
Search and Discovery.com
... that delineate the geometrical shape of the scanned objects. A series of scans around the target objects can yield a 3-D digital geometrical model of the objects...
ABSTRACT Computational Investigations of Turbidity Currents in Complex Topographies, #90104 (2010)
Nasr-Azadani Mohamad; Saegeler Sebastian; Zoellner Michael; Meiburg Eckart; Kneller Benjamin
Search and Discovery.com
..., in order to quantify the effects of the geometrical parameters and grain‐size on the sediment deposit fields. For continuous inflow turbidity currents...
Faults as Barriers and Conduits to Flow: Investigating the Dual Influence of Faulting on Hydrocarbons in the Kupe Field, South Taranaki, New Zealand, #90112 (2010)
Samuel Hemmings-Sykes,
Search and Discovery.com
... flow are well advanced, current geomechanical and geometrical methods for predicting updip hydrocarbon migration (and leakage) due to faulting...
Abstract: Color and Polarity of Seismic Terrain Displays; #90211 (2015)
Steven Lynch
Search and Discovery.com
... three things. The first is its geometrical shape, the second is its surface coloring and the third is the light that reflects from it. Our visual...
Structural Analysis, and Geometrical Prediction for Change of Form with Depth, of Some Arabian Plains-Type Folds
W. Sugden
AAPG Bulletin
...Structural Analysis, and Geometrical Prediction for Change of Form with Depth, of Some Arabian Plains-Type Folds W. Sugden 1962 2213 2228 46 12...
Delineating Shale Reservoir Through Electrofacies Analysis: A New Approach; #42222 (2018)
Abhishek Mukherjee, Troyee Dasgupta, Ajit Sahoo, Mukul Srivastava
Search and Discovery.com
...Delineating Shale Reservoir Through Electrofacies Analysis: A New Approach; #42222 (2018) Abhishek Mukherjee, Troyee Dasgupta, Ajit Sahoo, Mukul...
Estimating The Permeability Of Carbonate Rocks From The Fractal Properties Of Moldic Pores Using The Kozeny-Carman Equation; #51481 (2018)
Adewale Amosu, Mohamed Imsalem, Yuefeng Sun
Search and Discovery.com
..., California 5-9 December 2011. Amosu, A., and Y. Sun, 2017, WheelerLab: An Interactive Program for Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Seismic Sections...
Permeability and acoustic velocity controlling factors determined from x-ray tomography images of carbonate rocks
Nathaly L. Archilha, Roseane M. Missagia, Cathy Hollis, Marco A. R. de Ceia, Samuel A. McDonald, Irineu A. Lima Neto, David S. Eastwood, and Peter Lee
AAPG Bulletin
... by connected, intergranular, unimodal pore networks, are not applicable to carbonate rocks. Pore geometrical parameters derived from digital image analysis...
Predicting the Geology in the Gaps Between the Wells
Mike Shepherd
AAPG Special Volumes
... (from O'Mara et al., 2003), reprinted with permission from the Geological Society.The geometrical body corresponding to a facies association...
Summary: Chapter 4
B. R. Kulander, S. L. Dean, B. J. Ward Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
...Summary: Chapter 4 B. R. Kulander, S. L. Dean, B. J. Ward Jr. 1990 59 60 ME 8: Fractured Core Analysis: Interpretation, Logging, and Use of Natural...
Seismic Wave Attenuation in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from Vertical Seismic Profiling Data, Mallik, Northwest Territories, Canada
Gilles Bellefleur
Search and Discovery.com
... was used as a source. Further details about the survey specifications and initial data analysis can be found in Sakai (1999). VSP data often exhibit...
Seismic Wave Attenuation in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from Vertical Seismic Profiling Data, Mallik, Northwest Territories, Canada
Gilles Bellefleur
Search and Discovery.com
... was used as a source. Further details about the survey specifications and initial data analysis can be found in Sakai (1999). VSP data often exhibit...
Classification of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks and Petrophysical Considerations
G. E. Archie ^dagger
AAPG Bulletin
... "geometrical" variables, making well-logging interpretation difficult. The usefulness of the electrical resistivity curve in detecting productive parts...
Gaining Insight into Formation Anisotropy Using Full Azimuth Imaging and Analysis Tools
Duane Dopkin, Anat Canning, Philip Neri
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Gaining Insight into Formation Anisotropy Using Full Azimuth Imaging and Analysis Tools Duane Dopkin, Anat Canning, Philip Neri feature sponsor...
Optimizing Perforations; #42159 (2017)
David J. Hatton, Payam Kavousi Ghahfarokhi
Search and Discovery.com
... not undergone vast modifications since its introduction to the petroleum industry. Perforation geometrical parameters, such as shots size, shape, approach...